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GeorgiaMa'am 04-13-2021 06:25 PM

Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to my chemo treatment on Monday. The treatment itself is not fun, and neither are the aftereffects, but my sister takes me to the appointment and that is the fun part. We chat and snack and chat some more for eight whole hours. She is the best!

FireSignFemme 04-13-2021 09:34 PM

Like someone mentioned earlier - sleep. None at all yesterday and only an hour this afternoon. I'm forcing myself to stay up so I can get back on track.

JDeere 04-14-2021 05:56 PM

Crawfish boil this weekend! its our 14th!

I will be out on acres of property with friends,cold drinks and hot crawfish

and my dog gets to socialize more, thankfully they have a covered dog run, she can hang out in, if she gets overwhelmed, she is a rescue who was abused, so she needs space sometimes!

PlatinumPearl 04-16-2021 11:38 AM

Looking forward too...
A live virtual conference next week.

JustLovelyJenn 04-27-2021 02:22 PM

My very first therapy session.

JDeere 04-27-2021 05:11 PM

Job training tomorrow night!

Stone-Butch 04-28-2021 05:54 PM

looking forward to
Getting places open so I can get a haircut and some new shoes.

Stone-Butch 04-29-2021 08:21 PM

looking forward to
Hope I can get down eastern Canada this summer but it sure does not look like it. My brother and I speak about going together but the virus has other ideas. Oh well, patience is a virtue I try to hold on to concerning many things.

JustLovelyJenn 05-02-2021 03:41 PM

summer... and more travel.

Stone-Butch 05-03-2021 05:08 AM

looking forward to
A private note from that someone special would be quite welcomed right now.

JustLovelyJenn 05-04-2021 08:29 PM

I get my new tricycle next week!

GeorgiaMa'am 05-11-2021 09:01 PM

A short trip to Helen, a small Alpine-themed village in the north Georgia mountains. It's something of a tourist trap, but it has some great beer and good food. It's nearby, and the boy and I will be post-two weeks from our second vaccine shots. I am dying to go _somewhere_!

FireSignFemme 05-12-2021 03:15 PM

Walk tomorrow. Yesterday we started out on the opposite side of the park than we usually do and what a difference. The far end should be forced to have signs up that tell it like it is – Hikers Heaven, Joggers Hell. Then at my newly discovered end of the park signs that encourage by actually telling the truth – Walking Path.

Anyhow it's beautiful. There's a community rec center, not open now but will be soon and they have activities there like cards games, pool shoots and things. The pathways are level and easy. Everything is cleaner, there are chair bench swings under trees for shade so if you need to take a break you can have a seat and look out on the river, read or just rest.

I had a nice chat with a young woman out walking her puppy yesterday and enjoyed hearing children in the background on the play equipment laughing. We're taking a picnic tomorrow and this will be our new starting point. J and the baby can go ahead and when I'm done there will be more for me to do than just sit out on hot metal benches under glaring sun, baking my ass off, and trying to read in the wind.

Bèsame* 05-15-2021 05:34 PM

Getting Mom out of Arkansas!

Orema 05-17-2021 09:06 AM

Outdoor concerts on the lake.


Bèsame* 06-06-2021 07:04 PM

Looking forward to Wednesday. It will be a day off after 20 days in a row.

Also....a huge accomplishment will come to fruition. Mystery achievement!

Bèsame* 06-07-2021 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bèsame* (Post 1283555)

Inquiring minds..this is getting closer!

I'll be getting sleep. Lol (after all is said, moved and done)

randrum 06-09-2021 08:48 PM

Pride Night at the Reds game on Friday.

FireSignFemme 06-10-2021 01:08 PM

Breakfast tomorrow with my older son, family gathering at my younger son's house this weekend.

Reach *BANNED* 06-11-2021 04:18 PM

I must sound like a broken record by now (laughing).. but I am looking forward to going over to hang with My sister tomorrow. Her fiance is going to a fishing tournament I believe - so My sis and I are going to just chill - and maybe grill something or order pizza or whatever. I also think we are going to go through the photo albums and picture boxes that My Mom had. I want to do a family wall in My living room - and My sister wants to add to hers - so we will do that - and then take the ones we want to Walmart to have them enlarged or whatever.

Tomorrow also looks good for weather as well - around 77 degrees with a small breeze - we can chill on her front deck in big deck rocking chairs that Mike (her fiance) just got her for her birthday/Mother's day last month.

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