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cinnamongrrl 12-02-2012 07:36 AM

Tuesday! We have so much fun on our days off.....but this week we have stuff to do around the house....but I KNOW we will find something fun to do.... :)


girl_dee 12-06-2012 12:44 PM

Getting home today!

Ginger 12-06-2012 01:55 PM

I am looking forward to having some Nutella when I get home.

curlyredhead 12-06-2012 02:23 PM

Dec. 21st!!!! I am so excited! Surgery Date!

Okiebug61 12-06-2012 03:21 PM

Jan. 1st. Red and I leave for a week long vacation! Yippeeeeee!

QueenofSmirks 12-06-2012 05:27 PM

Tonight - going to see the Nutracker ballet
Friday night - bounty poker tournament
Saturday night - holiday party
Sunday - ladies poker tournament

Sparkle 12-06-2012 06:04 PM

A visit with the cheekiest and most adorable boy-child in the world.

A sleepover at my sister's.

And then "Ladies Christmas Lunch" in Saratoga with many of the beautiful women in my extended family (which is one of my favorite ways to kick off the holiday season because it makes me feel close to my Grama, who I miss dearly, and who passed away on this day 6 years ago).

Kenna 12-06-2012 06:45 PM

a new job
someone to warm my feet
New Years
a trip to get stuff outa storage

Trev 12-06-2012 09:53 PM

Trip home during Christmas

Soft*Silver 12-06-2012 10:04 PM

on the 15th my store is participating in Shop with a Cop and helping them host a Community children's Christmas party

Ginger 12-06-2012 10:21 PM

I'm looking forward to reading the L.A. Times online tomorrow morning. By then they will have announced the Poet Laureate of California. I know who's going to get it—a reporter from the L.A. Times told a friend of mine out there and he told me (well, he hinted quite obviously, LOL).

Kay Ryan from San Jose California was the U.S. Poet Laureate a couple years back. I love her work and flirted shamelessly with her when she came through NYC to read a while back. I'm always happy when a woman, especially an older woman, and I have to admit, an older butch, gets a big prize.

I was beside myself when Wyslawa Szymborska got the Nobel Prize for Literature. She's not a lesbian, that's not what I'm saying. She was a brilliant brilliant old woman who wrote with passion till she died last February.

I have always loved Judy Grahn, too, from way way back. Another butch poet. I wish she were getting the California Poet Laureate at the very least and she deserves the U.S. one, IMO but I'm glad this other person (TBA!) is getting it now. Twenty years ago I saw Judy Grahn read somewhere and had her sign her books for me and she kept saying, Don't I know you from somewhere? I was levitating off the ground.

I love those old dyke poets.

GPS 12-06-2012 10:21 PM

i'm looking forward to a little cooler weather. hell its december and in the 60's and 70's. i was hoping for snow at xmas time

stargazingboi 12-06-2012 10:49 PM

the weekend..where I can snuggle up and sleep in

not2shygrrl 12-06-2012 11:47 PM

ringing in the New Year.....
Looking forward to bringing in the New Year with her, the first of many more!

Lazy Daze 12-07-2012 08:12 AM

Putting the tree up and decorating the house this weekend :)

Wrapping presents (my favorite part of Christmas)

Spending the weekend with Him :rrose:

cinnamongrrl 12-07-2012 08:19 AM

Right now.... COFFEE.... I need an IV drip of it....After being awoken from that awful nightmare, I had a hard time going back to sleep...I'm still cobwebby...
I could use some breakfast too...one thing at a time...
I'm looking forward to work today. I miss my guy after a few days...he's a lovely man... :)

Ginger 12-11-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by IslandScout (Post 712753)
I'm looking forward to reading the L.A. Times online tomorrow morning. By then they will have announced the Poet Laureate of California. I know who's going to get it—a reporter from the L.A. Times told a friend of mine out there and he told me (well, he hinted quite obviously, LOL).

Kay Ryan from San Jose California was the U.S. Poet Laureate a couple years back. I love her work and flirted shamelessly with her when she came through NYC to read a while back. I'm always happy when a woman, especially an older woman, and I have to admit, an older butch, gets a big prize.

I was beside myself when Wyslawa Szymborska got the Nobel Prize for Literature. She's not a lesbian, that's not what I'm saying. She was a brilliant brilliant old woman who wrote with passion till she died last February.

I have always loved Judy Grahn, too, from way way back. Another butch poet. I wish she were getting the California Poet Laureate at the very least and she deserves the U.S. one, IMO but I'm glad this other person (TBA!) is getting it now. Twenty years ago I saw Judy Grahn read somewhere and had her sign her books for me and she kept saying, Don't I know you from somewhere? I was levitating off the ground.

I love those old dyke poets.

It's Poet Larueate of Los Angeles, not California. But you know that by now...

Miss Scarlett 12-11-2012 12:55 PM

Just being home tonight...

PaPa 12-11-2012 04:06 PM

The New Year

Sachita 12-11-2012 04:18 PM

Mia (my granddaughter) is turning TWO this weekend!

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