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-   -   What do you feel "too old" for? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3692)

Gráinne 08-17-2011 12:28 AM

What do you feel "too old" for?
I was having a conversation with a younger friend, who because she is over (x) years old, believes she is too old for cuddle parties, getting a tattoo,travel, all kinds of things. I came right out and told her that I'm (x+never mind) years old, and blast my age, I'll be doing all those things and lots of other crazy stuff until I die. If you rest, you rust, I say.

I began to think that, except for dressing like my teenage daughter, I'm not really "too old" for much. I don't have the same social needs as a younger woman, and don't get a lot out of clubbing like a disco duck anymore, but it doesn't mean I would never go out dancing. If I made a great effort at getting into shape, I'd run marathons, but maybe flipping around in cartwheels isn't a great idea. I can't eat like I used to when I was younger, but that's a change I wanted to make anyway. But I can't offhand think of anything else.

Are there any activities that someone of (x+y) years is "too old" for, in your thoughts? How many of you have done something like bungee jumping or sky diving, or traveled to some far corner?

Martina 08-17-2011 02:15 AM

i see people my age out there surfing fairly often, but i assume they've been surfing for years. i am definitely too old to start.

gotoseagrl 08-17-2011 03:18 AM


NJFemmie 08-17-2011 05:17 AM


I used to be so good when I was younger. I mean, REALLY good.

Then Mare took me to a roller rink after x-amount of years later and I realized I can't do that anymore. My mind remembered how - but my body said "oh hell no". Now it hurts when I fall, lol. The kind of ouchie that keeps me laid up for days.

I'm sure that if I picked it up and continued to practice it'll all come back, but at this point in my life - it's a been there, done that - and I'm okay with that. But I refuse to never say never.


luv2luvgirls 08-17-2011 05:39 AM

yes I cant pull all nighters anymore and still function the following day :D
but if I was still in Fla I would so still surf. I do skateboard still,but i have skater nephews and a lil one that likes to do stuff with me...keeps me young :)
Though I found out I can only last like 20 or 30 minutes during a watergun fight and im worn out :|

suebee 08-17-2011 06:31 AM

Tube tops. Of course I was too old for tube tops by the time tube tops were invented Thank Gawd! :|

*Anya* 08-17-2011 06:40 AM

I feel too old to:
To old to do what my first GF & I used to do. We would work a double-shift (7:00AM to 11:30PM) @ the hospital, take a shower in the nurses lounge, get glammed up (hey we were both femmes-it was before I realized butches "did it" for me), we would drive to LA from OC, go to Peanuts (no longer there, but it was a great lesbian bar with dance floor) and we would dance until the bar closed. We would dance nearly every song.

We then would drive back to OC, sleep for 2-3 hours and get up and be at work for the morning shift Saturday morning, from 7AM to 3:30PM.

That is the difference between being in your 20's and 50's! Maybe I should make an "I" statement here- I am sure some 50+ year-old can still do this but there is no way I could physically do this now.

Do I wish that I still could, oh yes. They were fun, fun times!

Dominique 08-17-2011 06:52 AM

speaking of double shifts
I have no doubt I can still work 7a to 11p....even several days in a row

BUT I have my doubts, so I'll suffice to say, I'm too old to pull a double shift going 3p to 7a or worse yet 11p to 3p.

Notice no mentioning of clubbing and working. :blink:

tapu 08-17-2011 06:58 AM

Roller coasters and motorcycles. It no longer feels like, "Hey, everybody dies--let's go!"

tapu 08-17-2011 07:01 AM

Tending bar. (In a dance bar at least.) Anya's mention of Peanuts made me think back.... :)

Hey, Anya, remember:
Rage, Revolver, Executive Suite, The Flame?

*Anya* 08-17-2011 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by tapu (Post 400185)
Tending bar. (In a dance bar at least.) Anya's mention of Peanuts made me think back.... :)

Hey, Anya, remember:
Rage, Revolver, Executive Suite, The Flame?

Yes I do remember all if them. I went to the Executive Suite frequently because it was close to OC. It is/was in Long Beach-a few years ago drove by @ night saw a group of younger lesbians hanging around outside. They reminded me of my former self. It may still be there. I used to go there a lot.

I have been wracking my brains trying to remember the lesbian bar in Garden Grove, a dive, that all the OC lesbians went to.

I went once, by myself, when I first came out. All the older butches were hanging around by the back door-looked me up and down in my femme heels, etc., laughing saying: "well, well, what DO we have here?" Kind of like I was lost in the wrong place.


JazzGirl 08-17-2011 07:30 AM

Participating in a mosh pit. :|


Novelafemme 08-17-2011 07:31 AM

i've never gone sky diving, but one of my preceptors recently invited my group and i to go indoor sky diving up in Phoenix in September and i jumped on it. :) <pun intended>

i have been bridge jumping minus the bungee, so that must count for something! ;)

i am a total daredevil and love extreme sports/activities and i hope i'm never too old for anything. i've done 5k's and halves and love to run but still have a full marathon to tuck under my belt. soon though!

Daktari 08-17-2011 07:46 AM

Whilst yer never too old to go out clubbing and dancing I only do it nowadays to remind myself why I don't go out clubbing and dancing anymore!
It certainly takes me days to recover whereas once upon a time, when I used to go out on Friday and not go home until Monday morning, all it took was a shower, a hearty breakfast and I felt ready for the week. To be fair, that was half a life-time ago. :blink:

Dean Thoreau 08-17-2011 07:50 AM

work and chores
I just want to have fun, discover and do silly crazy things because they sound interesting and I think I might want to try them or enjoy them.
work/employment is getting in the way of that. And during the school year I must admit I am physically tired by the time I get home...so my oh lets try this zest is more of a ...oh lets think about that a bit more ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ kind of thing.
I dont want to mow the lawn, tend the gardens or any of that stuff,,,well only when I want to not when it wants me to...see the difference?And right now it wants me to do those things once a week and I am more inclined to think once a month....

Jess 08-17-2011 08:02 AM

contortion... I was up on the roof of the new garden shed I am building yesterday evening, crawling around laying strips to attach the roofing and when I got up to climb back down the ladder, my knees and legs turned to jello. LMAO! I got down and was like jesus god WTF???

I still take on tasks that in my 20's or 30's even were undaunting... I just have to allow a good deal more time to complete some of them and make sure not to take on physically rigorous/ dangerous things when I am less than 100%

( I personally prefer other ways to make "jello legs")

Kelt 08-17-2011 08:12 AM


tapu 08-17-2011 08:23 AM

I am not feeling too kindly toward this topic right now.... I JUST got an email from AARP. Excuse me, but when is that supposed to start???

JAGG 08-17-2011 08:35 AM

The only thing I think I'm too old for, is being pushed in a baby stroller. Other than that I'm game for everything, where do I sign? What time does the plane leave? Let's go !! Will there be music and fireworks?

Rockinonahigh 08-17-2011 08:51 AM

As long as my body holds up ,even tho it has its problms,im readyto do what ever I want to do..age whats that?

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