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Linus 12-17-2009 09:46 AM

1 Billion Hungry Worldwide.
I'm really surprised this didn't make bigger news when it was released. Basically, 1 in 5 people on this planet is hungry.


I was watching CNN and learned about it today although this has been known since June. To help promote this and perhaps get more funds in place for fighting hungry, visit http://www.wfp.org/1billion (UN World Food Organization).

Andrew, Jr. 12-17-2009 09:53 AM

Yes, that is about right. One of the reasons why I am a strong believer is giving food and water to food banks, and participating at shelters during holidays or making donations of food or money. I think when you see hungry, and homeless children it changes you.

A man lost his job, lost his home, eventually lost every thing he owned, and ended up on the street with his family. It happens more times than one realizes.

weatherboi 12-17-2009 10:02 AM

Great thread!! I am reading WASTE:Uncovering the global food scandal.

"As Tristram Stuart notes in his Introduction, most people instinctively feel there’s something wrong about wasting food. Yet that doesn’t stop us from doing a hell of a lot of it. In America, around 50 per cent of all food is wasted, while over here, we dump 20 million tons of food every year. Put all this together and – to make a wearisomely predictable but inescapable point – you could easily feed the world’s hungry several times over. "


One solution is/maybe equitable food distribution and using proper waste systems globally to create opoortunities to feed the homeless and also create usable methane gases for fuels.

Oy Vey we got some problems to solve.

Andrew, Jr. 12-17-2009 10:09 AM

Mother Teresa had a saying that if you could feed one person, you could feed 100 (or something close to that). She was right about that.

I think about all the animals and pets that are also left homeless because of the homes foreclosed on. Just a horrible amount. And they don't have the skills or know how to survive on their own. They are domestic. :doghead::ballcat::junesmiley::rollcat::paw:

weatherboi 12-17-2009 10:15 AM

The food industry is a cartel/monopoly/damn shame!! This article says it all!!


FeminineAllure 12-17-2009 11:33 AM

Eating Ecologically

Dean Thoreau 12-24-2009 04:25 PM

What d istrubs me are the number of humans left behind..when houses are foreclosed upon..or well the lean to falls down.....or there is no drinking water that is clean on many places due to lack of "sanitation" or this USA countries overwhelming need to drink exotic bottled water and therefore the people who live next ot the "exotic water" can not have any.
If you really want to do something:

because u 2 beleive that all humans have the right to a decent affordable simple home volunteer with www.habitat.org

because u 2 beleive all people ahve the right not go go to sleep hungry and u dont have money to donate then go to www.freerice.com and play some games for rice for people.

because u2 believe all people have the right not to live in poverty but to start businesses,,,build a life for themselves...then go to www.kiva.org and do some microlending...

because u2 beleive many organizations need funding but u can not donate then go to www.goodsearch.com and pick a charity and download their toolbar and everytime u do a search u raise a penny for the organization and those pennies add up.

1 in 5 people will keep beeing hungry until the other 4 people who are not hungry get off their............... and start doing something....
I wont bother to mention that if all people in the USA would just give up one "meat" meal per day...world hunger would not exist.
look that up in goodsearch or google if u dont want to raise money for an organization....

Think about it the next time u buy that cello wrapper of salad in the produce section....or that "farm raised salmon..." or those "organic bananas flown in from ecuador that are only 20 cents each......
every one of those things is contributing to world hunger!

you can not sell a bana for 25 cents and possibly assume the person who grew them or picked them, or packaged them or carried them was paid a liveable wage anywhere in the world. if they dont get a liveable wage how can a person not be hungry????

Andrew, Jr. 12-25-2009 11:38 AM

There is a organization that my late sister participated in, and that her best friend carried over in her memory. It is the same that Dean Thoreau is promoting here - kiva.org. It is good folks.


Andrew, Jr. 12-29-2009 11:14 AM

I was watching the news...if Hollywood can generate all this money for movies, then why can't some of that money go towards rebuilding New Orleans, feeding the homeless/hungry, and ending poverty? Just thinking out loud.


Dean Thoreau 01-14-2010 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Andrew, Jr. (Post 27204)
I was watching the news...if Hollywood can generate all this money for movies, then why can't some of that money go towards rebuilding New Orleans, feeding the homeless/hungry, and ending poverty? Just thinking out loud.


Andrew for the same reason that the top 2% rich people in the United States..don't just "write a check" to wipe out hunger, famine, disease, r.....they are selfish.

Warren buffett, bill Gates, and Ted turner...can be excluded in that..but the rest of them are selfish and do not even give close to 10% of their net income to charity....funny thing is poor folks for the most part tithe 10%....I think it is because they truly understand and care. Google richest people in the USA.....and say a prayer for them they are really the poorest ones....

Remember Doris Duke "richest woman in the world" she died all alone, no friends at her bedside, no family..all those rich friends no where to be found...she in my estimation was the "poorest woman in the world"

to quote dick Gregory's momma "We may be broke but we are not poor"

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