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-   -   Donald Trump: Adult Bully? Adult Baby? or Media Genius? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3119)

Medusa 04-25-2011 11:08 AM

Donald Trump: Adult Bully? Adult Baby? or Media Genius?
So, I saw this article just now about Trump doing one of his ridiculous "keep it swirling in the bowl as long as possible" slapbacks over comments that Robert Deniro made about his presidtential run.


This is only one in a long line of many articles where Donald Trump gives evidence of his complete inability to either let shit go or choose his battles. Remember the mean-spirited attacks on Rosie O'Donnel? What about his most recent racist remarks about how he had a good realtionship with "the blacks"? How about his comments around our President's birth status?

I'm curious what people think of Donald Trump? Do you think he is a media genius for being such an ass that we all keep talking about him or is this man truly an emotional, uncontrolled bully who lashes out at anyone who criticizes him?


Arwen 04-25-2011 11:14 AM

Trump's voting record.

My take on Trump is that he's a rich, bored man who's made a fatal error.

Believing in the spin his own marketing department puts out about him.

Would he be good president? Sure he would. If he ran America like he ran his own business, we'd make money.

Would I vote for him? Not in a New York minute. He's a typical conservative. More concerned about making and keeping money. He has utterly no social conscience that is not dictated to by "what's in it for me."

Typical conservative attitude. It's all about him. He doesn't care about his fellow man at all. He forgets the iconic statement by MLK about pulling oneself up with non-existent bootstraps.

DomnNC 04-25-2011 11:38 AM

Personally, I think he's an egomanical bully. As far as being a President, not in a New York minute, the man tries to cheat everyone he does business with, tries to get out of paying contractors who build buildings for him, he's already declared bankruptcy once so as far as being in control of the nations money, nope, not for me.

Daywalker 04-25-2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 326755)
So, I saw this article just now about Trump doing one of his ridiculous "keep it swirling in the bowl as long as possible" slapbacks over comments that Robert Deniro made about his presidtential run.


This is only one in a long line of many articles where Donald Trump gives evidence of his complete inability to either let shit go or choose his battles. Remember the mean-spirited attacks on Rosie O'Donnel? What about his most recent racist remarks about how he had a good realtionship with "the blacks"? How about his comments around our President's birth status?

I'm curious what people think of Donald Trump? Do you think he is a media genius for being such an ass that we all keep talking about him or is this man truly an emotional, uncontrolled bully who lashes out at anyone who criticizes him?


~ For Me ~

Very little of what he has uttered in the last month in the Media made
sense as far as Policy is concerned. Other than that, he is a loose cannon.


Kind of like Perot, only ten fold.
Although Perot looks quite somber next to the Donald.

He's the worse kind of Asshat ~ The ones with wayyyyyy to much money.

ETA ~ What would Michael Moore Do?
He would peel back the layers of Trump until all the Ugly is revealed.
Biogtry n Racism included. Where is Michael?



Ms. Tabitha 04-25-2011 11:42 AM

A guy who built an empire on narcissism, bullying, debt and ego.
I'm not too sure about his agenda. Is he trying to get ratings on his show?
He has been divorced 3 times has been bankrupt 4 times.
He is a Republican who became a Democrat(2000) who became a Republican(2009).

Trump, in my opinion, is a joke on so many levels.


Daywalker 04-25-2011 11:43 AM

Oh, and I posted a Quote of mine today that seems to fit right in:

An arrogant heart knows no humility...nor nobility.

~ DW ~



Diva 04-25-2011 12:18 PM

Also the comment he made on Sunday evening's Celebrity Apprentice...........

When one of the women said that a couple of her team~mates were 'all up Star's ass', The Donald commented, "..which is probably a lot easier now, right Star, now that you've lost all that weight?". :|

I went....did he just SAY that?????? Of course, they all want to win so they giggled "appropriately" and the men couldn't believe he said it either.....

It was just one more reason not to vote for him......he is a scary, scary man.

1PlayfulFemme 04-25-2011 12:24 PM

I agree with everything stated here.

Do I think the man is brilliant? Yes.

Do I think he knows how to run a business (even if it's not so ethical at all times?) Yes.

Do I think the man has a heart? The jury is out.

Do I think he would get this country at least closer to out of debt? Yes.

Do I want him as my president? Not in a million years.

I don't want a dictator as President. And that's what I believe him to be. He's so used to people bowing down to him (Because we are soooo impressed with money in this country) that he believes everyone should. I don't want that kind of thinking running this country (And yes, I know it has before).

He changes his stance on important issues depending on the day & the group he is talking to. (2002 - supports gays having rights...i.e. insurance, etc..not necessarily marriage tho. 2011 - absolutely does not support gays having any of those rights.) So nine years with him takes us BACK a step..not moving FORWARD.

But! I digress! To answer the question of the thread..which is NOT about his run for President...I think he's a combination of an adult bully/adult baby. I also think back to the Rosie O situation. I think it speaks volumes about his character that whenever he is attacking someone in the media, he almost always resorts to name-calling. He is incapable of having a reasonable adult conversation with the people he has issues with. (Back to the too used to people bowing down to him - he isn't used to dealing with real people who aren't afraid of him).

I used to respect the fact that he worked his way to the top. Nowadays, I'm finding very, very little to respect about him at all.

Corkey 04-25-2011 01:59 PM

He is an ego the size of Texas wrapped in a mouth the size of Europe with the values of a pedophile and a sexist racist jackass.
I don't watch his shows and I think he is a complete fool.
He would bankrupt this country and make a mint doing so for ratings.

Apocalipstic 04-25-2011 02:28 PM

He is a media whore.

sierragirrl 04-25-2011 02:34 PM

Donald Trump is an ASSHAT :annoyed:

Andrew, Jr. 04-25-2011 04:24 PM

No way, no how would I vote for The Donald. He is a bully on many levels. And the remark he made to Star about her weight about made me fall off my chair.

AtLast 04-25-2011 04:31 PM

I have always felt Trump was a bully. He obviously is an opportunist and a media whore. His narcissistic personality is off the charts- and like many narcissists, he is intelligent. That is what makes them so disturbing- and an adult baby. There is also some alcoholism history with him (lost a brother to it). So, maybe some variables there concerning his personality development. His defensive postures and temper flares make me wonder.

He is riding his TV show's success right to the bank and to fan his ego. My guess is that if he really does try to run for the GOP nomination, he will end up in a big pile of his own shit just like Rudy did.

Right now, he is having the time of his life with all of the attention.

Apocalipstic 04-25-2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 326894)
I have always felt Trump was a bully. He obviously is an opportunist and a media whore. His narcissistic personality is off the charts- and like many narcissists, he is intelligent. That is what makes them so disturbing- and an adult baby. There is also some alcoholism history with him (lost a brother to it). So, maybe some variables there concerning his personality development. His defensive postures and temper flares make me wonder.

He is riding his TV show's success right to the bank and to fan his ego. My guess is that if he really does try to run for the GOP nomination, he will end up in a big pile of his own shit just like Rudy did.

Right now, he is having the time of his life with all of the attention.

A Machiavelian Narcisist pehaps? :hamactor:

moxie 04-25-2011 04:36 PM

I just think Trump is one of those people who is opinionated even about minutia and not only thinks that EVERYONE wants to know it, but tries to force it on them (which is bullying in a way). I don't care for people like that because I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, whether I agree with them or not.

I don't even bother with finding out what he has to say anymore.

Mr. Moon 04-25-2011 04:40 PM

I didn't read all the responses because of time so if I am repeating someone else, so sorry....

I remember....5 - 10 years ago he was near bankruptcy. No? I swear there was this big bunch of stuff about how he ran his businesses mostly in the red and had no "real" money.

I am using the wrong words and am short on time, but, I remember that and it was from a real news source.

Other than that he's an egotistical asshat.

AtLast 04-25-2011 08:14 PM

And today...... he says his "detectives" found no birth certificate in Hawaii for Obama!! It is either "not there" or "missing." But won't reveal who in Hawaii his "people" talked with.

I am so sick of this!! The system in Hawaii has been explained and explained- the damn certificate is an official copy.

Frankly, I think Birthers don't think Hawaii is a state!!

Arwen 04-25-2011 10:21 PM

I have a question for those who watch any of The Apprentice shows.


Do you know that you are supporting him by doing that?

:( Even peripherally you are telling the network moguls that he's interesting enough to tape or watch.

That's money in the political bank, y'all.

apretty 04-25-2011 11:01 PM

adult ...diaper

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