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Words 12-08-2009 04:32 PM

I Believe in God Because....
I believe in God because when I'm out in nature, absorbing its perfection, I can't do anything but believe in Him.

That's just one reason of many.

What about you?


Novelafemme 12-08-2009 05:16 PM

I don't believe in A God, persay...I believe that we are All God in our own unique ways. We all possess the gift of choice and free will, we all have consciousness and hopefully strive to enlighten ourselves, and we all are born in the likeness of the Divine. God is us and God is all around us. God is energy and mass and light and love. And when we open our eyes each day we are gifted the opportunity to make new choices and live life to the best of our abilities, because as God - we would want only the best for us and everyone around us. It doesn't get any better than that!

FeminineAllure 12-08-2009 05:33 PM

I believe in God. I believe the Grand Canyon is just one of many awesome creations.
I believe in God when I see a child smile...
A prayer answered.
When I look into my cats eyes who *just showed up one day.*
When I hear from someone I had recently been thinking of.
When I see others working together for a good cause.
When I look at the evening sky.
When I see rainbows.
When I see or hear about a miracle.
When I am counting my blessings. Amazing!

Corkey 12-08-2009 05:34 PM

I believe in a God that doesn't ask me to think that my rights are a sin.
I believe in a God that doesn't ask me to bow to any man.
I believe in a God that walks with me, not ahead of me.
I believe the Earth is my Mother and the sky is my Father.
I believe that we as humans can never know for certain here on this earth that there is a God, however it never hurts to try to behave as if there is.

Andrew, Jr. 12-08-2009 05:40 PM

I believe in God because...
When I walk thru a hospice, I see Him. God is love. Love beyond what you and I can ever imagine.

When I am outside hiking, I see the beauty He created in nature.

When I am swimming in the ocean, I feel the ocean waves and sand between my toes He made.

When fishing, I see and bbq the fish He made for me to catch and feed others with.

julieisafemme 12-08-2009 06:22 PM

I don't believe in G-d. I feel G-d. I always have since I was little.

Great thread Words!!! Thank you!!

JAGG 12-08-2009 06:36 PM

My God
I believe God is the only power present in the universe. I believe God loves everything she has created . She that's right, I said she. God is not male or female, so why not say she, instead of he all the time, for lack of a better pronoun. I believe God is the pure energy of love. And we all have that same energy within us, it's what causes us to breath and live it's our magnetic force. I believe God doesn't care either way how you live your life, God simply observes. Without a care or judgement about. I beleive God doesn't answer our prayers, we do. By our thoughts words and deeds. If you want something bad enough ...... Like a xerox machine to the universe everything we think say and do comes back. You manifest your reality. Every second of everyday. Even if you don't beleive God exists , God has no problem with this. It's by design. And we will all reunite with God at some point. When our (souls) life energy evolves enough to be pure love like God.

sharkchomp 12-08-2009 06:54 PM

I believe in God because our bodies are walking miracles! When I was in high school, biology, we took a drop of our blood and put it on a slide. we put some kind of solution in it that slowed all the processes in the blood down and then we looked at it in a microscope. It was fascinating and it blew my mind!!!!


Darth Denkay 12-12-2009 11:42 AM

I believe in God because even though my life at this moment is nothing like my original plan, I know God has shown me my way and I'm exactly where I need to be.

Words 12-12-2009 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by sharkchomp (Post 18405)
I believe in God because our bodies are walking miracles! When I was in high school, biology, we took a drop of our blood and put it on a slide. we put some kind of solution in it that slowed all the processes in the blood down and then we looked at it in a microscope. It was fascinating and it blew my mind!!!!


I had my daughter through IVF. I saw her on an ultrasound monitor when she was 'nothing' but a follicle still growing inside me. I saw her under a microscope when was 'nothing' but a newly fertilized egg. I saw her, again, on a monitor, not once, but several times as little by little, she grew into something recognizable as a baby. And then, finally, I saw her when the doctors placed her in my arms.

The birth of a child is a miracle in its own right. But to actually witness its very conception, yes, I think that was the point at which - as Julieisafemme said so beautifully - I began to feel God.

Thank you to everyone who's posted.


Tommi 12-12-2009 12:40 PM

The dogma of a building is no longer my place of worship. My God is within, expands beyond and I see the shimmering raindrop on a rose, a mountain raising from the sea, the clouds at 35,000 feet and feel the warmth of a hug. And God must have given the cat that purr as he sleeps against my side.


Jet 12-12-2009 01:32 PM

...because in 17 years of what was like "dark night of the soul" He never once abandoned me. It's only recently that I'm healing, by the grace of God, considering that I should have died. I'm reclaiming my person and my life after much loss. I'm starting to rebuild.

NJFemmie 12-15-2009 04:32 PM

I believe in God ... because I cannot imagine that this universe, and all things in it, created itself. Every living thing is it's own miracle and blessing.

Andrew, Jr. 12-25-2009 03:08 PM

I believe in God because when Pope Benedict XVI (82 yo) was knocked down during the starting procession to Christmas Eve Mass, by a woman, he did not respond with anger or wrath. Instead, He got up with help, and continued on. St. Peter's Basilica will never be the same. I am sure security will be rechecked after this event.

Dean Thoreau 12-25-2009 04:11 PM

I believe in God because:

I do not believe human kind could create anything without a little help.

I do not believe humankind could screw up so badly and come out smelling like a rose without a God.

I believe in God which is love, not vindictive

I believe in God which bonds us all together as brothers and sisters not just the ones I like.

I believe in God who I can curse, condemn, holler at and lament and still feel the warmth of God's embrace.

I believe in God who gives all humans the right to make their own decisions no matter how hurtful, painful, destructive those decisions may be; because without the right to make bad decisions we would not have the right to make the good ones.

I believe God's will is an excuse we make so we do not have to accept responsibility for our: lack of action, inaction, that causes people to die, suffer, go hungry.

please note: in this response the term God & he and HIM refers to: Divine being, in whatever gender or human trait the reader wishes to assign to this in explainable in words being.

IttyBittyFem 12-25-2009 05:30 PM

I believe in and love God because He is.

Jet 01-10-2010 02:20 PM

....because I should have died years ago and didn't. It had to be Providence, there's no other explanation.

key 01-17-2010 04:18 AM

I have the God gene
The only way I can explain "why" I believe in God is: It's in my genes. I do not believe that those who are atheist or agnostic are wrong, and I know that while I walk this earth I will never be able to prove the existence of God. So to paraphrase the great Lily and Jane "it's a collective hunch." The more I study my ideas of God the less form God has, the more formless, more like pure energy God is for me. I sometimes think of It as the stuff between all the stuff we experience with our senses, the cosmic glue holding all that stuff together and out of which all things are formed. Its not the tears or the laughter, its the energy that creates those experiences. But of course it is those experiences too, they are not separate, nothing is separate from God. Nothing.

The pronoun that suits It best for me is "It", though that is not as warm and fuzzy and as personal as I experience It. And I do still talk to Jesus sometimes, but that is different (for me) than the entire experience of God.

Andrew, Jr. 01-17-2010 06:12 AM

I believe in God because He is the only One who has never given up on me, and believes in me, and loves me. He doesn't care if my words come out wrong, or if I am judged as a misfit. He knows my heart, my intentions, and my free will. All are good. It's like the book called "When the Brain Can't Hear" is how I live my life. God is the engine that does hear. He is my constant companion, protector, and guide. I would rather have God on my side than anyone else.

The book "When the Brain Can't Hear: Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders" by Teri James Bellis, PhD, Pocket Books, 2002

Blade 01-17-2010 09:41 AM

I believe in God and for many reasons. Today and for the past while I believe in Him because of the strength and wisdom I get daily could come from no one and no where else.

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