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WheatToast 10-17-2018 11:03 PM

GOP calls Democrats "Angry Mob"
Can you believe the nerve of these violent, gun loving, neo Nazi, Russian-colluding jackals? When I heard Trump refer to (rightfully)pissed off Democrats as "the ANGRY MOB," I was thinking how right he was--we are angry. Then I realized he said it to warn the GOP that we were violent, menacing and in need of squelching. Trump has an annoying habit of claiming those who dislike him or object to his lies and criminal behavior are doing whatever it is he and his pals are doing. It's plain old projection. We are hardly a mob, but the angry part is correct and entirely called for. PLEASE VOTE THESE LEMMING ENABLERS OF HIS OUT OF OFFICE. If the GOP retains majority control of both Houses, we will never get rid of this nightmare of a "president."

A. Spectre 10-18-2018 03:46 AM

All one has to remember regarding IQ45, is the opposite of what he says is usually the truth. He prevaricates, deflects and projects.

He would make a great case study in a specimen jar/room somewhere.

Believe me, I have not forgotten the few in here who rejoiced after the Cheetolinni "won" the election. You can not be forgiven, nor forgotten. The destruction trump has done is mind boggling in this amount of time after the election.

Let the midterms allow some hints at sanity.

MsTinkerbelly 10-18-2018 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by WheatToast (Post 1228358)
Can you believe the nerve of these violent, gun loving, neo Nazi, Russian-colluding jackals? When I heard Trump refer to (rightfully)pissed off Democrats as "the ANGRY MOB," I was thinking how right he was--we are angry. Then I realized he said it to warn the GOP that we were violent, menacing and in need of squelching. Trump has an annoying habit of claiming those who dislike him or object to his lies and criminal behavior are doing whatever it is he and his pals are doing. It's plain old projection. We are hardly a mob, but the angry part is correct and entirely called for. PLEASE VOTE THESE LEMMING ENABLERS OF HIS OUT OF OFFICE. If the GOP retains majority control of both Houses, we will never get rid of this nightmare of a "president."

The Democrat party has a HUGE problem (besides 45), in that I compare the two parties to a fight between Mike Tyson (substitute Repugnants) and Muhammad Ali (Democrat); both are great fighters, but one is dirty and will do anything to win.

We keep LOSING important elections because of gerrymandering, vote tampering, and the seeming inability of our Democrat leaders to pull their heads out of their asses and fight back! Please, Elizabeth Warren/Joe Biden/Hilary Clinton, DO NOT run for President! You are boring, unable to fight dirty, and out of touch with the people of this country...SO BADLY, that the orange idiot is now destroying what the people have fought and died to build and preserve.

End of rant

WheatToast 10-18-2018 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by MsTinkerbelly (Post 1228373)
The Democrat party has a HUGE problem (besides 45), in that I compare the two parties to a fight between Mike Tyson (substitute Repugnants) and Muhammad Ali (Democrat); both are great fighters, but one is dirty and will do anything to win.

We keep LOSING important elections because of gerrymandering, vote tampering, and the seeming inability of our Democrat leaders to pull their heads out of their asses and fight back! Please, Elizabeth Warren/Joe Biden/Hilary Clinton, DO NOT run for President! You are boring, unable to fight dirty, and out of touch with the people of this country...SO BADLY, that the orange idiot is now destroying what the people have fought and died to build and preserve.

End of rant

AhHa! An early Avanatti supporter.

Lyte 10-18-2018 02:48 PM

Yup, the word mob is being used to describe Dems / Libs / Progs all over the country by Reps looking to get reelected.

A month ago I was feeling pretty good regarding our odds to take over one or both houses but now I'm not so confident. :praying:

Lyte 10-18-2018 03:13 PM

You've def hit on some valid points! Adding to that and I'm paraphrasing...

Last month I heard this guy on NPR layout, in one sentence, the stark realty of how we (Dems/Libs/Progs/Inds) f'ed up. He said something like … Sure, we won the war on plastic bags and lost … I believe he said … the Supreme Court. The Reps have been hyper-focused on winning the Supreme Court for decades... for decades people! And too, they've managed to stumble upon (thanks to Trump) a winning formula for getting elected and very likely, reelected.

Dems/Libs/Pros/Inds ... we really have to get our shit together … in more ways than I could possibly list here. :seeingstars:


Originally Posted by MsTinkerbelly (Post 1228373)
The Democrat party has a HUGE problem (besides 45), in that I compare the two parties to a fight between Mike Tyson (substitute Repugnants) and Muhammad Ali (Democrat); both are great fighters, but one is dirty and will do anything to win.

We keep LOSING important elections because of gerrymandering, vote tampering, and the seeming inability of our Democrat leaders to pull their heads out of their asses and fight back! Please, Elizabeth Warren/Joe Biden/Hilary Clinton, DO NOT run for President! You are boring, unable to fight dirty, and out of touch with the people of this country...SO BADLY, that the orange idiot is now destroying what the people have fought and died to build and preserve.

End of rant

Lyte 10-18-2018 03:18 PM

I dug Avenatti when he first appeared but not so much many more. He seems very focused on self-aggrandizement. But … who knows... maybe it takes an egomaniac to beat an egomaniac. But … at least … maybe... he'll be our egomaniac?? :p lol


Originally Posted by WheatToast (Post 1228396)
AhHa! An early Avanatti supporter.

CherylNYC 10-18-2018 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Lyte (Post 1228403)
I dug Avenatti when he first appeared but not so much many more. He seems very focused on self-aggrandizement. But … who knows... maybe it takes an egomaniac to beat an egomaniac. But … at least … maybe... he'll be our egomaniac?? :p lol

Right. He's a blustery, prickly egomaniac. But he's an egomaniac with good politics.

NOPE! That does not make someone a good Presidential candidate. This is the hardest job on earth, and the most powerful position on earth. The right person for this job is not someone whose primary qualification is their entertainment value. We're not electing someone to be a rock star, fer-fcks-sake.

I think Warren is a great candidate, regardless of her missteps in the debate over her Native American ancestor. She lacks foreign policy experience, but so did Obama. I think Booker is another good prospect, though he's equally inexperienced in foreign policy. I think Biden is not the right one at this time. I'm not going to agree with everything that anyone has done or will do. But I think either Booker or Warren would be excellent choices.

MaddieRobbie 10-23-2018 12:13 PM

An Angry Mob?
I don't think we're a mob that's angry enough! If we were as scary as the GOP says we are, they wouldn't be pulling any of this BS.

We need to go to the polls and vote - then, go to the White House like the villagers in an old Frankenstein movie. Enough.

~ocean 10-23-2018 01:20 PM

I'm sick of the democrat and republican separatism.... it's OLD ….our senator Charles Baker of Massachusetts is a rare find in politics . He identifies as a republican ,although he doesn't seem like he is . I just find him an intelligent man with a very liberal outlook.

~ocean 10-23-2018 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by ~ocean (Post 1228858)
I'm sick of the democrat and republican separatism.... it's OLD ….our senator Charles Baker of Massachusetts is a rare find in politics . He identifies as a republican ,although he doesn't seem like he is . I just find him an intelligent man with a very liberal outlook.

he's the Governor not the senator what was I thinking ! lol good thing kobi picked up on it TY KOBI ~ is my face red !! :blush::blush::blush:

homoe 10-24-2018 01:21 AM

Who's any more of a angry mob than those republicans who start chanting "lock her up" at the drop of a hat..........

dark_crystal 10-24-2018 04:50 AM

One of the best tweets i saw after The Incident on 11/9/2016 was "I'm the tea party now, motherf#@ckers"

The Republicans have never been scared of us before. I like them scared.

Martina 10-24-2018 08:22 AM

Yeah, we're the angry mob while they send bombs to Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas. Charming motherfuckers.

nhplowboi 10-24-2018 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Martina (Post 1228958)
Yeah, we're the angry mob while they send bombs to Soros, the Clintons, and the Obamas. Charming motherfuckers.

Funny...... Fox news didn't get one of those special packages. Do these people not understand their televised Trump propaganda is dangerous and feeds/exploits the minds of the mentally unbalanced? Of course the next thing we will hear is it was really done by a mob of dems looking to deter voters from going to the polls.

~ocean 10-24-2018 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by nhplowboi (Post 1228967)
Funny...... Fox news didn't get one of those special packages. Do these people not understand their televised Trump propaganda is dangerous and feeds/exploits the minds of the mentally unbalanced? Of course the next thing we will hear is it was really done by a mob of dems looking to deter voters from going to the polls.

^5 nh ~ I agree . trump causes hate. just now the way he addressed the public on the pipe bombs ~ after his wife spoke ~ showed how it's not that imp. to him. thank God people around him are running this country. United We Stand !

Lyte 10-24-2018 12:52 PM

I did my thang early yesterday... please cross all fingers and toes for Beto in Texas … he's a long shot! :koolaid:

ksrainbow 10-24-2018 12:59 PM

Trump Rally tonight-
For those who are interested:

Madison Wisconsin tonight 10/24 at 6:30pm...

Packages may be delivered or mailed to:

Central Wisconsin Airport
Airport Hangar
400 Aviation Way
Mosinee, WI 54455

p.s. Please keep all reference/s to targets with a *D* association, checked at the door-

~ocean 10-24-2018 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by ksrainbow (Post 1229002)
For those who are interested:

Madison Wisconsin tonight 10/24 at 6:30pm...

Packages may be delivered or mailed to:

Central Wisconsin Airport
Airport Hangar
400 Aviation Way
Mosinee, WI 54455

p.s. Please keep all reference/s to targets with a *D* association, checked at the door-

lol ks ! keep the packages @ a cookie box lol w/ love , democrats lol

ksrainbow 10-24-2018 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by ~ocean (Post 1229003)
lol ks ! keep the packages @ a cookie box lol w/ love , democrats lol

I wish for all those who attend to be safe and alert...esp the delivery folks!


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