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-   -   What are you having for dinner tonight? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=197)

MsTinkerbelly 07-04-2015 05:23 PM

We had:

grilled hot dogs
Tossed salad
Fruit salad
I had a corona beer!

I haven't had a beer in years...it wasn't bad.

MysticOceansFL 07-04-2015 05:28 PM

Cheese burger with the works a side of potato salad and coleslaw and a glass of soda pop!

JDeere 07-05-2015 07:55 PM

Meatloaf, rice, sweet peas and sliced tomatoes with sweet tea to drink.

~SweetCheeks~ 07-06-2015 12:13 AM

Really haven't been hungry much tonight, so I just had some cottage cheese and avocado for dinner.

Jesse 07-06-2015 04:17 AM

Last night I had a burger with cheddar cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato and avocado slices for dinner.

Tonight I am making a recipe that I stumbled across last night for "Vietnamese Chicken and Cabbage Salad", courtesy of thewanderlustkitchen.com It has poached chicken, cabbage, carrots, scallions, rice wine vinegar, fish sauce, and peanuts in it, but I am certain one can add/remove what they choose. I think this would also be good with a white flaky fish that has been poached or baked.

Here's the link if anyone is interested: http://thewanderlustkitchen.com/viet...cabbage-salad/

Sweet Bliss 07-06-2015 05:09 AM

I bookmarked that linkypoo you shared with us Jesse.... thank you so much.

I've been unsettled lately so I made some fresh salsa last night. with avocado of course, can't live without avocado. And scooped it up with corn tortilla chips.

Nothing tastes good anymore for some reason. Having a hard time eating flesh. Am down to chicken, eggs, fish (which I can't have here, roomie is allergic) and of course protein powder. Doing that more often now.

Hope you are well Jesse, I have missed chatting with you.


Gemme 07-06-2015 05:19 AM

Last night, I had a salad of baby arugula, Parmigiano Reggiano, cracked peppercorns, cherry tomatoes and OG dressing followed by spaghetti with turkey crumbles and Garden Delight pasta. I also had black cherry Greek frozen yogurt and a piece of birthday bash cake (it was red and yellow with sprinkles!).

cinnamongrrl 07-06-2015 01:54 PM

I'm thinking of making some lemon marinated chicken with fresh basil and garlic...

Some sort of veggie on the side...

I have butterscotch pudding for dessert too...mmmm

randrum 07-06-2015 07:13 PM

A combo (Italian beef and Italian sausage together on a roll) with French fries.

RockOn 07-06-2015 07:28 PM

nuked this stouffer's frozen meal:
grandma's chicken and vegetable rice bake (so good - I had it last night too)

JDeere 07-06-2015 07:42 PM


Sweet Bliss 07-06-2015 08:31 PM

Friends don't let friends eat pancakes....

Waffle House Button.... lol

Fried Chicken, chips and salsa. (with avocado)

Gemme 07-06-2015 08:39 PM

I had mashed potatoes, gravy, peas and cake with fizzy water.

TheHinduPose 07-07-2015 11:07 AM

Grilled pork chop,butternut squash & parmesan risotto (made with home made chicken stock) and a salad.
Pud:fresh raspberries and a dollop of clotted cream
washed down with fizzy water.

deathbypoem 07-07-2015 11:29 AM

Tonight will be..

Bbq Orange Marmalade chicken (cooked in the rice cooker)

Jasmine Rice

grilled veggies

garlic bread

sweet tea

JDeere 07-07-2015 02:12 PM

BLTs again. Yummy

stargazingboi 07-07-2015 05:07 PM

I went with a wrap filled with hummus, cucumber, tomato, corn, avocado, and sprouts.

CherryWine 07-07-2015 05:13 PM

Guacamole salad and 1/2 of a barbacoa burrito. It hit the spot.

Tierney 07-07-2015 05:24 PM

Polska Kielbasa
Perogies (Onion/Potato)
Cottage Cheese

Orema 07-07-2015 05:40 PM

Leftover from lunch
A caprese sandwich: mozzarella, basil, tomatoes, pepper, pesto-like dressing on baguette.

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