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PaPa 12-27-2012 04:11 PM

Working late so looking forward to going home. Lol! So ready to relax. Paperwork is never done. Lol!

laruss 12-27-2012 04:16 PM

New Year's eve!
We are going to the Big Gay Gala.
Our drag queens are hosting this year.
I am wearing a corset and a new pair of CFM red shoes.
I'm excited, we even got a hotel room there so we only have to stumble to the elevator.
I haven't really gone out for New Years in years.

Leigh 12-27-2012 05:53 PM

A brand new year :)

*Anya* 12-27-2012 07:18 PM

Looking forward to:
New Year's Eve dance with my honey.

We have been practicing...



JustLovelyJenn 12-27-2012 08:02 PM

Making some big changes

And some little ones

In the new year

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-27-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by JustLovelyJenn (Post 723987)
Making some big changes

And some little ones

In the new year

*smiles* what kind of changes?

girl_dee 12-28-2012 07:46 PM

crawling in that big warm bed with Syr and all the furbabies, knowing the big full moon will be in full view through that window. :moon:

clay 12-28-2012 08:02 PM

waiting on that huge, full moon to come up...
a haircut..time for drastic changes in hair style..lol
the ends are a mass of curls...BUT they aggravtae me to no end...chuckles...

Sparkles 12-28-2012 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by claybaby (Post 724539)
waiting on that huge, full moon to come up...
a haircut..time for drastic changes in hair style..lol
the ends are a mass of curls...BUT they aggravtae me to no end...chuckles...

Oh noooooooo!! You gonna kill the mullet??? :tease:
Just giving ya the business bro! :)

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-28-2012 08:15 PM

...stil looking forward to ordering chinese food on new yrs..... seeing what may happen over the next couple of days....looking forward to snuggles & getting out of this house for awhile

BrutalDaddy 12-28-2012 08:23 PM

Right now the only thing I am truly looking forward to is home time. Was supposed to be tomorrow but not looking like that's gonna happen.

That's All I Want,

Prudence 12-30-2012 10:59 AM

--Tonight, 8:20pm--KICK OFF--- Cowboys/Redskins game for the winner of the NFC East.

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-30-2012 11:10 AM

taking a chance .....hoping it pays off

EmpressM 12-30-2012 04:27 PM

With much anticipation!
New Year's eve celebration with friends AND wearing the fabulous new dress I HAD to buy for the occasion! It's 3 sizes smaller than the size I wore 45 days ago and shows off my legs and cleavage nicely... YAY!

cinnamongrrl 12-30-2012 06:21 PM

The PLAY OFFS!!!! :)

TheDreadPirateRoberts 12-30-2012 06:38 PM

getting to celebrate new yrs in many ways......ordering food with my dear ones ...movie time with my gurrl .....going out with a new friend for a couple of drinks...then back home to maybe send some new year wishes to a close friend on the west coast

girl_dee 12-30-2012 07:51 PM

The Reunion! ....

Canela 12-30-2012 08:05 PM

Going home...
This trip has been more than I'd expected. Being with my huge family sharing this sorrowful time has been a huge gift of blessings and love and reminded me how much I have to be grateful about. I'm so looking forward to getting on the road tomorrow.

Only downside to that is, I'll be in a hotel room alone for New Years Eve...but hey, at least I'll be in Texas, right where I belong.

MsTinkerbelly 12-31-2012 03:42 PM

The next 10 years (and more) with my Wife, the love of my life.

TheMerryFairy 12-31-2012 03:44 PM

Going out tonight!! Have a happy & safe new year. I'm also looking forward to a change in hairstyle. I don't know if many people realize the difference a change like that can make!

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