Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to finishing this statistics paper. :hamactor: I'm taking it way too hard.
Chaz Bono being on Oprah on Monday.
Going to sit at the river with Syr!
So CAl Commute in the rain.
http://cbsla.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/18.jpg?w=420 |
Vegas trip - Memorial Weekend! woo hoooo!
two weddings in the next six months two babies to cuddle & spoil beach days & swimming every chance i can |
Moving! Come on June 12!
I am looking forward to trying my first Georgetown cupcake. My girl went there today with her coworkers and she brought one home for me to try. |
Saturday night!
I hope to be :tango:..... |
June 6..........& if plans fall right, every day there after. :)
This weekend in New Orleans!
Baby Time! I'll be holding my three-week old nephew for the first time since he was only hours old.
6 days til she arrives for a week, a month before we get married.
happily ever after |
Having one big process done with. That won't be done for a month, probably.
THEN, summer break and time with Ma'am and Sir and time for the beach and books and yoga and healthy simple quiet life. |
Life it great!
My day at work tomorrow, going to the Jackson Browne concert tomorrow night with my wife, and our weekend ahead!
Glynn |
...I am looking forward to...
...building a relationship secured by trust, loyalty, respect. These are the cornerstones of any healthy relationship. To know one will be there when one says they will be there. To trust that what is shared in confidence will remain so. To maintain and nurture the trust that is built as things progress. That is what I am looking forward to in a wonderful, exciting way.
Ma'am is taking me somewhere i really want to go. i have no clothes and i am too fat. BUT wahooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
I am sooooo looking forward to my bed and 6 a.m. Huuuurrrrryyyy.....:praying:
Looking forward to visiting a certain candy store in new orleans. Plan on buying many pralines.!!!!!
Can't wait..... |
gardening :bouquet:
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