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homoe 05-01-2022 03:59 PM


It's Payday....

Stone-Butch 05-01-2022 09:21 PM

Looking forward to
I spoke to my brother at length today and he is coming to see me on Wed. I can't wait, its been a while. I am going to try to make some lunch so we don't have to go out or order out. I liked what I had for supper tonight so I may make that for Wed. (shrimp, scallop and pasta in an alfredo sauce. Side green salad with oil and vinegar). He drinks hot tea.

nhplowboi 05-02-2022 06:39 AM

Selling the store and REALLY being retired. I know that won't last long but it would be nice to have a normal life for a little bit.

JDeere 05-02-2022 03:03 PM

Finding out if I got the job and then taking things from there!

Getting settled for once in my life!

Gemme 05-12-2022 06:44 PM


Bèsame* 05-12-2022 07:03 PM

Planning a vacay to California✈🔜🔆

JDeere 05-15-2022 01:37 PM

Tomorrow morning..

Going back to Oklahoma, got my gaming commission appointment finally!

Then go from there!

homoe 05-20-2022 07:07 AM

Monday and with it comes a new espisode of Gentlemen Jack!

homoe 05-20-2022 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1288315)
Monday and with it comes a new espisode of Gentlemen Jack!

Perhaps I should be checked for OCD?

Stone-Butch 05-20-2022 08:46 PM

Looking forward to.
Moe, you are impossible. LOL

Looking forward to seeing my brother tomorrow, he is driving in here 11/2 hrs each way to go to lunch and hang out.

FireSignFemme 05-21-2022 04:09 PM

Dinner out with T-4, J and my eldest latter next week. My son bought me a coffee mug to tied me over. They were out of town this year, then later my son's had their stepmother to think about. We do a lot of things together as a family but both moms together on Mother's Day? No it's about appreciation for mothers. Not my ex husband getting yet another chance to reflect on how he once had a harem.

BullDog 08-17-2022 02:48 PM

The WNBA playoffs start tonight. My favorite team - the Las Vegas Aces - is the No. 1 seed. Go Aces!

(All good thoughts for Brittney Griner. The Aces are playing her team the Phoenix Mercury in the 1st round. We have to get her home.)

bright_arrow 08-19-2022 02:59 AM

My SIL visiting in a week
The weekend so we can be lazy because this week has been busy productive
Attending SacAnime next month
Updated a1c at end of month to see our progress towards Project Baby 👶

easygoingfemme 08-19-2022 05:38 AM

  • Coming off of quarantine
  • Fall
  • Cool nights with a fire in the pit
  • Hiking when the leaves are changing
  • Upcoming camping trip with friends
  • Upcoming vacation with Daddy and my parents at the ocean.

JDeere 08-20-2022 01:21 AM

Cooler weather, snow, etc
October, for Halloween
Also maybe seeing Reba in concert in October

Reach *BANNED* 08-20-2022 11:35 AM

A phone call that I will have this evening.

Soft*Silver 08-20-2022 04:28 PM

The thunderstorms that are coming tonite

Blade 08-20-2022 07:39 PM

60 or maybe I should say my 60's cuz they have to be better than my 50's were. This was a hard decade. Probably my hardest yet.

Reach *BANNED* 08-21-2022 07:44 AM

My camping trip that is right around the corner! I think I have revised My lists more times than I can count. (laughing).

kittygrrl 08-21-2022 02:16 PM


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