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JustLovelyJenn 12-17-2014 10:54 PM

I am looking forward to the weekend after New Years...

LeftWriteFemme 12-18-2014 12:57 AM

Fell in love with her singing here, am totally looking forward to hearing her sing on Christmas!!!

girl_dee 12-18-2014 06:09 AM

going to work today in my new office. It will be interesting!

SleepyButch 12-18-2014 09:15 AM

I cannot believe that in two weeks from today, it will be 2015! I have to say that 2014 hasn't been very good to me so I'm looking forward to 2015.. with a new year starts a clean slate.

CherryWine 12-18-2014 09:45 AM

I love my family and friends dearly and enjoy Christmas time with them, but as an introvert I will be ready for some peace and quiet after all of the holiday festivities. The two of us will be spending a few days at the beach for New Year's, and I am really looking forward to unwinding and doing what we want on our own schedule.

It is definitely hard to believe the year is almost over!

cinnamongrrl 12-18-2014 10:59 AM

Being somewhere that I can feel settled in....

Kenna 12-18-2014 12:27 PM

A week with no doctor appointments. They just called to bump one from late January up to December 23rd. Uggg.

Queenie 12-18-2014 12:32 PM

What am I looking forward to?
For my husband to get home from work!

girl_dee 12-18-2014 06:08 PM

a day off! The computer guy showed up late so my office being moved took too long and i could not catch up today. Insanity.

JDeere 12-18-2014 07:29 PM

New Years Eve

Kenna 12-22-2014 07:16 PM

By this time next year, hopefully sooner, I WILL have a Yurt. I LOVE Yurts!! But if a yurt is out of my reach 'down south', then I am determined to have my very own little cabin.

JDeere 12-22-2014 07:42 PM

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, I get to spend it with my sister and my brother under the same roof.

I really missed them while I was living in Oklahoma.

nekohl 12-22-2014 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kenna (Post 958471)
By this time next year, hopefully sooner, I WILL have a Yurt. I LOVE Yurts!! But if a yurt is out of my reach 'down south', then I am determined to have my very own little cabin.

I love yurts!!! Always wanted one and have looked into creating my own little yurt compound :)

Good luck!

cinnamongrrl 12-25-2014 06:49 AM

Showering in a place with better water.

My hair is about dead because the water here is hard or something...it never feels clean. I'm going to have to cut it all off and start over :(

Blade 12-25-2014 09:44 AM

Spending time and watching the excitement of Christmas threw the eyes of a child. My great neices are at that wonderful age of innocent, naive, exciteable and just old enough to express it well. 2 1\2...3...4...and 3 months and one on the way. All girls! I dont know why this family cant make just one boy. LOL

JDeere 12-25-2014 10:25 AM

Christmas dinner

SmoothButch 12-26-2014 07:19 PM

I may be getting another tattoo tomorrow!

cinnamongrrl 12-26-2014 07:47 PM

It's official!!!!!

I'm moving back to Asheville!!!!!!

My friends there miss me terribly and I them...they are going to put me up (and put up with me) until I can get a place of my own...

I cannot wait to immerse myself in mountain air and hike til my butt falls off!

The (Blue ridge) parkway is going to be seeing a lot of me; especially since it's 5 minutes from where I'm going to be living!

I confess...I can't wait to begin frequenting my old favorite breakfast place. I have missed my favorite waitress AND their coffee...but not the goat cheese...

Just in time for festival season! And bluegrass nearly nightly....and excellent beers on tap...

And if that weren't enough....I have an interview for a job that pays really well...and doing one of my favorite things...cleaning! Eco cleaning to be exact...

*fingers crossed*

Feels like the universe is giving kisses again rather than the ass kicking it's been doling out....thank you universe! :bouquet:

:cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:: cheer:

Firedance 12-26-2014 07:56 PM

Kind eyes, calloused hands, and a wicked grin.

JDeere 12-26-2014 08:25 PM

Monday when i finally get to rest

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