Going home soon.
25 days...
09/10/11 and it will all be over...well not quite...then the UN-packing begins...:seeingstars:
I'm looking forward to my upcoming travels... Next weekend we drive down to NC to spend the weekend with my dad In October we are vacationing in Seattle & Portland :flying: and finally me and a couple of friends will be doing a Vegas weekend in November So many fun things to look forward to since I worked the entire summer. |
Having her back in my arms and seeing her smile.
May 26 2011, otherwise known as our Wedding day. when Desd and I in front of family and friends will start a new journey together :moonstars: with both of our parents by our sides loving and supporting us my beautiful daughter as our flower girl :blueheels: it just doesn't get any better (f) I know I am one lucky Cowboi and by the time of our big day I will be all healed up and able to dance with my wife
Starting to build my future
This weekend and getting my car fixed. :) I am so tired of being stranded. Im ready to get out of the house in this beautiful weather.. :) Losing more weight |
24 days...
mischief, naughtiness, fuckery, the reunion...lots of stuff :)
Vacation next month, provided I don't get new job. Otherwise, short time at reunion.
If neither of those work out... Planning. |
Oregon, 27 sleeps, being in the arms of my Daddy, i'm soooooo ready for this..WAIT, am i ready for this? *making lists* stuff to buy, stuff to pack, soooo much to do *big grinz*
happy, happy, HAPPY girl! |
Seven days... ;-)
5 days until im in california
Getting my car fixed Saturday.... Im so ready to get back to church. Its where I feel at home.
I am also dropping my baby boy off to the Groomer's :) He hasnt had his puppy spa day in months, so Daddi has to make sure he looks just as good as me. After all we are a pkgd deal ya know? :) |
23 days...
Being over it. This has turned out to be quite the mind fuck. And not the good kind.
Spending time with my kids at a family reunion. Seeing the daughteer I gave up for adoption 25 years ago.
Laughing with my sister. Seeing my father, I have not laid eyes on him in 14 years. It will be a strange weekend, but a good one. No fuss. No Muss. And if all else fails... get me the wine!!! |
To getting my sweet package in the mail in 4 to 5 daysssss. Heaven is on it's way.
another night out... been too long and was so much fun
For the rains from Hurricane Lee to stop and the water to stop running into my basement.
I've been bailing out since 9 am. :( |
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 11:32 PM. |
All information copyright of BFP 2018