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Mel C. 12-04-2017 05:07 PM

24 days, when I get to hold her again 🌹😍

Degotoga 12-04-2017 05:17 PM

Cooler temps that last longer than a couple of days.

cathexis 12-04-2017 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Degotoga (Post 1184831)
Cooler temps that last longer than a couple of days.

Want more than a dusting of snow. Tomorrow, temps into the 50s. Some
Canadian border wintertime.
How 'bout a foot of the white stuff with fabulous big flakes.

Degotoga 12-04-2017 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by cathexis (Post 1184833)
How 'bout a foot of the white stuff with fabulous big flakes.

I would absolutely love that! I miss the beauty and serenity of freshly fallen snow, building snow-people, and having snowball fights. Not to mention crackling fires in the fireplace (and all that they can lead to), hot cocoa, and cold weather comfort foods.

GeorgiaMa'am 12-04-2017 06:12 PM

Two weeks off at Christmastime! One of the many things I love about working in academia . . . not only am I not at work, there is no one else at work either making work for me!

Gemme 12-05-2017 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Degotoga (Post 1184838)
I would absolutely love that! I miss the beauty and serenity of freshly fallen snow, building snow-people, and having snowball fights. Not to mention crackling fires in the fireplace (and all that they can lead to), hot cocoa, and cold weather comfort foods.

I used to love and look forward to this too but actually working out in that stuff has changed my opinion. It's pretty but I get pretty miserable shoveling and salting that stuff.

I'm looking forward to spring.


girl_dee 12-05-2017 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Gemme (Post 1184984)
I used to love and look forward to this too but actually working out in that stuff has changed my opinion. It's pretty but I get pretty miserable shoveling and salting that stuff.

I'm looking forward to spring.


i agree, its beautiful until i have to shovel it.

i am looking forward to NEW YEARS EVE!
:moonstars: :fireworks:

Bèsame* 12-05-2017 12:36 PM

ok, enough of the talking....and predictions...and waiting...

That cold front can't get here fast enough in Texas. ( I have my a/c on still)

Teddybear 12-05-2017 03:51 PM

Warm weather!!!!!!

JDeere 12-06-2017 01:33 AM

My first overtime paycheck!!!!

Esme nha Maire 12-06-2017 03:17 AM

Two whole long beautiful weeks where I don't HAVE to go anywhere unless I want to! Bliss...

tantalizingfemme 12-06-2017 03:33 AM

New York City!

AmazonDC 12-06-2017 04:46 AM

Being done with work today so I can go home and sleep..

Bèsame* 12-06-2017 08:10 AM

When my cat decides to ride my Roomba!

homoe 12-06-2017 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by tantalizingfemme (Post 1185098)
New York City!

OMG I'm SO JEALOUSE..........................

homoe 12-06-2017 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by JDeere (Post 1185095)
My first overtime paycheck!!!!

Least it be me to burst your bubble but Uncle Sam will take a good chunk before you see it............just saying

LOQUI 12-06-2017 11:33 AM

Santa! The Three Wise Ones! Family visiting! My birthday!
(We can close the year after that! Ha!)

JDeere 12-06-2017 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1185136)
Least it be me to burst your bubble but Uncle Sam will take a good chunk before you see it............just saying

Not quite lol i dont pay much in taxes and i only claim myself. To me thats about 60 bucks each paycheck.

homoe 12-06-2017 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by JDeere (Post 1185212)
Not quite lol i dont pay much in taxes and i only claim myself. To me thats about 60 bucks each paycheck.

The reason I posted was because once around the holidays instead of taking my last week of vacation, I worked and just took the pay! OMG they took out so much in taxes that it made me sick........I too just claimed myself.

Chad 12-06-2017 07:59 PM

A special Christmas plan this year that includes adventure and big fun.


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