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-   -   What are you having for dinner tonight? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=197)

Rockinonahigh 12-06-2014 11:31 PM

I fixed me a ham sandwich on whole wheat,then I had a slice of mile high apple pie I made today...my bad, but dam it was good.

Gaige 12-07-2014 04:27 PM

grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup

stargazingboi 12-07-2014 05:14 PM

I made the kids spaghetti and meatballs and we had meatballs with mushroom and gravy, rice and broccoli and yeast rolls

AnAwkwardAccident 12-07-2014 05:16 PM

Vegan nachos!

firegal 12-07-2014 05:49 PM

Hamburger patty,broccoli,cottage cheese

Jesse 12-07-2014 06:07 PM

I'm still eating on the pork and roasted vegetable leftovers. ;)

SleepyButch 12-07-2014 06:09 PM

Vegetable soup

Trev 12-07-2014 06:44 PM

I was supposed to fix tacos but ended fixing bacon cheese burgers with grilled onions n mushrooms.

girlin2une 12-07-2014 06:54 PM

We had oven roasted pacific salmon, boiled potatoes and steamed broccoli...
Option of ice cream for dessert...no takers yet!

SoSousMe 12-07-2014 06:57 PM

Grilled chicken and beef sausage, mashed cheesy potatoes, and a cold pasta salad with tomato and cucumbers in italian dressing yummmmmm

girl_dee 12-07-2014 06:57 PM

Some dry cereal and a cup of coffee

Had an icky lunch and not that hungry

firegal 12-07-2014 08:21 PM

ok Menu changed
the boys were cooking next door so we all ate with them.

chicken tacos soft ....rice...all the trimmings...

ahk 12-07-2014 08:23 PM

chicken bone broth w/ carrots, shredded chicken, onion, and ginger.

C0LLETTE 12-07-2014 10:24 PM

I was going to have a store bought BBQ chicken leg but some woman in the check out line pointed to my chicken leg and said that the chicken had probably had a horrible life in a chicken factory and been processed under filthy and inhumane conditions. I bought shrimp instead. Seems no one gives a damn about shrimps in the check out line.

clay 12-07-2014 10:34 PM

Shrimp Feast.....at Bubba Gumps....oh yum...shrimp 3 ways....coconut, tempura, and steamed...with 3 dipping sauces.....:hangloose:

Sunny 12-07-2014 10:54 PM

I Had
Chili and nachos.

Gemme 12-08-2014 06:24 PM

Mesquite chicken breast, sweet potato fries and a soda.

Gemme 12-08-2014 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by C0LLETTE (Post 954811)
I was going to have a store bought BBQ chicken leg but some woman in the check out line pointed to my chicken leg and said that the chicken had probably had a horrible life in a chicken factory and been processed under filthy and inhumane conditions. I bought shrimp instead. Seems no one gives a damn about shrimps in the check out line.

Well, eating the chicken leg would have given meaning to the chicken's death, no? Now it could rot, uneaten.

Jesse 12-08-2014 06:28 PM

I have a loin roast in the oven that I rubbed with Dijon mustard and then topped with shredded horseradish so that it will have an awesome crust. I will be having some of that as soon as it is done, along with stewed sweet potatoes, green beans, broccoli, onion and carrots.

nekohl 12-08-2014 06:52 PM

Perfectly ripe mango.
Juice running down my chin.

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