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Julien 06-30-2012 09:36 AM

Sunday I get to see Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly on the big screen. One of my all time favorites is playing at the Sanger Theater here in Mobile. I am such a film geek.

SoulShineFemme 06-30-2012 04:45 PM

Celebrating my first Canada Day with ONLY and then we are taking her sweet boy to a nearby town for some serious TOURIST activities! Woo Hoo!! Life is good!

RockOn 06-30-2012 07:10 PM

Ready for this pounding headache I have had for several hours to depart. Thinking heat related. It was 102 degrees outside today. I worked outside until almost 3:00. Came in, stripped off soggy clothes to take cold shower ... then the power went went off and almost 2 hours before it came back on. Made the dogs come outside and come sit at the far end of backyard in the shade with me. Checked on my new neighbor couple of times - she is 72 and still on chemo, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2012. Put some ice cubes in a bandana ... wrapped it around my male dog's head, fed him ice and rubbed him down with ice cubes. Poor guy, he got too hot and started throwing up.

All is well now here aside from headache.

Our little 2 hour experience in brutal heat without air conditioner was nothing compared to what others around the U. S. are going through.

Happy Saturday evening to all you BFPlaneteers!

girl_dee 06-30-2012 09:13 PM

Fishing in the morning with Syr!

bkisbutchenuff 07-06-2012 05:28 AM

The palace will have a very special guest tonight! Gonna be a nice relaxed weekend!:cigar:

pajama 07-06-2012 06:44 AM

Hearing from the manager at an interview I had yesterday to tell me "officially" that I have the part-time job. As a Shift Supervisor at the campus Starbucks. *squeeeeeeeeeeel* I loved working at Sbux but it just couldn't pay the bills. But as a pt gig to save up for two major expenses I have planned, it is a dream come true. Life is Good.

btw - I did let them know in the interview that I would be out of town September 19-24th. :D

pinkgeek 07-06-2012 07:38 AM

Travel - travel - travel.. So many adventures to be had in the next 6 weeks before fall semester. I can't wait!!

Lazy Daze 07-06-2012 06:55 PM





My sweetie bought me and the nephew a "tandem parasailing adventure" for tomorrow morning!! I can't wait!

Kenna 07-06-2012 07:19 PM

Mamma time with the furbabies this weekend ... a relaxing few days.

Blade 07-06-2012 09:25 PM


Kenna 07-06-2012 09:57 PM

Fall at Granddad's orchard
frozen apple cider slushies
the smell of fresh picked Honey Crisps and apple cider
Cool mountain air
Sitting by the rushing water of French Broad River
wading in the cold water waist deep to fish
Biting into my first Honey Crisp of the season

Soon 07-06-2012 10:18 PM


Soft*Silver 07-06-2012 10:22 PM

getting my tooth pulled on Monday. It was cracked in half a month ago...then a piece chipped off and it split more. Tonight, half of the back of the tooth fell off..nerve is exposed. I couldnt get in sooner to have it pulled than now. A month later...while trying to open a store...I am having it pulled one week before the grand opening..lord let it be done already!

asphaltcowboi 07-07-2012 10:29 AM

up coming trip to calif.. ,my brothers retirement party then 2 wks after a family reunion!! yea!! ill have a month out there enjoying the sun,pools and BBQs. might even make a trip to san francisco and visit the company i retired from visit some of the guys i used to work with.

Gaige 07-07-2012 01:26 PM

Receiving my new phone and starting fresh and then shopping for new apps :p

Lazy Daze 07-11-2012 08:12 PM

We are going Jet Skiing on friday!! I have never been, neither has the kid, so Guy has his hands full!! :titantic::theisland::shark:

sylvie 07-11-2012 08:29 PM

- :flying: < to see Daddy soon! 29 days!!

- starting school, in September..SO nervous.. But will be a proud college girl!
- running my first 5k event!

bkisbutchenuff 07-12-2012 05:59 AM

So looking forward to closure - last 6 months and my mistakes in a business deal, putting it behind me and enjoying the rest of my summer!


I am still blessed!


luv2luvgirls 07-12-2012 08:48 AM

Da weekend party n general fuckery :cheesy: Weeeeeeeeeeee

PinkieLee 07-12-2012 09:18 AM

I am looking foward to hitting the road at 5 o'clock today to head for New Braunfels :) It has been raining here for 2 weeks nonstop... I wanna get away with friends, soak up some sunshine (fingers crossed), suck down cold beer & laugh until I cry!

I am also looking forward to the rain stopping... so our pool installation can start :)

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