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girl_dee 05-03-2011 05:25 PM

Shrimp Spaghetti!!!

Bella~Vita 05-03-2011 05:26 PM

Greek Salad and a bottled water

JustJo 05-03-2011 06:17 PM

Basmati rice

Stir fry (left over chicken and steak, plus onion, carrot, broccoli, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, celery, peas, corn, soy sauce....and I don't remember what else! :) )

Abigail Crabby 05-03-2011 06:17 PM

Chicken salad and triscuts... Sugar free Cranberry juice.....

Miss Scarlett 05-03-2011 07:12 PM

Baby Spring mix on divine sourdough bread drizzled with raspberry vinaigrette...

Arwen 05-03-2011 07:17 PM

Balsamic chicken
Spaghetti squash

scootebaby 05-03-2011 07:37 PM

i was gonna say i didnt know..Jo made it i ate it,but i just read her post so now i know what it was..:blink:

bright_arrow 05-03-2011 07:45 PM

Chicken-Bacon Ranch pizza

StillettoDoll 05-03-2011 09:01 PM

Ceaser salad with chicken

Maria 05-03-2011 09:17 PM

Ezekiel 4:9 spaghetti with marinara sauce (freshdirect's sauce, not mine), a glass of vino noceto's riserva sangiovese, gelato from a gelato truck

weatherboi 05-03-2011 10:01 PM

Veggie mei fun and egg drop soup. Delicious!!!

citybutch 05-03-2011 10:41 PM

Roasted chicken
Roasted Grape tomatoes
Baked potato
Greek Salad....

All homemade


StillettoDoll 05-04-2011 06:59 PM

Spaghetti and brownies gluten free!

Cowboi 05-04-2011 07:10 PM

I was so tired when I got home from work...I had some popcorn and a couple of beers.

MissPriss 05-04-2011 07:18 PM

corndog nuggets and french fries

Camo Eagle 05-04-2011 07:20 PM

Land shark beer

Rockinonahigh 05-04-2011 07:37 PM

I fixed a roast w/boild corn on the cob for the kid,for me I steamed a bag of veggies..one thin slice of garlic bread.

citybutch 05-04-2011 07:54 PM

Suuuuuuuuushi and sake... and done for the night nice and early!

girl_dee 05-04-2011 08:10 PM

sushi... YUM!

Oh we had chicken and corn on the cob,,,,,

The southern girl knows how to do the corn !

RockOn 05-04-2011 09:16 PM

I am tired, been up since 4:45 a.m. and left work at 7:45 p.m. - trying to shake the kinks out of a server that is pretty much hosed. I ate a bowl of cornflakes at 8:30 this morning and no time for lunch.

On the way home tonight, I stopped and got a Hardee's Thickburger Combo. With purpose, I strategically sat off in a corner so I know that no one saw me wolf it down - it could not have been a pretty sight. I had one of those intense, immediate needs. Get the food from POINT A (off tray) to POINT B (into stomach) as quickly as possible!!!

All better now.

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