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Orema 04-19-2016 05:48 AM

Driving on the freeway again this weekend. I had a breakthough a week or so ago and realized I just can't drive on 78, but I can handle I-15, I-5 and almost any other freeway. I get on 78 and freeze up, but am more relaxed on other freeways.

Looking forward to cruising on I-15 this weekend.


Soon 04-19-2016 06:01 AM

Conference in Toronto for 3 nights! Leaving for the train soon!

starryeyes 04-21-2016 09:39 AM

Babe and I booked a cruise to Mexico with my family. Can't wait for December!!!

cinnamongrrl 04-22-2016 08:21 PM


I register for my CNA course then...and maybe even get my books...

Then I have to go buy uniforms...it's all coming together so quickly....


I found out my new company has reimburses for tuition...so my pre reqs for my RN will cost me only for the books...

I may be more than a little excited.. :)

JDeere 04-22-2016 08:23 PM

Next Thursday!

I get to go spend some time with my honey!

girl_dee 04-25-2016 08:35 PM

Friday... heading out of town for the weekend ! :carride:

~ocean 04-25-2016 09:58 PM

tomorrow nights ( Tuesday) playoff game Celtics & Hawks

girl_dee 04-26-2016 08:19 PM

going on a seafood hunt Thursday to make a big pot of gumbo to take with me this weekend..............

cinnamongrrl 04-28-2016 09:14 AM

Monday..who'd have thunk it??

My kids and their father will (hopefully) be here by then. They are leaving sometime Sunday. He's a military man and not much for stopping to take in the sites so....with gas stops ONLY it should only take them about 13.5hours. Maybe less. He drives like a maniac.

Bèsame* 04-28-2016 09:27 AM

This afternoon! I have the day off and Blaze gets off work earlier! We will actually get time together!

TL1 04-28-2016 09:43 AM

My sisters graduation next weekend from vet school. She worked very hard and already has a job lined up to work on her favorite.... Horses. Very proud of her. :)

Blade 04-28-2016 05:55 PM

This week being over. Wow what a week

randrum 04-28-2016 06:08 PM

Just booked airfare to go out to New York in July. :)

girl_dee 04-28-2016 09:12 PM

heading out for a road trip tomorrow.... bringing the gumbo with me!

RockOn 04-28-2016 09:56 PM

sleep, I am exhausted ... fearing I will not be able to sleep ... my mind won't shut down ... appointment tomorrow afternoon to be at this home I am buying, meet with home inspection guy, want to personally evaluate what he does

I am not worried about him finding anything wrong at all with the home but since I paid for him, I want to be present

Want July to come now ... I will be settled in, fence up, canine children happy with their new digs and plan to create a calm, quiet relaxing environment ... I will be king of Pittie Bull Paradise! *grin*

Orema 04-29-2016 05:42 AM

Sleeping in tomorrow morning.

TheHinduPose 04-29-2016 09:47 AM

I've been grumpy and moody all week due to having to work whilst nursing a cold/flu..............but this coming weekend is a long one,so I'm looking forward to doing as little as possible and sleeping plenty.

kittygrrl 04-29-2016 10:29 PM

about the garden..weekend trips to an art colony we love..this summer, the desert to see shooting stars! beautiful..

girl_dee 04-30-2016 05:24 AM

:happyjump: hanging out with the fam today...

Chad 04-30-2016 10:35 AM

Looking forward
I am going to a family double birthday party. We will have yummy bbq, yummy drinks, and yummy loved ones.



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