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Mtn 12-09-2011 08:57 PM


MysticOceansFL 12-09-2011 09:16 PM

Looking forward to a new year , New beginings and Just everything new!

ruffryder 12-10-2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by MysticOceansFL (Post 483368)
Looking forward to a new year , New beginings and Just everything new!

ditto !

tazz 12-11-2011 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by MysticOceansFL (Post 483368)
Looking forward to a new year , New beginings and Just everything new!

***Ditto! i can say this even when i'm Drunk...

girl_dee 12-12-2011 06:35 AM

Being on a plane in one week heading to NOLA, family and Holiday celebrations!



Oiler41 12-12-2011 06:51 AM

Eight more working days then off for five days over Christmas, work two days after Christmas, then five more off for New Years!

Going to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra on the 21st.

Holiday celebration with my wife and her daughter on the 22nd.

Leave for time with Pups family for the holidays on the 24th.

Heading for a new year!


MysticOceansFL 12-12-2011 06:55 AM

For the holidays to be over with.

SmoothButch 12-12-2011 02:56 PM

I'm looking forward to us getting a treadmill for the house. Leaving in a little bit to go pick one out at the store to bring home.

I'm not looking forward however to dragging 2-300lbs of it inside of the house.

sylvie 12-15-2011 10:28 PM

flying to Oregon, March 1st..
sooo, soooo, soooooo anxious to be back in His arms..

ALSO, anxious for this weekend, OFF
& anxious to hit my 75 lbs lost milestone, 4 more lbs to go!

greeneyedgrrl 12-15-2011 11:00 PM

making tamales with friends this weekend...and then eating some. :cheesy:

The JD 12-15-2011 11:15 PM

Looking forward to bottling five gallons of beer this weekend. Well, maybe not the bottling part, it's kind of a pain. But looking forward to having five gallons of bottled beer.... (a porter!)

Mtn 12-15-2011 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by sylvie (Post 486853)
flying to Oregon, March 1st..
sooo, soooo, soooooo anxious to be back in His arms..

ALSO, anxious for this weekend, OFF
& anxious to hit my 75 lbs lost milestone, 4 more lbs to go!

76 days babygirl. Thanks for being the trooper that you are, I know it's difficult. I love you. Yayyyyy to you having the weekend off as well. I am also super proud of your accomplishments. The changes on the outside are just a little bit of the things you face daily. You ROCK!

sylvie 12-17-2011 09:15 PM

- 75 days!!!!
- plans for March, but also plans for Our future..
- 2012 because 2011 has been one helluva year of growth, positive self accomplishments and smiles... 2012 will be all that & much more!!!
- Christmas & New Years plans with Daddy♥

girl_dee 12-18-2011 05:29 AM

Getting on the plane tomorrow!!

Well not that part but getting off the plane tomorrow in N'Awlins!!!

Being picked up by two of my favorite people in the world and having a certain someone that I know RUN to greet me!!!

GPS 12-18-2011 05:32 AM

looking forward to: tuesday dec 20th, to start fresh and be happy

Lazy Daze 12-18-2011 05:34 AM

160 miles til I am in his arms forever! :)

girl_dee 12-18-2011 05:36 AM

my mom's Mirliton Dressing and some Beignets in the Quarter!

smouldering 12-18-2011 09:09 AM

Christmas Honey ham and all of the trimmings :) lots of cookies and some pie too hehe

Oiler41 12-18-2011 10:34 AM

For the days ahead:

1. Meeting up with friends today for a little pre-Christmas gathering :danceparty:
2. Monday, going to look at Christmas lights! :anothersnowman:
3. Wednesday, return from business trip in time to go see Trans-Siberian Orchestra :rockband2:
4. Thursday, vacation day and our family Christmas at home :xmascandle:

5. Friday, get ready for trip to see Pup's family :clap:

6. Saturday, travel day and time with Pup's family in the evening :flying:
7. Sunday, Christmas party with Pup's family :danceparty:
8. Monday, time with Pup's parents :cards::poker:

9. Tuesday, vacation day to return home :flying:

Looking forward to every moment of it!!


Vlasta 12-18-2011 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Oiler41 (Post 488363)
For the days ahead:

1. Meeting up with friends today for a little pre-Christmas gathering :danceparty:
2. Monday, going to look at Christmas lights! :anothersnowman:
3. Wednesday, return from business trip in time to go see Trans-Siberian Orchestra :rockband2:
4. Thursday, vacation day and our family Christmas at home :xmascandle:

5. Friday, get ready for trip to see Pup's family :clap:

6. Saturday, travel day and time with Pup's family in the evening :flying:
7. Sunday, Christmas party with Pup's family :danceparty:
8. Monday, time with Pup's parents :cards::poker:

9. Tuesday, vacation day to return home :flying:

Looking forward to every moment of it!!


It seems like you have a wonderful plans . I am wishing you all the best . Have a great time with your wife and family . I don't want to post my plans in such an awesome times in year .

I am happy for all of you on the planet , enjoy as much you can .

much love to all


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