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deathbypoem 12-20-2015 01:22 PM

Homemade Taco Fries with all the fixings and Sweet Tea!


stargazingboi 12-20-2015 05:29 PM

I'm heading East for Christmas to see the family. It's a bitter sweet type of thing, because the crew can't travel with me :sigh:The week ahead will be crazy for them, between the finals at schools, work and the care of the oldest and gaps in the nursing schedule. So, to ensure my vegans and vegetarians eat, I cooked a few things to get them through at least a few days.

1) Lentil loaf
2) roasted Italian herb potatoes
3) vegan herb stuffing
4) Roasted onions, yellow squash, zucchini, and sweet potatoes seasoned with herbs with a taste of Greece
5) homemade mac and cheese
6) Corn, cucumber, and tomato salad

I may finish off by baking some yeast rolls tomorrow and maybe some spaghetti squash for good measure.

~SweetCheeks~ 12-20-2015 08:33 PM

Thinned out mashed potatoes and a teaspoon of roasted carrots. Weird to eat two tablespoons of food and your stuffed.

Jesse 12-20-2015 09:06 PM

By the time I got home from the grocery and talking with a friend, it was a bit late for me to cook the Milk Chicken, so I heated up some leftover shrimp stir fry that I had in the freezer from a few days ago and had that for dinner last night.

I made the Milk Chicken tonight and it is in the oven as I type. It smells so good too! I bought a huge pack of thighs instead of a whole chicken and I used half for this dish.

I grilled the other half to use in another dish later in the week, and for chicken n veggie rollups. :)

[Note to those who sent me a note wanting to make this. The lemon zest is going to cause the milk to separate some which makes a yummy sauce to put on polenta, potatoes etc. I've heard heavy cream won't separate, so if the idea of curds disturbs you, you may want to try that instead. Also, I use evaporated milk because I find it "cooks" better.]

kittygrrl 12-20-2015 11:48 PM

peanut butter chocolate cream...

this was so good, in after thought I would gladly have replaced dinner for another piece :blink:

kittygrrl 12-21-2015 12:14 AM

Does anyone have an amazing Dal recipe????? Please share if you do!

kittygrrl 12-21-2015 10:24 AM

part of dinner-(a) hazelnut & cranberry salad vinaigrette w/Stilton Cheese

it's awesome!

Chad 12-21-2015 10:36 AM

Homemade brisket tacos with pico de gallo and green chili chicken soup.

JDeere 12-21-2015 10:17 PM

a bowl of cereal, then i had a lean cuisine of bbq and cheesy potatoes and then some brussell sprouts!

clay 12-22-2015 08:20 AM

Last evening's meal: smoked bleu cheese burgers on romaine hearts with slice of tomato & mayo, gourmet olives...garlic, herbed, & stuffed bleu cheese, and flatbread wheat thins with some Chavrie with lemon thyme coating...yum!

clay 12-22-2015 08:21 AM

tonight's dinner is....
spiral sliced honey glazed ham, with a sweet potato/kale casserole....

Blind Melon Chitlan 12-22-2015 01:27 PM


Lecheloco 12-22-2015 01:31 PM

Tonight is Taco's, all this talk of tacos lol

Gemme 12-22-2015 03:49 PM

I cleaned a little bit of space out of the fridge tonight with a bowl of the two kinds of rice, the last of the smoked turkey sausage, sautéed veggies plus some leftover steamed veggies and some Yum Yum sauce all mixed together. Tea to drink.

MrSunshine 12-22-2015 05:23 PM

Tacos!!!!!! I'm going down on those tacos chest cold or not!

Chad 12-22-2015 05:58 PM

I had two brisket tacos with salsa and chips.

Lecheloco 12-22-2015 07:05 PM

Seems like it was taco Tuesday in here

Chad brisket taco's sounds good, if I have any brisket left over from Christmas dinner I will have to try that

RockOn 12-22-2015 07:21 PM

I had some cashews. I am hungry but do not have the energy to prepare anything. Being drained like this at the end of the today tells me I am not totally well yet from bone-aching flu symptoms from weekend and yesterday.

Oh wait, just remembered I bought 3 of the 4 packs of Cherry Jello. And those little individual applesauces too.

Heading to the kitchen now ... :)

JDeere 12-22-2015 09:19 PM

Hearty Cheeseburger soup with dinner rolls, a blondie and then a brownie with sweet tea to drink.

imperfect_cupcake 12-23-2015 02:41 AM

Vegetable and tofu coconut milk chai spice with madras, tumeric, and hot peppers.
I can't eat garlic, mustard, or onion so it's the closest I can cook to a curry.
Put on brown rice mixed with quinoa.

Last night was my family grad dinner :) I had turkey, potatoes, green salad, carrots, rice based stuffing, and wheat free chocolate sesame cookies for desert. So lucky my dad and step mom accommodate for me. :)

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