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Jesse 08-14-2010 06:31 PM

:| :| :| :|


Originally Posted by Laerkin (Post 174903)
Eating around my stitches with refried beans, yogurt, and a milkshake.

dixie 08-14-2010 06:31 PM

pizza and brownies...LOL

Laerkin 08-14-2010 06:52 PM

HAHA! That's exactly my face about this pathetic, mushy food. Hrmph.

Everyone else's dinners sound SO good right now.


Originally Posted by Tranzman (Post 174927)
:| :| :| :|

Guy 08-14-2010 07:55 PM

Spaghetti with red peppers and Italian sausage. (Tofurky)

Arwen 08-14-2010 08:43 PM

Firebowl! Mmmm Stirfried chicken, spring veggies, spicy garlic sauce over brown rice.

Best part? Someone else made it! Oh yeah. Love love love Firebowl. I call them and in 10 minutes, my dinner is ready to go.:byebye:

Kätzchen 08-15-2010 07:21 PM

It's just me tonight (Mr. Ed is hanging out with his girlfriend today), so I decided to BBQ a steak on my patio tonight and make a fresh green salad for supper. *yum*

Laerkin 08-15-2010 07:40 PM

PF Changs! Soft tofu with some Mongolian seasoning. Yummy, full of protein, and easy on the mouth. Yum!!!!

femmennoir 08-15-2010 08:10 PM

Soba noodles with mushrooms, garlic, fresh tomatoes and Thai basil, with a glass of cabernet, and fresh blueberry cherry compote for dessert.


Gayla 08-15-2010 08:15 PM

Extra spicy baked chicken, steamed broccoli and stuffing. And celery with humus.

SmoothButch 08-16-2010 03:50 PM

Leftover Mongolian beef from PF Changs

Cowboi 08-16-2010 04:13 PM

Was out running errands, so I had Wendys.

WickedFemme 08-16-2010 04:27 PM

We scored some delicious Heirloom tomatoes at the Farmer's Market this past weekend... so, tonight I am slicing some up with Mozarella cheese, fresh basil and fresh extra virgin olive oil drizzled over with just a dab of balsamic. I haven't figured out the 'meat' portion of tonight's menu (probably something red and grilled). yum!

Fancy 08-16-2010 05:04 PM

Wow. A sweet ripe peach and a glass of ice water.

Chancie 08-16-2010 05:08 PM

I had angel hair pasta with peanut sauce and grilled chicken, and it was so delicious.

I know, I know, where's the vegetable in that meal?

I'll have two ears of corn tomorrow to make up for it.


lipstixgal 08-16-2010 05:21 PM

I had pizza and veggies!!

Laerkin 08-16-2010 06:00 PM

Only a few more days of soft foods, but tonight I had:

- A small dab of soup
- A tiny blast of leftover refried beans
- A cup of Greek yogurt

And I'm staring at the box of Triscuts like a man in hell gazes longingly a glass of ice water.

Give me crunchy, spicy, sharp, chewy, stringy...anything with some TEXTURE!!!!



Guy 08-16-2010 07:29 PM

Caribbean jerk chicken with spring veggies

Jesse 08-16-2010 07:36 PM

The last of my delicious peppered turkey with a green salad and a side of fruit salad.

Abigail Crabby 08-16-2010 07:40 PM

Pepto Bismal :(

femmennoir 08-16-2010 08:23 PM

Tonight was queer knitting at Whole Foods,and I had the salmon sashimi three ways over brown rice,and a mango ice tea...pretty tasty!


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