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JinxdGirl 08-18-2010 10:13 PM

We are Second Lifers
Ok, so I know there are a few of us here on BFP, it's time we all get together and get to know each other.

Tell us a little bit about your SL:
  • what's your name?
  • when is your rez day?
  • male, female or shape shifting gender fucking avi?
  • what do you do?
  • where are your haunts?
  • what's the story behind your name?
  • are you partnered?
  • tell anything you want us to know!

JinxdGirl 08-18-2010 10:33 PM

i'll go first
* what's your name? February Jinx

* when is your rez day? 11/30/2008

* male, female or shape shifting gender fucking avi? chick

* what do you do? currently, not much .. gonna get back to creating

* where are your haunts? GLBTQI HUB, Lesbian Paradise (when I'm desperate), Hooters and Shooters

* what's the story behind your name? February = RL birth month and I was fairly sure it wasn't too common. Jinx = love the name Jinx, enough to eventually change my name legally to Jinx (no, not because of SL, I've thought about it for years!)

* are you partnered? uh. no.

* tell anything you want us to know! I've been off and on SL for years, Jinx is the newest and the only avi/name I've used for a since 2008. I was gone for nearly a year (August 2009 - July 2010) and am now getting back into the swing of things. I'm super flirtatious and always looking for new friends, so look me up and maybe we can hang out sometime.

apretty 08-18-2010 10:59 PM

my thumbs are sore from my cellphone solitaire, but that's likely not the same as having a whole additional life.

skeeter_01 08-19-2010 09:54 AM

Tell us a little bit about your SL:

what's your name? well..i go by 'skeeter' or 'skeet' on line but my real name is marti

when is your rez day? sorry but i don't know what a "rez day" is

male, female or shape shifting gender fucking avi? well...
i think it's a dog which celebrates the DAWG in me... ;)

what do you do?
i work in the ER at U of M hospital (GO BLUE!!) i'm a clerk and get to see stuff you just wouldn't believe!!

where are your haunts?
on here or IRL? on here i love the forum! i have been to the chat room about 100 times but no one is ever there and i talk to myself enough at home! :)
IRL i hang out at work and home..i get as much OT as i possibly can at work..

what's the story behind your name?
one of my ex's told me "you're like a skeeter that buzzes around and around someones ear..no matter how many times they take a swing at you..they keep missin' and you keep buzzin'...

are you partnered?
nope...i'm recently single and lovin' every minute of it!!

tell anything you want us to know!
i'm a huge flirt! i don't mean to be..i'm a libra..*shrugging*.. ;)


TenderKnight 08-19-2010 10:22 AM

lol.. I think what Jinx is talking about is an online game where you create a charactor and then interact with other folks in a virtual invironment with an avatar..

I've never played, but have thought about it.. Jinx, maybe you can tell us a little more about it?

skeeter_01 08-19-2010 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by TenderKnight (Post 177389)
lol.. I think what Jinx is talking about is an online game where you create a charactor and then interact with other folks in a virtual invironment with an avatar..

I've never played, but have thought about it.. Jinx, maybe you can tell us a little more about it?

LOL!!!....never mind!!...now back to your regularly scheduled program!! :)

TenderKnight 08-19-2010 10:35 AM

skeeter, you know, I wasn't really sure what she was refering to either until I came into the thread.. lol. I was thinking something along the lines of cancer survivor or something like that lol

Jinx, now I am even more interested.. Tell us about it! Like is it hard to get started? Is it free? Do you have tips? Is there Butch/Femme/Trans space? BDSM or leather space? Is it chat based or mic based comunication? Hmmm.. Looking forward to getting to know more!

TenderKnight 08-19-2010 12:33 PM

... and now I'm bummed.. Second Life doesn't seem to be compatible with windows 7 :(

lipstixgal 08-19-2010 12:38 PM

I don't know about the second life I'm just trying to get through the first life which is hard enough right now with the shingles and school and the god damn internship if the school ever gets me another one so somebody please explain the second life because I sure could use one right about now.

Nerds 08-19-2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by TenderKnight (Post 177419)
... and now I'm bummed.. Second Life doesn't seem to be compatible with windows 7 :(

if you download the Emerald viewer it should be ok with windows 7 I think - and you find the viewer for download here: http://viewerdirectory.secondlife.co...listing_id/145

second life is totally free - although many soon find shopping in SL being a favourite hobby. If you are new to SL you will first have to make an avatar and you do that by downloading the viewer -but first you log in to the main webpage on www.secondlife.com where you click "join now"
here you will find lots of different last names, you make your character and then use the information and login you make there when you open the viewer.

when you enter the world of second life you can search for people you know the names of - like Jinxdgirl or me. My name in SL is Nerdine Thibaud

one thing that amazed me when I started SL already back in 2006 was all the lesbians there. Don't be fooled though *lol*
But if you know where to look you can find really good places with openminded people who accepts all colors of the rainbow.
the GLBTQ Hub is one of those places. And I know several people here haunt the HUB.

So - over to my answers to Jinxdgirl's questions:

# what's your name?
Nerdine Thibaud
# when is your rez day?
november 2006
# male, female or shape shifting gender fucking avi?
sometimes male, sometimes female - I change. But mostly male lately
# what do you do?
I go to SL to talk and be with my friends
# where are your haunts?
the HUB, the Dutchess mostly, but also Rainbow Family Misfits
# what's the story behind your name?
I'm a Nerd, I'm female...
# are you partnered?
Yes - to my best friend

Leader 08-19-2010 04:58 PM

The closest I'll ever get to Second Life is that their offices are literally across the hall from ours. (in real life)

They apparently bring catered lunches in to all of the employees. (in real life)

A woman I know casually spends so much time in Second Life that she insists that the people she meets there are more real and closer friends to her than any of her other friends. (in real life)


Jett 08-19-2010 05:47 PM

Yep.... and I'm weird about it too (or so I'm told) because I've tweaked my avatar to look as much like my first life (real life) from face to hair to right down to the clothes I wear... lol.

Hmm, my rez day is like 8/?/2009... but I did a new account recently to change my name to my name to my real name, first name at least. I go in m-a-y-b-e two to three times a week depending.

Since my avatars modeled after real life it's gq Boi 24/7--

I like to hang a bit at Greek Gold Lesbian Resort... I've been to Lesbian Paradise but it lags so bad AND if I forget to change my group tag above my head inveritably someone starts screaming "it's a man... man alert!!!" :/ LOL. Greek Gold is just way more welcoming to all folks, boi, butch, trans what have you.

Also I like the Casinos, like Gold Rush Gaming but that's gone... some role play like Erie Isle and Terminal Island Correctional Institution but I haven't been there for a while... and that takes a lot of time...

AND... *drum-roll* the number one thing I like in Second Life... shopping! I dunno *shrugs* I like shopping... ;)

I thought of getting a second avatar once for kicks- like an elderly man named Sterling who likes to show up at all the lesbian joints in his boxers with an umbrella drink just to see how long before he got teleported into outer space, lol

(and never checked out the GLBTQI Hub, I'll have to do that)

Soft*Silver 08-19-2010 05:55 PM

I said I would never play arcade games and I find myself playing that colored bubble game at least an hour a day..so who knows if I will be a second lifer...I actually thought about it...but I am so computer illiterate...

JinxdGirl 08-19-2010 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Nerds (Post 177446)
one thing that amazed me when I started SL already back in 2006 was all the lesbians there. Don't be fooled though *lol*

Yeah, the "fauxbians" are aplenty!


Originally Posted by Metropolis (Post 177508)
I've been to Lesbian Paradise but it lags so bad AND if I forget to change my group tag above my head inveritably someone starts screaming "it's a man... man alert!!!" :/

The lag at LP is killer, when I go I have to detach everything and drop my graphics down to nothing, it's kinda suck ass. AND since they are so paranoid about guys (like a guy couldn't easily slip into a female shape/skin) there are too few butches for my liking.


Originally Posted by Metropolis (Post 177508)
Terminal Island Correctional Institution but I haven't been there for a while... and that takes a lot of time...

Adding that to my list of places to check out. I lovelovelove a good role play!


Originally Posted by Metropolis (Post 177508)
I thought of getting a second avatar once for kicks- like an elderly man named Sterling who likes to show up at all the lesbian joints in his boxers with an umbrella drink just to see how long before he got teleported into outer space, lol

(and never checked out the GLBTQI Hub, I'll have to do that)

When you get the old man avi, seriously, give me a heads up so I can come watch the freak out! And check out the HUB, it's a good place and I know there are at least 5 people from BFP that hang out there.

PS: Metro you never told us your name there, feel like sharing?

Nerd: Thanks a ton for explaining SL for me, I hadn't seen the posts until just now.

JinxdGirl 08-19-2010 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Leader (Post 177497)
The closest I'll ever get to Second Life is that their offices are literally across the hall from ours. (in real life)

They apparently bring catered lunches in to all of the employees. (in real life)

A woman I know casually spends so much time in Second Life that she insists that the people she meets there are more real and closer friends to her than any of her other friends. (in real life)


Now I know who to come to when I really want to vandalize Linden Labs, good to know! *grins wickedly*


Originally Posted by lipstixgal (Post 177423)
I don't know about the second life I'm just trying to get through the first life which is hard enough right now with the shingles and school and the god damn internship if the school ever gets me another one so somebody please explain the second life because I sure could use one right about now.

see my answer to TK

Originally Posted by TenderKnight (Post 177394)
Jinx, now I am even more interested.. Tell us about it! Like is it hard to get started? Is it free? Do you have tips? Is there Butch/Femme/Trans space? BDSM or leather space? Is it chat based or mic based comunication? Hmmm.. Looking forward to getting to know more!

SL is incredibly easy to get started, and as Nerds mentioned the emerald viewer should be windows 7 compatible. It is completely free, though once you get there you'll want L$ (the currency in world) to shop, but even that can be easy enough to get without dipping into your own pockets.

There is plenty of Butch/Femme/Trans space and a number of SL players are also members on BFP so, you've got the inside track to some good B/F/T welcoming places.

There is TONS of BDSM/Leather space. And Butch/Femme/Trans welcoming kink space. But, as everywhere, be wary of the people that are SL kinksters only, they think they know everything when the type of play possible there isn't always realistic.

The majority of communication is chat/text based, though there are many places where voice chat is enabled and so people can speak to each other, which is always fun. I often can't voice chat, but I can listen to those that are an type my responses, which is the best of both worlds.

Sorry this thread wasn't clear from the outset, thank you all for being patient and at least curious enough to look into it. So, yay, that!

JinxdGirl 08-19-2010 07:09 PM

This should have been in the first post!
Second Life (SL) is a virtual world, online. Sort of like The Sims but waaaaaaaaaaaay better.

If you've never been there, but are at all interested in 3D, highly interactive, highly user generated virtual world, I'd certainly recommend it.

Scota_Parisi 08-19-2010 10:48 PM

Well, interesting thread......

* what's your name? Scota Parisi

* when is your rez day? 12/5/2006

* male, female or shape shifting gender fucking avi? Female - Annunaki.

* what do you do? Generally, wander a lot and work security at The HuB.

* where are your haunts? The HuB and the various assorted "lesbian" places. I generally prefer places the use Voice chat. (think Skype for not SL'ers).

* what's the story behind your name? Scota is an old name for an Egyptian princess that some stories say "Scotland" is named after. I wanted an old name for Vampyre role playing inworld.

* are you partnered? It's complicated. :)

* tell anything you want us to know! I've seen a lot my time in Second Life. A lot of con artists, stalker types, really mentally unbalanced people. No patience for bullies in there either. :detective:

Also seen a lot of good be done, people raising money for Relay for Life and other charities. In the early days, helped work security and helped deal with griefers (think internet trolls) that would attack areas known to be specifically places for homosexuals. Still working Security too. :):fastdraq:

Used to be a gamer playing Star Wars Galaxies but the constraints they put on the game to keep it real to the combat stuff, made the game generally boring. I heard about a "virtual world" and fell down into the rabbit hole. Yours truly owns a small dance club called "Mezzaluna" that is away from the crowds in SL. No lag, soft jazz playing - it's very romantic. (yep, that's a plug!)

I've mentored quite a lot of people in Second Life, helping them learn the ropes. If you join us there, post something here so that we can find you inworld and help you get started.


Gayla 08-19-2010 11:17 PM

I run it on Win7 with no issues.

My rez date is 4/2007. I don't actually do anything in SL, I just sell stuff on xStreet. Primarily fabric textures for clothing and other designers. My avatar is about as nondescript as it gets and just stands in one spot on a bare strip of land.

My SL experience is really just about L$ and conversion rates. :)

Shadowboi2010 08-25-2010 08:25 AM

The Emerald viewer has been banned or "removed from the approved viewer" list evidently because its last version had some malicious code in it. It should be coming back out soon to the approved list. There are many viewers that allow you onto the SL grid. I've heard its allowed, then I hear its not, someone from the creators group resigned, etc. Too much drama for a viewer if you ask me. Here is a list of the approved viewers....



Originally Posted by Nerds (Post 177446)
if you download the Emerald viewer it should be ok with windows 7 I think -

Shadowboi2010 08-25-2010 09:00 AM

Tell us a little bit about your SL:
  • what's your name? JesseFtM Dagger
  • when is your rez day? 3/27/2007
  • male, female or shape shifting gender fucking avi? Male
  • what do you do? Club Owner and male dancer.
  • where are your haunts? Club Corrupt mainly, but I go other places.
  • what's the story behind your name? I really wanted to use Jesse, but all the last names seemed occupied already, so I added the "FtM"
  • are you partnered? No
  • tell anything you want us to know! Yes, while there are the long list of sheisters in SL, I try to enjoy the environment without looking over my shoulder. People show themselves soon enough. You can earn money in SL, however what they don't tell you is that if you transfer your money from SL to RL cash money, you get a 1099 from the IRS, lol.

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