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femmedyke 06-25-2012 03:13 PM

Twenty days until we head north for good! So amazingly, super excited and ready! I haven't seen our new place yet but the photos are AWESOME... I know my lover did a great job. So much to do --- aaaahhhhhh!

BrutalDaddy 06-25-2012 03:26 PM

Hitting the open road and exploring new places which won't be hard considering I've never been outside the surrounding states around Alabama. Lol.

More than anything I'm looking forward to finally being able to do what I am supposed to and that is take care of my family. In the past two years I've finally been able to be there mentally, emotionally, and physically but no matter how hard I tried, I lacked (at least felt like I have) financially. Now, that will change and that just means the world to me. I finally feel like I'm growing up, becoming the man I am meant to be.

Proud To Be The Daddy,

**Warning: Mushy Moment Coming***

P.S. I love you babygirl and I'm so proud to call you my wife.

Teddybear 06-25-2012 04:16 PM

seeing my baby girl around 1 am and bring her home to help me take care of some stuff then to start living

GreeneyedMe 06-25-2012 04:48 PM

Rochesters' 1st annual dYke Picnic and Womyns Festival on Saturday....and our Pride July 5-15th!!!


NJFemmie 06-25-2012 05:47 PM

Getting off these God forsaken meds.

Prudence 06-25-2012 07:35 PM

The last drink of milk in the cup Ive been dunking my oreos in.

Lazy Daze 06-25-2012 08:30 PM

St Pete Pride with friends, Him, and my nephew :)

Going on vacation this fall

Having my horse finally move to FL this fall.. I miss him like crazy!

Hollylane 06-25-2012 09:35 PM

Lunchtime with my Baby, which is when she will be tucking me in...What a world.

Slowpurr 06-26-2012 02:09 AM

Gotta laugh!
The next episode of The Newsroom. The US leads the world in the most adults who believe in angels.

bkisbutchenuff 06-26-2012 05:14 AM

A pool party tomorrow with current colleagues...Thurs. night, a reunion of sorts with former colleagues...and of course this WEEKEND!

UofMfan 06-26-2012 08:42 AM

Paipa, Cundinamarca.

Breezy 06-26-2012 09:05 AM

Buying a home!

PinkieLee 06-26-2012 10:00 AM

I am looking foward to celebrating THREE special birthdays in the next 2 weeks :)

The first one this weekend, I'm just a party goer, but the 2 next weekend (for D and one of my best friends) I'm planning! Time to hit up Party City for some much needed decorations :)

Liam 06-26-2012 10:24 AM

I am looking forward to spending time with friends I have not seen in four years.

ruffryder 06-26-2012 03:51 PM

Friday FRIDAY FRIDAY. . the end of day FRIDAY!

bkisbutchenuff 06-30-2012 05:58 AM

I am so looking forward to going South for July 4th and all the 'fireworks'!


Cowboi 06-30-2012 06:06 AM


girl_dee 06-30-2012 06:41 AM

Renewing my fishing license today!

Jett 06-30-2012 07:32 AM

On the prowl for a new motorcycle! It's been a few years and I've rode all my life like since I was seven... I can't wait to feel that wind in my hair again :)

*Anya* 06-30-2012 09:29 AM

Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday!!


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