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-   -   New trends in high profile women dealing with infidelity? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3255)

Kobi 05-18-2011 03:41 PM

New trends in high profile women dealing with infidelity?

In the past few years, we have seen high profile cases of infidelity i.e.
Sandra Bullock/Jesse James, Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren, Elizabeth and John Edwards, and now Maria Shriver and Arnold.

All these women have or seem to be in the process of extracating themselves
from their marriages as opposed to trying to work things out/deciding things cant be worked out.

I am seeing this as a positive/empowering thing for women in general, tho I am having a hard time deciding why I think this.

Anyone else seeing this as a trend, a good thing or not so good thing, a sign of the times etc?

Liam 05-18-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kobi (Post 341395)

In the past few years, we have seen high profile cases of infidelity i.e.
Sandra Bullock/Jesse James, Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren, Elizabeth and John Edwards, and now Maria Shriver and Arnold.

All these women have or seem to be in the process of extracating themselves
from their marriages as opposed to trying to work things out/deciding things cant be worked out.

I am seeing this as a positive/empowering thing for women in general, tho I am having a hard time deciding why I think this.

Anyone else seeing this as a trend, a good thing or not so good thing, a sign of the times etc?

I think it is exciting that women are dealing with infidelity in their marriages in a high profile manner, because it threatens the status quo. I hope that their actions will empower other women to take control of their lives and settle for nothing less than what they wish.

atomiczombie 05-18-2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Kobi (Post 341395)

In the past few years, we have seen high profile cases of infidelity i.e.
Sandra Bullock/Jesse James, Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren, Elizabeth and John Edwards, and now Maria Shriver and Arnold.

All these women have or seem to be in the process of extracating themselves
from their marriages as opposed to trying to work things out/deciding things cant be worked out.

I am seeing this as a positive/empowering thing for women in general, tho I am having a hard time deciding why I think this.

Anyone else seeing this as a trend, a good thing or not so good thing, a sign of the times etc?

I think women shouldn't take this kind of treatment lying down. It is cruel and unacceptable and I applaud them for moving on.

Jess 05-18-2011 06:32 PM

This is pretty interesting as the bratboy and I were listening to NPR on the way to school this morning and it was stated that Arnold's child by Maria and ( alleged I think, still?) child by an employee in the household were like a week apart.

Bratboy says... " I think they should try to work it out". WHEW.... Deep breath.... My knee jerk is very different than what came out... a pregnant pause and" really? why do you think that?"

He said he felt like in a committed relationship people just need to work through problems. OK.. fair enough. I get where his views are coming from and did not argue with them based on my life experiences.

It was very interesting to me to hear that but not really surprising coming from a kid who is 17, never had a real relationship and has only felt the hurt his father caused by being absent in his life.

At his age, I may have felt the exact same way.

Today however, I feel just like folks who have posted above. Yes, there are issues in all relationships that should be met with more understanding and compromise and sacrifice, even. Infidelity to this degree has historically been exercised on the male part of high profile couples and historically has been the burden of the loving wife to "stand by her man".

I say KUDOS to Maria ! Dump him! I am still a little pissed that Hillary stuck in there, however, I am quite sure that her political climb in the aftermath may have been a direct result of her "compromise". Go girl.. you get your paper!

AtLast 05-18-2011 07:13 PM

Concerning Maria Shriver- there are some "leaks" indicating that she has been considering leaving the marriage for several years now. The end of his governorship was when she had set the time to do so. I have no idea if this true or not. Arnold's womanizing has been in the media for a long time and during his election here in CA, it came up more than once.

Shriver has always spoken of her kids as most important in her life. Like so many, putting what feels like is "best for the children," must have been central in her trying to figure out if she wants to continue in the marriage. But, this new info about his fathering another child and keeping it secret had to be the straw that broke the camels back. Now, there is all that will ensue with their kids dealing with having another sibling.

Maria Shriver is a bright and talented journalist with a good reputation concerning her work. She was an active CA First Lady with issues and programs for women (The Minerva Awards) and March for Alzheimer's (which her father recent died from. She will go forward.

To be honest, I think she ought to divorce him. And I am tired of all of the hypicritical "family values" Republicans affairs, etc. Don't care for Democrats that have done this, either. John Edwards is another example.

Kobi 05-18-2011 08:05 PM

Thank you for all your responses.

We can never know whether the highly public "infidelity" is the precipitating factor or the straw that broke the camels back in the dissolution of a marriage.

And I am aware that each of these women has the financial resources to move out and move on....a luxury many women dont have.

I was very disappointed when Hilary stuck by Bill. It wasnt the affair(s) per se that bugged me but the outright lying to the entire country that rubbed me the wrong way. I always wondered if this decision hampered her bigger political aspirations.

I am happy to see women having the opportunity to see other women remove themselves from relationships rather than being bound by a "stand by your man" mentality. I think it is good for women to have such role models, all of whom have, as far as I can see, handled the issue with grace and dignity. And who walked away with their heads held high.

I like the decisiveness, the independence, the fortitude, the example it sets in dealing with a very difficult and complex issue. And hopefully, others in similiar circumstances can gain from it the strength and the courage to do what is best for them and their children.

homoe 06-30-2018 05:42 PM

I realize this thread is a bit older, but I have noticed when politicians get caught doing some "extra current" affairs or misdeeds that when they go before the camera and admit to it, often times the Mrs. isn't standing beside him putting on a brave face and smiling for the camera!

IMHO I think this is a wonderful thing...:hangloose:

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