Sunday (Christmas Eve Day)................
moving to Albany in the next year.
What special things do you do on Christmas Eve? |
Looking forward to feeling better. I got rained on this past Sunday in the woods grabbing up tools and getting everything relocated to the storage room. It was cold that day. I finally gave in to what I think is a head cold. Nothing serious - only sniffles, sore throat and a stuffy head but it is making me so tired. I think I could sleep a straight 24 hours.
Christmas break for work.
My job has been a fucking BEAST the last couple of months and I really need 4 days of uninterrupted time where my phone isn't blowing up and my email isn't melting down. |
Like most... some general peace and quiet. My time off it coming at the end of next week. I've got to work Tues/Wed and them I'm off for five days. Weee!!!! :byebye:
drying hair..going out for a Yule lunch |
Tomorrow and everything that it brings.
For my new truck to be fixed good as new so I no longer need to be reminded of the damage some jackass left from their hit-n-run. I'll need a whole new access door and the driver's door and truck bed repainted to "feather in" the matching paint.
Getting out of Green Acres for one last trip to Seattle before Christmas!
Getting this weekend at work safely tucked away. As soon as I get off duty Christmas day, I'll be making a three hour drive to visit my parents for a couple of days. I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with them.
New years....i think we may actually do something fun... :)
being in the same space........:love1:.
9 pm eastern time....
I'm then officially off for the next three days and my honey is off til Tuesday. :) |
Decorating our Christmas tree, and the annual sister ornament exchange!!
Looking forward to correcting bad situation I have gotten myself into. My tree wedge was in the truck and I was too lazy to take two whole minutes and get it. Been working on it for the past three hours. It is extremely delicate, no margin for error. If I screw this up, the pups and I will be in bed tonight staring up at the stars. :( I am so tired now, I am actually laughing at my folly.
All secure now. I am so thankful!
Thursday, when I pick her up from the airport.
❤️🎉🎊❤️ |
2017 was such an amazing year. I cannot wait to see what 2018 has in store. |
Short term, getting my back properly sorted out. Lomg termm same as tantalizingfemme - whatever 2018 has in store for me!
Seeing her again after so many years.
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 05:20 PM. |
All information copyright of BFP 2018