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-   -   What are YOU looking forward to??? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2384)

Bèsame* 12-08-2014 08:10 AM

Sitting by the fire, reminiscing about this past year, making plans for next year. Staying warm, holding hands, connecting hearts.

Daniela 12-08-2014 08:11 AM

I'm looking forward to the point in my project where I finally like the creative direction it's going in. I've got nothing right now, though it would prob help if I actually do some work.

JoSchmooze 12-08-2014 10:47 AM

I'm looking forward to a medical appointment
tomorrow afternoon - so I know which direction
the new year will take me....

JustLovelyJenn 12-08-2014 12:06 PM

I'm looking forward to a possible winter camping trip in the next couple months.

clay 12-08-2014 02:34 PM

Making sugar cookies with my honey this week!:sunglass:

starryeyes 12-08-2014 04:06 PM

Going to Lake Tahoe on Thursday! :)

girl_dee 12-09-2014 09:31 PM

Getting this year over with :sigh:

Kenna 12-09-2014 10:04 PM

A bonfire, my birthday and New Year's night

A. Spectre 12-09-2014 10:13 PM

being a samaritan, by definition aren't all samaritans "good?"

CherryWine 12-13-2014 12:48 PM

Looking forward to a dinner date with my gf tonight, and then later we will drive out to the country to watch the Geminids meteor shower. They say the best time to watch is around midnight local time.

Jedi 12-13-2014 12:51 PM

I'm looking forward to a trip I'm taking at the end of January.

Bèsame* 12-14-2014 01:08 AM

Getting lost
in passionate
this *afternoon*
and forgetting
beyond our
lips and bodies

JDeere 12-14-2014 01:28 AM

To not having knee pain!

firegal 12-14-2014 07:04 AM

Tick Tock
gettinf off work in 90 mins and heading home,grab a Latte and the sunday paper and chill in recliner.

Then go to see a few of my tenants...

Then get dad, cook him lunch and WATCH SEAHAWKS!... vs san fran

Clyde 12-14-2014 07:12 AM

Clipping my toenails.

diamondrose 12-14-2014 07:28 AM

My day off. Half way through my rotation.

girl_dee 12-14-2014 08:15 AM

Visits from the fam today.

JustLovelyJenn 12-14-2014 01:17 PM

I am looking forward to the smell of fresh paint, and fixing up the house we are renting... we get to move in this week. It's a wreck, but thats part of the adventure.

snowbrdr303 12-17-2014 01:57 PM

Getting my geek on with the boys tonight... Settlers of Catan game night!

girl_dee 12-17-2014 07:26 PM

American Horror Story in a little while............

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