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-   -   What are YOU looking forward to??? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2384)

Bèsame* 12-31-2014 10:49 PM

the fire pit and the smokey smell of my clothes... and Well the shower that will follow ;)

FlaFem84 12-31-2014 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by FlaFem84 (Post 960594)
Getting out of certain situations, moving on and future possibilities in all areas of my life. Been tough last couple years and a few reasons so I'm looking forward to a new year

Meant "for" a few reasons not "and"

Orema 01-01-2015 09:43 AM

Going to work tomorrow. It will be a ghost town at work. No phones ringing, not many emails, no one popping in asking, "hey, you got a second?"

Will be able to do admin/paper work, close out old projects, clean and reorganize area. Get rid of the old and get ready for the new. Will be able to come in late and leave early.

Boring? Perhaps, but life could be worse.

cinnamongrrl 01-01-2015 12:08 PM

Spring in the mountains...

Nailing down my work schedule...

Taking a class...or classes...

Hiking and backpacking this summer..

Volunteering for Habitat and the Humane Society...Ive been making inquiries :)

The Humane Society here has a group called Hiking Hounds where volunteers take the shelter dogs hiking and into society to increase their visibility and improve their chances for adoption...

Daniela 01-01-2015 12:27 PM

I'm going to the David Letterman show on Jan 5! woot!

That's it, really. My life is otherwise pretty uneventful.

Blade 01-03-2015 05:26 AM

Working a normal work week. While I enjoy having days off, it has messed up my sleep schedule with Christmas and New Year being in the middle of the week.

cinnamongrrl 01-03-2015 05:49 AM

At this moment....for the Advil to kick in....

Later....a nice walk and later later making dinner for my roomie...

Chad 01-03-2015 06:33 PM

Looking forward
I am looking forward to a Saint Valentine's date with my beautiful lady.

Happyfemme 01-03-2015 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Chad (Post 961045)
I am looking forward to a Saint Valentine's date with my beautiful lady.

Thanks honey I can't wait.

cinnamongrrl 01-04-2015 06:31 AM

Im looking forward to all the spring festivals coming up! I got here too late for them last year. I got my car (a Ford Focus wagon) with camping in mind. I can easily put a twin air mattress in the back and be all set for the weekend. :)

Theres a huge bluegrass festival in Virginia Im really hoping to go to this year. :)

Cailin 01-04-2015 01:02 PM

so many things!

my birthday trip this year, and the super big birthday trip i'm planning for my 35th birthday :)

i'm looking forward to my living room and kitchen getting super cleaned, and then relaxing for the rest of the day

cinnamongrrl 01-04-2015 05:35 PM

Im looking forward to the bluebirds returning in spring. I didnt know they don't over winter here and I missed seeing tbem on our walk today...

JDeere 01-04-2015 07:54 PM

Getting all these appointments over with, this week.

Talon 01-09-2015 11:37 AM

The parents are in town this weekend, and they're taking me to Luciano's this evening for dinner.....tomorrow, I have a ski date (finally got my snow!)...and then antiquing with friends on Sunday. Ought to be a very nice weekend. :cherry:

Keep Smilin 01-09-2015 12:27 PM

Looking forward to getting through the events of Saturday. It's been a long emotional week and I am Exhausted!!!

cinnamongrrl 01-09-2015 02:53 PM


Orientation for college. Which doesnt necessarily mean Im going. Just getti.g the mandatory orientatiøn outta the way...


Bluegrass concert followed by bluegrass open mic... :)

jools66 01-09-2015 03:49 PM

Looking forward to what 2015 brings.
All the good films, concerts,
But most of all, all summer days spent cycling again
picnics and going to the coast.

CherylNYC 01-09-2015 05:06 PM

Mary Gauthier playing in NYC tonight!

CherylNYC 01-09-2015 10:10 PM

Unfortunately, Mary Gauthier shared the bill with two other performers. It was OK, but I wasn't that interested in them. She'll be back here in March for a solo gig. Now I'm really, REALLY looking forward to that!

JDeere 01-10-2015 04:37 AM

Tonight, I am going out.

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