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Tawse 05-11-2012 05:00 AM

In 4 to 6 weeks I'm going to be the proud daddy of a new kitteh! I'm sure the other members of the pack will be thrilled, especially you know.. the alpha female cat and the alpha male dog...

I sense good times ahead

But kittehs are just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Kenna 05-11-2012 05:40 AM

A delightful breakfast this morning and getting work done quickly so I can enjoy this day! Breakfast at my favorite lil joint, Tracy's "a little taste of heaven"... knowing Tracy will make me pecan pancakes if I take him the fresh pecans. Being at home feels so damn good! ... gotta get chores done so I can play this weekend!

JustJo 05-11-2012 07:37 AM

...the end of Rooster's school year rapidly approaching...he's done beautifully with Prinicipal's Honor Roll and straight A's all the way through

...my honey pulling into the driveway with a pile of stuff and a couple more kittehs :playingcat:

...a relaxing, fun vacation in Key Largo together

...giving those DisneyWorld annual passes a real workout :cheesy:

...getting together with friends and having houseguests :)

firegal 05-11-2012 08:04 AM

another pleasant conversation,looking forward to more

miss entycing 05-11-2012 08:07 AM

a night out with Hym and some friends tonight..
loud music, bikes, kick ass peeps, karaoke i'm sure, and some yummy dirty dancin.
bring it.

Gaige 05-11-2012 08:56 AM

The morning of May 18th

Lazy Daze 05-11-2012 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Guy (Post 582650)
Going to the lady A concert with her tonight!

And I am sooooooooo looking forward to going with you honey! I am such a lucky girl!

PinkieLee 05-11-2012 10:17 AM

sometimes it's just the little things...
date night with my boo tonight to go see The Avengers

plans tomorrow to go to a big outdoor antique/flea market with some friends

brunch with my mom on Sunday

funkyfemme 05-11-2012 10:43 AM

This very moment!! Leaving now to pick him up from work so we can start our weekend together!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! :cheer:

christie 05-15-2012 03:51 PM

As always, I am looking forward to her being home...

laruss 05-15-2012 07:33 PM

A day with my favorite lady and a week later I get to spend 3 whole days with her. I am so excited for that time together, it is so rare.

The_Lady_Snow 05-15-2012 08:09 PM

It's going to be crayyyyzeee
In one month Pride Fuckery!!!!

Leigh 05-15-2012 08:15 PM

Possibilities :)

Lazy Daze 05-15-2012 09:02 PM

My mom coming next week

Going to the Yankees game with Him

choochoo-enginerd 05-15-2012 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by christie (Post 585364)
As always, I am looking forward to her being home...

.....and, always always I look forward to being there..

aishah 05-15-2012 10:13 PM

visiting my partner tomorrow :) and conferences and retreats next week.

StrongButch 05-15-2012 10:19 PM

What are you looking forward to
Going to the drive-in Friday night with my g-f and making out like teenagers

greeneyedgrrl 05-15-2012 10:55 PM

Summer vacation!!!! :cheesy:

bkisbutchenuff 05-16-2012 03:49 AM




Miss Scarlett 05-16-2012 04:27 AM

FRIDAY! :hk4:

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