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Gemme 06-22-2019 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by RockOn (Post 1248145)
Looking forward to these severe thunderstorms to move out and be gone. It is 7:25 and the watch is over at 9:00. I fed the pups, then had to push them out the door, course I went with them ... at least every one peed but then a bad thunderclap erupted and they all scrambled to the back door. It was only lightly raining. I want them to be able to go back out, relax enough to do their #2 potty and drink a little water. Right now the three of them are a nervous wreck. Poor babies cannot help it ... and I love all of them so much but right now I cannot help that they are working my last nerve tonight. It really is not much of a storm anymore, only thunder. I honestly believe they think we are about to get clobbered by an F5 ranker. :(

Get them Thunder Shirts.

RockOn 06-23-2019 07:25 PM

Hey Gemme
Thanks for reminder. A few years ago, a friend and I did a rescue, took several months until we could get our hands on the dog. My friend ended up keeping this pooch. She bought her a Thunder Shirt and said it helped a whole lot riding in the car.

kittygrrl 06-23-2019 11:22 PM

clay https://gallery-9.com/wp-content/upl...wl-680x330.jpg

JDeere 06-23-2019 11:28 PM


7 pm to 630 am...

GeorgiaMa'am 06-27-2019 10:08 PM

In a surprise visit, my BFF is coming into town this weekend! I will be at my mom's, but I can easily make it back in time for us to have dinner on Sunday!

candy_coated_bitch 06-28-2019 06:38 PM

Going to my parents' for the 4th of July. Seeing my cousins, and especially taking a dip in the river!!!

FireSignFemme 06-28-2019 08:11 PM

Construction guys ripping this carpet out and installing hideous flooring. It looks pretty horrible in after photos of some of the units they've already remodeled but I don't care. It's going to be so great having these floors new and clean, and so easy to take care of.

Chad 06-28-2019 08:50 PM

Looking forward
Real time with friends.

Fun time!

CherryWine 06-30-2019 01:25 PM

Some very much needed time off work if I can just make it to Wednesday. Road tripping with my love to visit my bestie and her family and then heading to a cabin in the Smokies for a few days. I can’t wait to ride the various mountain coasters and just spend some quiet time with Mother Nature. Getting my playlists ready now. :)

Bèsame* 06-30-2019 06:38 PM

Spending time with my crazy pyromaniac friend on the 4th!🧨🧨🧨🧨


girl_dee 06-30-2019 10:38 PM

Coming up this week!
New Orleans, Disneyland and California Adventure, in that order, with the husbutch!

homoe 07-07-2019 10:23 AM

A trip over to Seattle tomorrow to spend the day.....:hangloose:

candy_coated_bitch 07-07-2019 01:59 PM

Dinner tonight out with the fam.

homoe 07-14-2019 10:07 PM


Spending the whole day Monday shopping and eating in Tacoma........:hangloose:

Orema 07-19-2019 05:26 AM

– Cruising Grand with the girls tonight
– The end of this full moon

Wrang1er 08-05-2019 12:52 PM

Leaving for Myrtle Beach this evening.

Three of my nephews are going. I may regret that part by Sunday.

easygoingfemme 08-17-2019 11:30 AM

Picking up my daughter at the airport on Tuesday. Her summer job/internship was 2500 miles away.

RebelDyke 08-18-2019 02:28 PM

The new semester starts, and I am completely looking forward to the new semester with both my own classes and my teaching classes.

Mopsie 08-18-2019 04:21 PM

1) Cooler Fall weather
2) NFL football on Sundays
3) Time with friends


kittygrrl 08-18-2019 09:17 PM

an ending

homoe 08-19-2019 07:49 AM


Jedi 08-19-2019 01:43 PM

There is a Food Truck Festival in our little downtown on Saturday. It's a birthday/anniversary celebration. It should be a lot of fun. I'm so getting a lobster roll.

FireSignFemme 08-19-2019 04:00 PM

Pay day. Still two weeks away. I feel like mad ass, tearing at my hair, racing around in circles, demanding - GIVE ME MY DAMN CREDIT CARD! It's mine and you can't do this to me!!! Only if I did, my kids would lie and get me locked up in a mental instution and say through the food tray slot all matter of fact - Oh yes we can.

Mopsie 08-19-2019 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jedi (Post 1251165)
There is a Food Truck Festival in our little downtown on Saturday. It's a birthday/anniversary celebration. It should be a lot of fun. I'm so getting a lobster roll.

I've never been to a food truck festival - that sounds fun! I hope you post about it afterwards. :)

girl_dee 08-21-2019 06:09 PM

heading out of town next weekend to visit family with my husbutch!

easygoingfemme 08-21-2019 06:51 PM

Errands with my daughter tomorrow. The last stop will be the tattoo parlor.

GeorgiaMa'am 08-21-2019 07:41 PM

Going to see my mom this weekend. Also looking forward to the DQ chocolate fudge milkshake I allow myself at the halfway driving mark between home and her house.

Kenna 08-22-2019 05:55 PM

Buying more local peaches!!
Last week I got a small bag...they were the BEST peaches I've ever ate. Absolutely scrumptious!

homoe 08-23-2019 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by homoe (Post 1251162)


JDeere 08-23-2019 10:48 AM

Video chat with my psycho gf Lol

Mel C. 08-23-2019 04:37 PM

My honey coming home

candy_coated_bitch 08-23-2019 05:29 PM

My niece to arrive, which will probably not be until tomorrow!

girl_dee 08-23-2019 06:59 PM

two four day work weeks coming up...I’ll pay for it at work but i sure will enjoy it when i’m not there.

Bèsame* 08-23-2019 07:51 PM

Looking forward to my last vacation. I'm going to Florida for a niece's wedding. The entire family has a super big BNB beach house, right on the beach !

Best part, I get to play with all my little great neices and nephew !

And...I finally get to meet my favorite Florida friend for ( snack) lunch!!

candy_coated_bitch 08-24-2019 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by candy_coated_bitch (Post 1251424)
My niece to arrive, which will probably not be until tomorrow!

Wait for it....

Wait for it....

The damn baby to arrive!!! Lol. I can't stop posting about it. I'm sure my sister is looking forward to it even more, tbh.

FireSignFemme 08-24-2019 07:52 PM

Doing laundry in my new apartment. I have a dinasaur washer and dryer set from the 1970's and it's giving me grief again. It will be great to get rid of it and have something new.

CherylNYC 08-24-2019 08:03 PM

Dragging my knees around the racetrack at Summit Point!

Chad 08-25-2019 02:28 PM

Looking forward
There is a place in Kittery, Maine that makes the best scrambled eggs that I have ever eaten. I look forward to taking my lady to Maine.


RockOn 08-25-2019 06:57 PM

Looking forward to meeting with my neurosurgeon in the morning. This is my 2nd appointment with him. He had me do two different bone scans to see if my back can handle the hardware (rod &screws) I already put the disc with the results in the truck. It is about a 2 hour drive to meet with him.

He and I are going to have a very serious chat about putting metal in my back. I have become uncomfortable with this idea. I hope he can come up with an alternate surgery. Don't get me wrong, I really like this doctor, have a lot of confidence in his experience and talent. I have plenty of time to decide because I have to save up enough leave ... it will take months. In the meantime, I want to get a second opinion, perhaps even a third.

Femmewench 08-25-2019 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by RockOn (Post 1251578)
In the meantime, I want to get a second opinion, perhaps even a third.

I'm not sure where you're located, but Barrows Institute in Phoenix, AZ is a world renowned neurological hospital.

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