Long coastal drive...
A gorgeous day today hanging out with my sister.....
Then I look forward to coming home after a day with my sister..:seeingstars: |
Getting my car washed.
to seeing the Walmart receipt contest results on the Oscars tonight. It should be quite interesting :)
diner with the family after work...........
Going to work this morning and the start of another busy 4 to 6 weeks.
:bow: |
Mom comes home tomorrow! Since December 12th she has only been home for 10 days and was in 5 different facilities for 8 different stays. I think this time she will successfully stay home. Short story: she fractured hip, had surgery, got MRSA, had to go through pain management, and now is just recently able to walk 30-50 feet with minimal assist. So that is enough to get around home and continue PT there. Thank God she is finally coming home!!
March 20 and the 8 days afterwards!
Looking forward
Free time. Burning the candle at both ends is exhausting.
Dinner at a restaurant I have been wanting to go to!
The promotion I'm hoping to get!:praying:
Looking forward to meal prep and audiobooks tomorrow! This has been a hellacious week at work and I plan to sleep in, stay in fuzzy socks and yoga pants, and cook a ton of food tomorrow to last me the weekend and into next week.
On the prep menu is a tiny sirloin roast with red wine, garlic, carrots, potatoes, and whatever else I throw in, spinach lasagna with homemade sauce, breakfast squares, and probably a couple of different rustic breads. I love cooking up a bunch of food and filling the fridge and freezer so that I don't have to think about it for the next several days. |
Spending the day in Philly tomorrow.
Looking forward to oldest son coming over to hang out, help me with some chores. He'll also stick around to make sure I don't clunk over dead in the shower, and then exhaust Monte the Magnificent with half an hour or so of, chase the red spot of light around and never catch it toy. It's so nice when my son comes over and helps with things around the apartment as I cook for us. Then sitting down together afterwards to share a nice meal. It's days spent together like this, after a whole lot of busy work, that my son really opens up with me, shares where his head is at - talks about the truly important things going on in his life and listens to what's happening in mine. Communicating, sharing thoughts, doing feelings, enjoying some laughs over a nice meal always makes for a very heart warming, pleasant and uplifting day. I can't wait to, after the chores are out of the way, spend quality time with my son.
We are going to go and watch, Logan this afternoon! Love that we live next to a cinema! Yay!
two whole days off!
A day of doing exact what I want.
Going on vacation to see my Mom. I love the 10 hour drive across beautiful country and looking forward to chatting away with Mom and eating good food!
The 20th. My ex has been planning a trip down for a while and he's bringing our oldest daughter. Today my mother let me know she's coming down too! I couldn't be happier. I've not seen my mom in almost 3 years..
Im also looking forward to the painting being all finished. Visitors are a huge motivator! |
Looking forward
I am looking forward to buddy time this weekend. Yay!
:bluesbrothers: |
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 11:39 PM. |
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