more of this............
The day things change for good.
Seeing my family this week! :cheer:
His arrival.
My family coming down on Thursday :hangloose::hangloose::hangloose:
looking forward to-everything
It seems I have nothing to look forward to anymore. I have been written off so easily. It's my fault but do you want to take such a hardline with me? I'm I to be the example to be made of with your "new you" resolutions? Does the love we feel for each other not deserve a second chance? We both said the best was saved for last...I still believe it and I'm willing to work on me also...give me something to look forward to again.
Lunch in a few minutes with one of my work buddies. I want to go somewhere nice and I hope she does, too.
seeing her in the same room as me.
My next mani! ........
My first ukulele lesson tomorrow at 3pm. :-D
Xmas!! :grinch: |
Moving back to california in feb
Friday 7:09 pm
Arwen, Monday at 5! :tarot:
i am truly spoiled, thank you my Syr! |
My pre op appointment in September.
House hunting on Tuesday... |
This week ending. It's been horrible!
The weekend, geez only working 3 days this week and they are killing me
Car karaoke on my way home! Bobbing my head along to "One, Two Step" on the train isn't cutting it.
Receiving mysterious gifts my guy got me :sunglass: Excited girl! Nickelback concert and three-day weekend :drool: |
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