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violaine 04-04-2011 07:50 PM

twenty-five minutes from now :moonstars:

Soft*Silver 04-04-2011 07:51 PM


weatherboi 04-04-2011 08:13 PM

i am looking forward to Saturday morning.

Pixie 04-04-2011 08:16 PM

Be afraid. :-D

Scorp 04-04-2011 08:17 PM

The weekend...

Jaques 04-05-2011 01:51 AM

My chigung lesson later this morning, i go twice a week and really enjoy it, very theraputic and relaxing............

storyofmylife 04-07-2011 09:06 AM

Raceway park!

PumaJ 04-07-2011 09:31 AM

Going out dancing with my "Wing Women" Friday nite to the club that has the best DJs, CC Slaughters :blueheels:

girl_dee 04-07-2011 09:35 AM

I am looking forward to family visit!

Sparkle 04-07-2011 09:43 AM

the arrival of my first ever nephew! hurry up and be born baby!

taking my faerie-godchild to her first ever game at fenway!

Spring....and all the colour returning!

And seeing the Young@Heart Chorus on Sunday! I ::heart:: them!

Miss Scarlett 04-07-2011 09:01 PM

My digital cable box finishing its reboot - been at it for an hour now...cannot get help at TWC (not surprising)...

bigbutchmistie 04-07-2011 09:14 PM

I can't wIt for a new bachelor pad. I'm saving to move soon.

Pixie 04-07-2011 09:50 PM

School! I didn't realize my move was coming up so fast! I am so incredibly stoked!

AtLast 04-07-2011 10:19 PM

Saturday night Texas Rose queer partner dancing.

storyofmylife 04-08-2011 01:15 AM

:bunchflowers: gardening

Daktari 04-08-2011 03:36 AM

Seeing my best-poof perform in Guys and Dolls at The Grand this evening.

Miss Scarlett 04-08-2011 04:20 AM

Hair appointment after work! :cheer:

girl_dee 04-09-2011 05:59 AM

girl night with my Sister!

Daktari 04-09-2011 06:37 AM

A bike ride in the warm of this gorgeous spring sunshine.

lipstixgal 04-09-2011 08:01 AM

Spending time with my girl this afternoon she will go home tomorrow for her cats visit to the vet and return on MOnday :(

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