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Bèsame* 04-16-2023 03:34 PM


19 days. Yahoo.


Soft*Silver 04-16-2023 10:27 PM

I’m still looking forward to the year of gardening! I put my peas and beets in yesterday. My dining room and my enclosed front porch are filled with shelving units, grow lights and seedlings. Today I sowed lime, green zinnias, black, beauty, zucchini, cat dip, chamomile, three types of basil, two types of watermelon, two types of cucumbers, two types of dill, toothache, plant, more snake gourds, and several others that I can’t remember right now. Over the weekend I had helpers come out and we installed the cattle panel arches. Next weekend I’m putting up 90 feet of trellises for the tomatoes to climb on. Oh God! I can’t wait to get my hands deeply in the soil!!!!

kittygrrl 04-19-2023 06:37 PM

fall leaves ...pumpkins, ..

Gayandgray 04-20-2023 11:19 PM

Having my Mom spend a week with us. Her Alzheimer’s is advancing and my sister wants a break, plus she wants me to spend time with her while she still knows who I am (most of the time).

Bèsame* 07-02-2023 10:30 AM

I just counted..
34 days to a big concert I'm going to.

74 days till I'm in Southern California. Visiting really dear friends.

325 till I'm in London. Got tickets to ChelseaF Flower Show. And staying in a bed and breakfast close to everything!

It's so fun looking up things to see and do.

I do need to update my passport.

GeorgiaMa'am 07-02-2023 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Bèsame* (Post 1293538)

I do need to update my passport.

You really do, right away. I heard on NPR that it's taking people 10 months to get their passport renewals back. And with only 325 days to go . . .

GeorgiaMa'am 07-02-2023 10:11 PM

I'm looking forward to seeing the orthopedic surgeon. I have high hopes that shots in my knees will make a big improvement with my walking and pain.

I'm looking forward to seeing the physical therapist. I hope he can get this crick out of my neck that I've had for two months.

I'm also looking forward to going to see Wicked! in two weeks. I've never seen it before and I can't wait!

GeorgiaMa'am 07-06-2023 01:47 AM

I'm looking forward to seeing my sister, niece and her baby boy Charlie tomorrow. Charlie is a real cutie, 14 months old and generally good natured. They are coming to my house because they need to make a trip to Atlanta, so they will be nearby.

Bèsame* 07-09-2023 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by GeorgiaMa'am (Post 1293541)
You really do, right away. I heard on NPR that it's taking people 10 months to get their passport renewals back. And with only 325 days to go . . .

Thank you, best advice. I found out it will take some time. We cant book our flight until I get it.

We are discussing catching the Eurostar, the channel train to Paris. I so want to see the Eiffel Tower up close. And, as an added bonus, I'll be seeing the prep to the 2024 Summer Olympics!!

Can this trip get any better!!!

Ooooo la la

Bèsame* 10-20-2023 03:10 PM

A new adventure was planned last night. My bestie and I are going to get in the Christmas spirit early, like first week of Dec. The famous hat maker, Stetson, has a mansion on the other side of the Florida coast. We are going to tour the home while its decorated. It's going to be a two day adventure. First day we are stopping in a quaint Victorian/Country town and stay in a famous Bed and Breakfast. I'm excited, I've never done a bed and breakfast before. This town will be dripping with holiday decorations as well. About 40+ days to go!
I was telling my bestie..we can get out all our holiday tops, jewelry and handbags! Oh yay!!

Bèsame* 11-12-2023 06:49 PM

Another Christmas Extravaganza! We are planning a Polar Express party. Christmas pajamas to be the dress code. Adult hot chocolate, decorating cookies and a fun gift exchange.

We are no/never idle. Life isnt passing us by!

cinnamongrrl 11-16-2023 06:12 AM

An interview for a cardiology position…..

And a trip to Asheville in March with a dear friend (possibly two!)

GeorgiaMa'am 11-23-2023 02:00 AM

Thanksgiving leftovers from the boy's brother and his wife.

GeorgiaMa'am 11-23-2023 02:14 AM

The entire extended fam getting together Christmas weekend! And possibly taking the boy!

Bèsame* 01-05-2024 06:48 PM

Sunday football! Last games of the seasons.

Booking my London/Paris trip. Now that the holidays have passed and I am the lucky holder of a current passport. Yay!

I need a suit case, lol

Oh yeah, a trip to Disney Animal Kingdom, with my boss. I should refer to her as my new bestie that's eye candy..lol

kittygrrl 01-06-2024 11:53 AM

my cozy hearth & my blankey...it's too snowy to go out

Bèsame* 02-15-2024 07:57 PM

Looking forward to two bonuses next month!! Yay!!!

Kätzchen 02-16-2024 06:39 PM

I’m looking forward to spending time with my honey going to baseball games and boating on the river this summer. :bow:

Stone-Butch 02-16-2024 09:38 PM

Looking Forward To
My neighbours are off for a holiday next week and her sister is coming to sit their apt and will be bringing her sweet dog who I met already. What a honey of a dog, can't wait to have some fun with her. (the dog).

GeorgiaMa'am 02-17-2024 06:00 PM

A possible trip to Panama City Beach in April. Staying at my favorite mom and pop motel right on the beach. Going to rent a one-person go cart for riding around on the beach. We will grill out steaks on the deck of our motel at least one night. Eat at the New Orleans restaurant another night. And the other nights - seafood, seafood, seafood! We'll also rent chairs and umbrellas on the beach - our motel has two guys with a beach rentals hut, and they always take good care of us - moving the umbrellas when we want, keeping stray frat kids away from us and out of our chairs when we're elsewhere. If only there was a tiki bar . . . but we'll take along our trusty cooler.

Stone-Butch 02-19-2024 10:50 PM

Looking forward to
Spring with all its rain to clean up what winter has left behind. To see all the new life growing right before our eyes. Trees get their leaves and flowers bloom galore, the sky shines brighter and sooner to welcome the day. People get out and about fixing up their gardens and making plans for summer vacation. Spring is a time of renewal to the earth and gives us warm, breezy days of summer to come. BBQs, trips, new friends and old acquantances. So much that it would take a book to even start to say the wonders of spring.

Bèsame* 03-09-2024 04:37 PM

so many things I'm looking forward to with my vacay coming up. One, which is on my mind today, the Eurostar. The train from London to Paris.

Bought tickets today.

This train travels almost 200mph and is in the underwater tunnel for about 20 min. The entire trip, one way is approx 2 hours and 15 min. Then another 45 to Disney Paris.


GeorgiaMa'am 03-10-2024 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgiaMa'am (Post 1296179)
A possible trip to Panama City Beach in April. . .

Alas, trip has been postponed until at least September. I'm just not going to be well enough to do that, yet. Still, will look forward to going this fall!

GeorgiaMa'am 04-17-2024 01:06 PM

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut. I've been trying to let it grow out, so it's a real mess now.

Also, dinner with two old friends tomorrow evening. :wine:

Kenna 04-18-2024 06:43 PM

Being alone for a few days

Stone-Butch 04-18-2024 09:38 PM

Looking Forward to
My brother coming around this weekend so we can catch up. We are the last two of our direct family so we try to remember things the other might not remember and chat about it. Makes for a fun time and we go out to dinner which is always nice so I am looking forward to spending time with him.

easygoingfemme 04-19-2024 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Stone-Butch (Post 1296867)
My brother coming around this weekend so we can catch up. We are the last two of our direct family so we try to remember things the other might not remember and chat about it. Makes for a fun time and we go out to dinner which is always nice so I am looking forward to spending time with him.

That sounds like a really good time. Enjoy!

I'm looking forward to hiking this weekend and to next week looking pretty sunny and warm.

GeorgiaMa'am 04-22-2024 12:02 AM

Getting my baby Brittany back from the kennel. I have missed her, but when she comes home she will be all clean and her nails trimmed. Her fur was full of the pine tree pollen we call "yellow snow" around here, and I know she will feel better.

Soft*Silver 04-22-2024 05:31 PM

I’m looking forward going to the movies this weekend with the granddaughters. After loading them down with a bunch of candy and popcorn and water (They’re not allowed to have pop) I send them home lol.

Bèsame* 04-24-2024 09:16 AM

My London/Paris trip in LESS than 4 weeks now!!

Count down...

GeorgiaMa'am 04-24-2024 09:18 AM

Getting Brittany back from the kennel on Friday. I really miss her.

cinnamongrrl 04-27-2024 06:22 PM

I’m looking forward to our hike on Monday! It’s my one day off for a while and I can’t think of any better way to spend it!

Bèsame* 04-27-2024 09:14 PM

Mother's day weekend.

Boss butch's Mom is visiting. We are getting our Mom's together to meet. I'm booking pedicures for us all. A bbq is also in the works!

Very anxious for this!

GeorgiaMa'am 04-30-2024 10:58 AM

About 10 folks from the days of my misspent youth are getting together Thursday. We used to run around town like hooligans in our early 20s. Now we're all in our 50s - it will be interesting seeing how much everyone has changed. Apparently, now our idea of a good time is cocktail hour followed by dinner at an expensive restaurant. I can't wait to see everybody!

(Also, I love looking forward to an event to dress up for!)

Bèsame* 05-12-2024 07:51 PM

Sometime this week I'm getting a tattoo. I dont have any! She is taking me. She got one a couple of weeks ago and I want one before I leave for vacay...11 more days!! We have discussed how we will miss each other. It's like a 5 hour time difference. We are going on an app so we can see where each other is. She can follow me around London and Paris. Last week she gave me this beautiful crystal rock (Larimar) to take with me. A very sentimental thing ( swoon).

This is so easy breezy and so comfortable.
I'm gonna have to say, this feels really good! Everyday makes me smile.

GeorgiaMa'am 05-13-2024 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bèsame* (Post 1297125)
Sometime this week I'm getting a tattoo. I dont have any! She is taking me. She got one a couple of weeks ago and I want one before I leave for vacay...11 more days!!

You may want to consider that you have to wait 2-4 weeks after getting a tattoo to get into any kind of water - swimming pools, hot tubs, the ocean, lakes. You can't even take a bath; you have to take showers. I don't know if your vacay plans include any water activities, but it's just something to be aware of. And, use lots of sunscreen. You can't wear any tight clothing over it. It's basically a wound, and you have to take care of it until it heals, or you will have to get touch-ups.

Just my .02 from my own experience . . .

Bèsame* 05-14-2024 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by GeorgiaMa'am (Post 1297129)
You may want to consider that you have to wait 2-4 weeks after getting a tattoo to get into any kind of water - swimming pools, hot tubs, the ocean, lakes. You can't even take a bath; you have to take showers. I don't know if your vacay plans include any water activities, but it's just something to be aware of. And, use lots of sunscreen. You can't wear any tight clothing over it. It's basically a wound, and you have to take care of it until it heals, or you will have to get touch-ups.

Just my .02 from my own experience . . .

Thanks for the info!

I did get one yesterday. She took me. I got the most beautiful font, spelling out "faith" on the side of my wrist. Very feminine. I can see it always, like when I'm driving, holding onto my bike handles, holding my phone..almost 2 inches long. It's my first! And it was easy!
My artist put this clear adhesive tape over it. Its water proof. Whew!!
She got one too, on her chest. I got to watch as she laid on the table in only her sports bra. It was totally hot!

cinnamongrrl 05-14-2024 04:27 PM

I’m looking forward to my long weekend

A doggie visit

A trip to Vermont

Possibly a day at lake George

And my grandsons baseball game Sunday morning

So much to look forward to!

easygoingfemme 05-18-2024 05:30 AM

Going roller skating with friends tonight!

cinnamongrrl 05-21-2024 09:29 AM

Going to the Cape in a little under two weeks!!! I’m hoping to get to the Vineyard, but most definitely will go to P-Town!

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