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-   -   What are you having for dinner tonight? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=197)

Stone-Butch 01-16-2021 07:01 PM

Poached salmon and steamed spinach. Ice tea.

Gemme 01-16-2021 09:40 PM

I tried this. It wasn't the best thing ever but it was pleasant and even better when I added some seasoning. 2 Halos and water rounded out the meal.

GeorgiaMa'am 01-16-2021 10:30 PM

- shepherd's pie
- 3 double-chocolate with pecans cookies

Bèsame* 01-16-2021 10:40 PM

I pulled together a veggie sandwich (pesto, chunky swiss cheese slices and lots of spinach, then nuked for melty cheese and wilted spinach, on a brioche roll.)
Avocado bowl with green salsa.
Zucchini bread slice or two for dessert.


Mopsie 01-17-2021 04:31 AM

I ate a snacky dinner while watching the Packers game. I had two mozzarella cheese sticks and some buffalo pretzel crisps. Water to drink. Yum!

homoe 01-17-2021 03:23 PM

I'm skipping dinner tonight so I will have plenty of room for Cloverleaf Pepperoni Pizza tomorrow!

GeorgiaMa'am 01-17-2021 05:28 PM

- leftover shepherd's pie
- applesauce
- iced tea with lots of lemon

Gemme 01-17-2021 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgiaMa'am (Post 1280326)
- leftover shepherd's pie
- applesauce
- iced tea with lots of lemon

Do you know that the first time I ever had shepherd's pie was last year? Inadvertently, I made it on my plate by mushing things up together as I used to do but not as a fully formed dinner.

Tonight, I had salad, some 4 Cheese Cheez-Its, a Keto friendly coconut yogurt, an apple and lots of water.

It was the first time I had the yogurt. It's by Ratio. It has a strange texture. Not unpleasant at all. Quite smooth and velvety but just a hair 'off' from the usual texture of yogurt. I liked it, actually.

Mopsie 01-17-2021 08:58 PM

I had veggie pizza bites, plantain chips, and green seedless grapes for dinner. Plus water to drink. Grapes are like candy to me!

Gemme 01-18-2021 07:04 PM

I had a salad, steak, a spoonful of sautéed mushrooms and squash plus some prunes. Water to drink.

I've always liked prunes, even as a kid. A different kind of 'old soul' I guess.

GeorgiaMa'am 01-18-2021 07:29 PM

- baked pork chops
- Spanish rice
- roasted sweet dumpling squash with butter and brown sugar
- green beans

clay 01-19-2021 07:50 AM

Tofu curry with sauteed spinach, atop garbanzo bean rice!& garbanzos, green onions. It was so good. My honey made it for me, Sunday!

She made biscochitos to go with mate'!

homoe 01-19-2021 10:42 AM

leftover pizza...

GeorgiaMa'am 01-19-2021 08:27 PM

- escalloped ham and potatoes
- applesauce

Orema 01-20-2021 06:58 AM

Chicken breast with a packaged curry sauce that’s in the pantry. Lemon cake for dessert if I get around to making it.

Stone-Butch 01-20-2021 10:14 PM

Crispy chicken wings and tater tots. Ice tea.

FireSignFemme 01-21-2021 12:51 AM

Dinner I planned for yesterday but didn't make because I lapsed into lazy mode. It was an Extreme Wellness high fiber, low carb tortilla wrap made with some of the chicken fajita filling J made for me. Along with it grated Tillamook cheddar cheese and some sour cream. I had to use two wraps because they're very thin and sort of flimsy. Also J forgot the fresh bell peppers I had for it, so J used some frozen ones she had on hand which even with the mix well drained might have made the filling too mushy for just one wrap to hold up. Still, one only has four net carbs, so even with two that wasn't so bad. The wraps held up and the fajita was huge, so filling I started to wonder if maybe I wasn't going to be able to finish the whole thing. Good change, usually when I eat no matter how large the serving I wonder if the amount will be enough to fill me up. Though I had plans for dessert I couldn't, I'm stuffed. Just water to wash it all down. I haven't felt this full and satisfied after a meal in the longest time.

GeorgiaMa'am 01-21-2021 04:14 AM

last night was leftovers:
- escalloped ham and potatoes
- roasted sweet dumpling squash

Mopsie 01-21-2021 08:13 AM

Chips that they fry in the deli with corn and black bean salsa. And some grapes. With water of course.

Orema 01-21-2021 05:28 PM

Probably cauliflower crust pizza. Still eating like a mad woman.

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