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-   -   What are YOU looking forward to??? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2384)

~SweetCheeks~ 06-27-2016 08:34 AM

Getting my MRI on my back and knee done and finding out the results. Also whatever my honey is planning, she has some surprise up her sleeve.

Chad 06-27-2016 11:54 AM

Looking forward
Looking forward to the coast and cruising around in the boat.


Gayandgray 06-28-2016 09:57 AM

Winning the lottery...........:jester::jester:

MsTinkerbelly 06-29-2016 09:02 AM

I am looking forward to celebrating our 8th year wedding anniversary on Sunday.(f)

If there had been marriage equality when we became engaged, it would have been our 14th!

C0LLETTE 06-29-2016 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by MsTinkerbelly (Post 1073075)
I am looking forward to celebrating our 8th year wedding anniversary on Sunday.(f)

If there had been marriage equality when we became engaged, it would have been our 14th!

My heartiest congratulations to you both. I hope Sunday is a lovely, joyful day.

grenade 06-29-2016 11:56 AM

Management meeting in 30 minutes. I've been working in my office all morning and need people time to recharge me. I also know that our VP has a personality profile presentation. We took tests a couple weeks ago. I can already tell you what areas everyone scored in. I'm a people watcher and analyzer. 😉 It's fun to see how the different types fit (or don't fit) in relation to teamwork.

Blade 06-29-2016 04:10 PM

Normally I'd say the up coming long weekend...but I've been on a long weekend for 8 weeks

randrum 06-29-2016 04:43 PM

No more evening meetings with Korea!

Unfortunately this is probably one of those things I will be "looking forward to" for a while.

(No end in sight.)

GeorgiaMa'am 06-29-2016 08:00 PM

A 3-day weekend - I know, almost everybody else is too, right? :)

But I am looking forward to a 3-day weekend of complete peace and quiet, no obligations, no doctor's appointments, no out-of-town guests to entertain, nada. Just me, by myself, mercifully alone and quiet.

Chad 06-30-2016 11:59 AM

Looking forward
I am looking forward to a 4 day weekend!!!

Look out world Chad is on the loose and unsupervised. Haha!


Brooklyn 06-30-2016 12:55 PM

Off work at noon tomorrow - and then off for the next 3 days after that !!

Orema 06-30-2016 01:35 PM

A four-day weekend that starts on Saturday.


clay 06-30-2016 03:10 PM

Our weekend getaway to our "bungalow on the beach"...fishing...feeding lettuce heads to the manatee.....watching gorgeous sunsets right on the dock deck....just time away with my honey.....

Sweet Bliss 06-30-2016 05:22 PM

Cashing my 200 million dollar Lotto check in Tallahasse.

MsTinkerbelly 06-30-2016 05:57 PM

I made blueberry lemonade popsicles from our lemon tree...I look forward to them being frozen soon!

starryeyes 06-30-2016 07:26 PM

Four day weekend!!!!

JDeere 06-30-2016 07:40 PM

The weekend of the 7-9th.

Brooklyn 07-09-2016 07:57 AM

Looking forward to taking one of my nieces to see The Secret Life of Pets this afternoon. We planned this weeks ago in anticipation of the movie being released - it is going to be a great time !!!

Stone-Butch 07-09-2016 12:34 PM

Looking forward to
Going to the movies to see Tarzan 3D then for Chinese takeout with a nice lady and home to play music and watch tv.

LOQUI 07-09-2016 04:06 PM

...time with family and friends back in the Island!

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