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-   -   What are YOU looking forward to??? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2384)

T D 06-05-2011 09:36 AM

Looking forward to going back to bed, which is gonna happen very soon ;)

deb_U_taunt 06-05-2011 09:44 AM

I am looking forward to going to Bed, Bath and Beyond today. I am feeling the need to feather my nest a bit.

Queerasfck 06-05-2011 07:11 PM

Homemade salsa made by my woman.

dixie 06-05-2011 09:09 PM

I'm looking forward to this semester being over. I get a couple weeks between this one and the next. I really need to get away for a while, so I'm trying to decide where to vacation. Doesn't really matter where, I'm still looking forward to it.

girl_dee 06-06-2011 06:13 AM

Another wonderful day!

PinkieLee 06-06-2011 09:22 AM

Just 10 more days until....


Leigh 06-06-2011 10:06 AM

Celebrating My mom's birthday today :-)

MsTinkerbelly 06-06-2011 10:10 AM

I am looking forward to the future.

Daktari 06-06-2011 10:22 AM

Finishing this last damnable assignment. Then Summer! woooohoooooo!

rainintothesea 06-06-2011 11:28 AM


:yeahthat: ...since this had to be at least ten characters long, apparently.

foxyshaman 06-06-2011 11:34 AM

Nervous as all get out
Wearing my very first corset out in public. I am so nervous I can hardly stand it!! This is a pretty conservative prairie city... but its Pride this weekend... so who the heck cares. I won't be wearing the acceptable attire...black singleton, black jeans and boots.

My corset is red and black lace and now all I have to do is find something to go with it... but who cares I am going to be one sexy sweet little fox.

Wish me luck.

starryeyes 06-06-2011 11:36 AM

I'm looking forward to spending the weekend in Atlanta with my babe! I am also looking forward to learning lots at the leather Conference we are attending. I am super vanilla, so this should be fun!!!

Andrew, Jr. 06-06-2011 04:29 PM

Possibly going boating with my brother and his 2 kids. Taking a boat from Annapolis to the Outer Banks and back.

Daktari 06-06-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by foxyshaman (Post 353450)
Wearing my very first corset out in public. I am so nervous I can hardly stand it!! This is a pretty conservative prairie city... but its Pride this weekend... so who the heck cares. I won't be wearing the acceptable attire...black singleton, black jeans and boots.

My corset is red and black lace and now all I have to do is find something to go with it... but who cares I am going to be one sexy sweet little fox.

Wish me luck.

Luck! Although I sure you won't need it and will absolutely fabulous dahlink!

It's Pride here too this coming weekend. My Fag-Father will be transforming into Alice Allarse and will be resplendent in swathes of pink gingham and a rather large white wig. I shall be escorting Alice in all black apart from a flash of a pink gingham tie.

Wishing you a fantastic Pride :LGBTQFlag:

Leigh 06-06-2011 06:10 PM

Watching the hockey game tonight between Vancouver & Boston :-)

princessbelle 06-06-2011 06:10 PM

Dixie Stampede!!!!!

~Bo 06-06-2011 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by princessbelle (Post 353633)
Dixie Stampede!!!!!

I've been to the one in Myrtle Beach and I loved it!! Have fun!!!

dixie 06-06-2011 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by princessbelle (Post 353633)
Dixie Stampede!!!!!


Originally Posted by ~Bo (Post 353672)
I've been to the one in Myrtle Beach and I loved it!! Have fun!!!

As many times as I've been to Pigeon Forge and Myrtle Beach, I've never been there.

Tommi 06-06-2011 11:25 PM

short week
:fastdraq: Annual Conference Weds & Thurs, next day off= 2 day workweek.
Just being home :candle: with Kitaro on and the lawnmower the only thing I have to move for 3 days..Maybe, cuz, I can just watch it one more week.

Medusa 06-06-2011 11:51 PM

I just put in a 20 hour day. Yes, I said TWENTY hours.

So basically, it's only Monday and I'm a third of the way through my "week".

I am looking forward to a king-sized bed, a feather pillow bought for me by a bestie, and a ceiling fan lazily spinning above my head while "HouseHunters International" glows on the tv.

I havent been this tired in a long time but am thankful for the end to a week-long issue at work. EXHALLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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