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Julien 11-25-2011 07:21 PM

I am looking forward to January, a new year and a new beginning. :fireworks:
Visit from someone special.:wine::awww:
I'll turn 50 that year.:glasses:

ruffryder 12-02-2011 10:18 PM

this month? It's starting out good so far..

BugsAndKisses 12-03-2011 09:13 AM

looking forward to being all done packing and driving away from S.Fla

Scuba 12-03-2011 09:59 AM

....bringing home a Christmas tree today :)

greeneyedgrrl 12-03-2011 10:06 AM

friends coming and making me dinner! i <3 homemade enchiladas! :cheesy: ...oh and my friends too! :|

girl_dee 12-03-2011 08:34 PM

my mom's mirliton and shrimp dressing on Dec 25 !

Bootsandheels 12-03-2011 08:46 PM

Decorating, shopping and more interior decorating...Tis the season to let my Femme shine!!! YAY!

MissItalianDiva 12-03-2011 09:27 PM

Late night movie night tonight with someone I have missed spending quality time with

sylvie 12-07-2011 09:24 PM

Tomorrow -
Because tomorrow is the start of my getting myself back on track..
healthy eating - working out - meditation - meetings - & all my other tools..
i haven't fallen completely off the wagon, but it's been a tough, emotional 2 weeks or so.. i am learning as i go though, building a stronger self, and jumping back in.. full force!
< girl who just won't quit!

ruby_woo 12-07-2011 09:33 PM

I'm very very very excited to pick up my new permanent resident card on Friday morning! :cheer: I've been waiting for about a year, and haven't been able to leave Canada the whole time.

Now I just need to figure how to convince the boi to drive me to the Seattle Premium Outlets.

dixie 12-07-2011 09:38 PM

7 more days til :kissy:

funkyfemme 12-07-2011 09:52 PM

The ability to breathe freely. GO AWAY you nasty cold!!!!!! :whine:

tazz 12-07-2011 09:55 PM

that skype session with her again next week :)

tazz 12-07-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by scubadyke (Post 479120)
....bringing home a Christmas tree today :)

***can i help ya decorate it? i Love decorating christmas trees :) especially when i'm buzzed :D

DapperButch 12-07-2011 10:35 PM

My sister and her family coming in from the west coast for Christmas this year!

They didn't make it last year and it was an especially sucky Christmas because my Dad passed away earlier in the year (plus I was in the middle of chemo). I am glad that things feel different this year and I am looking forward to Christmas! :rudreindeer::stocking::present:

smouldering 12-08-2011 08:51 AM

Getting the christmas tree up, decorated and the other decorations up so that I can make faces at it and say "bahumbug" and my daughter roll her eyes at me lol

gaea 12-08-2011 08:58 AM

Seeing my 3 year old granddaughters eyes when she opens up the drum set....listening to my daughter bitch at me about all the noise...hee hee a grandmothers revenge....except the 3 yo is musically talented and could play a harmonica at a year old.

Christmas egg nog at my daughters...

Christmas morning with the grandkids

The month of January when my gift arrives :)

girl_dee 12-09-2011 05:42 PM

Yule celebrations and making Gumbo for the event!

princessbelle 12-09-2011 05:47 PM

Getting chauffered around the city to see all the pretty Christmas lights, complete with hot chocolate!!!!!!!!


asphaltcowboi 12-09-2011 08:28 PM

going to the SF bay area for xmass and new years to spend it with my sis and family... they really know how to do up the holidays!! so much love and fun when we all get together!

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