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Jess 04-22-2015 11:21 AM

Looking forward to this time next week... I will have landed, had a few hours to try to tear my eyes (and hands,legs,lips) off of her and perhaps form a complete sentence or two other than "Thank you, God"...








femmeandstrong 04-22-2015 11:28 AM

Big things...

Chicklette 04-22-2015 11:58 AM

My second cup of coffee, and conversation.

MysticOceansFL 04-22-2015 12:11 PM

Summertime and the beaches!.................

Firedance 04-22-2015 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jess (Post 985153)
Looking forward to this time next week... I will have landed, had a few hours to try to tear my eyes (and hands,legs,lips) off of her and perhaps form a complete sentence or two other than "Thank you, God"...








Ha! You better not have let go yet... And I'm going to keep that mouth too occupied for silly little things like words!!!

I adore you my beloved... Grinz... We will probably both be SO sleep deprived by the time you get here, we will fall asleep the instant we get home!


WolfyOne 04-22-2015 01:43 PM

Warmer weather and fishing without all this wind...a soft breeze would be welcome.

JDeere 04-22-2015 06:26 PM

A good night's sleep!

randrum 04-22-2015 07:37 PM

Just bought tickets to see Kelly Clarkson in August. :)

JDeere 04-22-2015 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by randrum (Post 985229)
Just bought tickets to see Kelly Clarkson in August. :)

Jealous Jealous Jealous of you right now!

I love Kelly Clarkson!

Kenna 04-22-2015 09:05 PM

My first Acupuncture session on May 1st!
I've wanted to try this for years! But my insurance wouldn't cover it. My doctor made the order today and made me laugh after I told her I used to be scared of needles, she said don't worry, they didn't hurt when she used it for fertility treatments. When she saw my face :| :| we both laughed.

GeorgiaMa'am 04-22-2015 10:04 PM

Retiring to a condo on the beach in (probably) Panama City Beach, Florida. Unfortunately, this is still about 15 years away. I have _got_ to stop watching _Beachfront Bargain Hunt_ on HGTV.

femmeandstrong 04-23-2015 07:38 AM

having my broken washer picked up for junk ...rather than spending several hundred $$ to fix... decided that is more cost effective...
frugal femme ahuh lol

anotherbutch 04-23-2015 07:45 AM

Seeing my buddy at works new baby girl that was born last night at 12:03. Can't wait to hold her.:hangloose:

Daniela 04-23-2015 08:12 AM

:hk32: Caturday!

MysticOceansFL 04-23-2015 12:01 PM

No rain, beach the Florida SunShine and lotion!

Chicklette 04-23-2015 12:29 PM

For my first weekend off in ages, the fish to bite, and pure silence

anotherbutch 04-23-2015 03:19 PM

looking to do some fishing myself....:fastdraq::canoworms:

cinnamongrrl 04-23-2015 06:28 PM


I just re-checked my schedule and I have it off! Gives me a break mid week...


JDeere 04-23-2015 07:37 PM

For her to be home from work so we can chat!

Smiling 04-24-2015 04:52 PM

A visit with a friend I haven't seen in almost 3 years. I am so excited to see her smiling face!

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