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-   -   What are you having for dinner tonight? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=197)

firegal 03-04-2014 11:03 PM

Southwestern salad from Safeway!

Rockinonahigh 03-05-2014 07:42 AM

I figured a shepard's pie will be good for tonight with real mash potato topping with cheese sprinkled over the mash potatoes while they are hot.

Clio 03-05-2014 09:50 AM

Burgers on the grill. Well if the rain lets up enough we will get our grill on! Nom Nom!

Kenna 03-05-2014 09:55 AM

I promised my roommate grilled ribeyes...so I must be home before sundown (a preplanned thing so I don't spend all evening working)... It's time to use the grill no matter the weather !! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY

Daktari 03-05-2014 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Rockinonahigh (Post 897220)
I figured a shepard's pie will be good for tonight with real mash potato topping with cheese sprinkled over the mash potatoes while they are hot.

Are shepherd's or cottage pies make with fake potato over there?

Did ya know that shepherd's pies only contain lamb and cottage pies any other meats?


TruTexan 03-05-2014 10:01 AM

Chicken fajitas and home made picodegallo with lots of tomatoes and green chillis.

Rockinonahigh 03-05-2014 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Daktari (Post 897253)
Are shepherd's or cottage pies make with fake potato over there?

Did ya know that shepherd's pies only contain lamb and cottage pies any other meats?


Hi,and I don't use fake potatoes for any reason only the read deal will do around hear.Lamb is hard to get hear and when I do find it it's pricey so beef will have do for today,I have made it with lamb before and it is much better than beef.

Daktari 03-05-2014 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rockinonahigh (Post 897258)
Hi,and I don't use fake potatoes for any reason only the read deal will do around hear.Lamb is hard to get hear and when I do find it it's pricey so beef will have do for today,I have made it with lamb before and it is much better than beef.

I prefer cottage pie, lamb fat ain't my fave and if there's no fat then why bother eh? Some fat makes everything taste better! :cheesy:

cinnamongrrl 03-05-2014 05:21 PM

I had the leftovers from my lunch....

chicken enchiladas with tomatillo sauce and grilled veggies....

I had lunch out with my client at her favorite Mexican place.... I told her my fave place is gooder lol

RockOn 03-05-2014 06:44 PM

2 Lean Cusines

1. spaghetti with meat sauce
2. alfredo pasta with chicken & broccoli

... when you know one 10 ouncer won't be enough

milk to drink

vanilla oreos for dessert with another glass of milk

working on cookies right now and feeling a lot better

Sweet Bliss 03-05-2014 07:14 PM

Whatever falls out of the fridge :|

stargazingboi 03-05-2014 08:27 PM

I fried up some chicken, pasta with olive oil and herbs, brussel sprouts in onions and garlic

nycfem 03-05-2014 09:44 PM

Vegetarian version of:

2 hot dogs in bread as a bun for each with sauerkraut and mustard and ketchup
baked beans (Bush's canned) with some added sauteed onions and pinenuts
Amy's microwave mac and cheese
B&J's Red Velvet Cake icecream

It was totally yummy, not to mention the sushi I had for lunch :)

Martina 03-06-2014 01:12 AM

Boneless pork chop sandwich (wheat bread)
Fizzy water and orange juice

Corkey 03-06-2014 03:40 PM

chicken adobo stuffed in roasted pablano peppers with rice n mozzarella.

~baby~doll~ 03-06-2014 03:44 PM

Broccoli pasta salad and Mussels in garlic sauce with Pinot Noir wine.

C0LLETTE 03-06-2014 05:05 PM

Pop Corners, "the new Shape of Popcorn".. may be crappy for me but bag says "gluten free"

Mopsie 03-06-2014 05:42 PM

A lean cuisine dinner (chile lime chicken) and LARGE amounts of water.

The lean cuisine was tasty but not very filling.

storyofmylife 03-06-2014 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by nycfem (Post 897377)
Vegetarian version of:

2 hot dogs in bread as a bun for each with sauerkraut and mustard and ketchup
baked beans (Bush's canned) with some added sauteed onions and pinenuts
Amy's microwave mac and cheese
B&J's Red Velvet Cake icecream

It was totally yummy, not to mention the sushi I had for lunch :)

That sounds good! : )

storyofmylife 03-06-2014 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 897534)
chicken adobo stuffed in roasted pablano peppers with rice n mozzarella.

This sounds delicious too!

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