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Soon 11-21-2011 11:37 PM

Regrets...Do You Have One or Some?
Sometimes, admitting what we regret may shine light on what we should do in the future, or put an event/feeling in the past in perspective and enlighten us on our future paths.

What are some of your major regrets in life?

One of mine is not spending enough time with my father before he passed. I was young, still resentful of their treatment of me when I was an adolescent, and shied away from him. I regret not going over more and visiting when I should have and fleeing the scene so to speak.

Just_G 11-21-2011 11:50 PM

I have very few regrets because I think that even if something happens that would usually trigger the feeling of regret, I have learned from those events and have applied it to how I live and love now.

The regrets I do have are as follows:

1. I regret losing my retainer when I was 13....and not getting another one.

2. I regret dropping out of playing sports because I was bullied and not really all that welcomed in the girls locker room because they thought I was such a "freak". I know I could have gotten a full ride scholarship for basketball somewhere.

3. I regret not going away to college and getting out from under the family.

All these years later though, I am making up for a couple of these things. I have gone back to college and will have my degree in March, and I am now playing tackle football for the Kansas City Tribe. I am making it up to myself for dropping out of sports and for not going to college. (both of which, were huge fears of mine all these years)

The whole retainer thing will come later once I get a great job with decent dental benefits. :winky:

Rockinonahigh 11-21-2011 11:52 PM

The one thing I wish I could change that would hopefully have been better for my family at the time,was not to help a friend of my eldest son when she was in a bad fix with going to juvi hall because of some issues.This so called girl who I had no clue to who she was needed a safe place to stay insted of going to juvi hall till her grandparrents got to shreveport to pick her up in two days.It ws a disaster for my family,all I was doing was to help a child in need.This kid was like an thng from another world a sneeky theiveing B*^%h
No grand parrents came so I told the cps to come gether cause I couldnt handle what was going on in my house,I tryed to do the right thing but then the popo didnt even help when she ,her friends and my eldest striped my house bare and then disapeired for three years.I thought my son woth get tired of that kind of life but It took him ten years to finaly divorce her.
There are other things I wish I hadnt done but seamed right at the time,but this was the biggie.

Apocalipstic 11-21-2011 11:54 PM

Our lives make us who we are :)

But I regret most giving away my two beloved cats years ago because my new GF at the time was allergic.

I miss them.

Blade 11-22-2011 07:52 AM

Like HSIN and Just G many of my regrets stem from not making the effort to spend time with people who are now gone. Pa died the week before my 40th birthday and Nannie Nov 4th last year.

Like Just G I regret quitting playing sports I was good at, due to the same reasons.

Also regret not finishing college, and want to add how much I admire those of you who are able to go back and complete it. I can't do work and school at the same time, it keeps my mind so busy I can't sleep.

Although I should be proud of working at the same place for 25 yrs I regret not jumping out there and changing jobs about every 5 or 6 years, to give myself experience at other things.

CockyDude 11-22-2011 08:01 AM

Pretty much says it all...
I've always tried to replace feeling regret with learning something. Would I like to be able to change a few things along the way? Absolutely but in the end all of our experiences add up to equal the whole of who we are; regrets and all.

1QuirkyKiwi 11-22-2011 08:59 AM

I've made choices in my life based on how I felt, my experiences and resources at THAT time in my life - they haven't always been the best of choices, yet, my life has been an adventure with the ups and downs. I've walked my own path in life - not always so sure of the way.

It's not a regret as such; more a desire that I hoped to achieve after my studies finished in London in the early 90s. I'd planned on doing a Masters degree in Textile conservation and working as a Curator of Textile restoration and preservation.

"Bumps, bruises, joy and laughter. What a wonderful Tapestry it makes in life!"

Greyson 11-22-2011 09:59 AM

One of my biggest regrets is dabbling in drugs and alcohol when I was a teenager. At the age of 15 I had an auto accident that changed my life.

Initially I was pronounced permanently disabled from this auto accident. Joining the Marine Corp when I graduated from High School was no longer an option for me. This was my plan to begin my adult life and find a way to get my college education.

I have wondered what my life would look like today if I had kept my physical ability with the belief in myself and the kindness of others. My life has turned out blessed but I know it would have been different.

Stacy 11-22-2011 10:04 AM

I only have one true regret. It is the one thing I can honestly say that I do not think it would affect where I am in my life at all right now, having not had this person in it. Yes, it is a person.

princessbelle 11-22-2011 10:05 AM

One regret that stands out in my mind is not having more children. Being married to a bio man it is really a wonder i had any at all, looking back....lol.

But, knowing what i know now, i would have left that relationship way before 17 years of it and would have been artificially inseminated at least a couple of more times.

I would have loved to have had a girl, but even if i had continued to have boys, i enjoyed being pregnant and i loved raising children. It is very hard for me to know i am too old to do this anymore and honestly it has been a very painful acceptance.

If i had to do over, i would definitely had more children, probably had a house full. :)

Quintease 11-22-2011 01:14 PM

Regrets... I have a few... but then again... too few to mention...

Growing old is a privilege denied to many...Never leave behind regrets...

I regret the things I didn't do, it's true. I regret not saving, I regret not caring more about others, I regret not sticking to things that I was good at. I regret not walking when I was unhappy, I regret not holding my peace when it didn't matter. I regret not accepting help when I was offered to me, I regret not accepting that some things I just could not do on my own. I regret not finishing my degree, I regret that I didn't know what love was until it found me. I regret wasting my time on the unworthy. I regret not thinking about the future until it forced itself upon me. I regret so much and yet so little.

I don't regret ending up the person that I now am.

bigbutchmistie 11-22-2011 01:30 PM

Regret.... Hmmm I have a few... One is that I never stopped being angry with my mom when she was alive for giving my brother and I up for adoption.

I regret that I never told her that I forgave her, and never really used my time that I had with her. I wished she would have died knowing I forgave her.

The same thing in regards to my grandmother. She died not long after I met her, and she knew I held her responsible for not taking care of my brother and I when the state offered us to them. She died before I could ever tell her I forgave her.

betenoire 11-22-2011 01:48 PM

I regret not going to University. I wanted to teach highschool English.

Queerasfck 11-22-2011 01:52 PM

Once an ex stole my George Foreman grill when we broke up. It had only been used once and was one of those cool outdoor ones that ran on propane. I regret that I let her drive away with it in her car and I didn't stop her.

On a more serious note, I stayed with another ex way longer than I should have trying to make it work when the love wasn't there. DUMB.

Novelafemme 11-22-2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by princessbelle (Post 470900)
One regret that stands out in my mind is not having more children. Being married to a bio man it is really a wonder i had any at all, looking back....lol.

But, knowing what i know now, i would have left that relationship way before 17 years of it and would have been artificially inseminated at least a couple of more times.

I would have loved to have had a girl, but even if i had continued to have boys, i enjoyed being pregnant and i loved raising children. It is very hard for me to know i am too old to do this anymore and honestly it has been a very painful acceptance.

If i had to do over, i would definitely had more children, probably had a house full. :)

*packing up one sassy ten year old girl and shipping her off to Princessbelle ASAP. ;)

julieisafemme 11-22-2011 02:30 PM

Not too many. The number one is getting married to my former spouse a second time in a religious ceremony. Worst mistake I have ever made in my life and hurtful to so many people. The shame of that mistake kept me paralyzed before finally coming out and living an authentic life as a lesbian femme.

Miss July 11-22-2011 03:15 PM

I have a few
When I was younger, not believing in myself, settling for far less than I deserved.
Staying in a relationship that was unfulfilling, to make some one else happy.
Letting other's dictate how the out come of situtations should be.

Thankfully I am learning every day to try and live with no more regrets.

turasultana 11-22-2011 03:19 PM

not buying that damn apartment in the LES for 70K back in the day cause it was "too small." It's worth over 700K now. oy.

UofMfan 11-22-2011 05:53 PM

I see everything that I have done and lived through as building blocks of who I am today. I have made many mistakes, but regrets, very few.

I rather spend my time learning from than regretting.

Cowboi 11-22-2011 06:18 PM

Regrets.....I have a few. Whats done is done. I'm thinkin without them though, I might not be where I am today. It has been a interesting trip though, and as I always say...Its all about the road trip.

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