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Blade 02-07-2010 02:36 PM

What is Forgiveness?
There are many events that happen in our lives from childhood to current events that require us to forgive. Maybe abuse, or something a friend said or did or your parents or a spouse or partner. Sometimes we even have to find a way to forgive strangers.

How do you deal with forgiveness? Are there steps you take or processes you go through in your mind or physically. What do you do to forgive and really mean it?

I read a list that opened my eyes just a bit ago, and got me to thinking.

What Forgiveness is not
Forgiveness is not condoning unkindness
Forgiveness is not forgetting that what happened was painful
Forgiveness is not excusing poor behavior
Forgiveness is not denying or minimizing your hurt
Forgiveness does not mean reconciling with the offender
Forgiveness does not mean you give up having feelings

What is Forgiveness
Forgiveness is for you not the offender
Forgiveness is taking back your power
Forgiveness is taking responsibility for how you feel
Forgiveness is about your healing not about the person that hurt you
Forgiveness isa trainable skill just like learning to throw a ball
Forgiveness is a choice
Forgiveness is becoming the hero instead of the victim

Let's talk about forgiveness, as we all have to deal with it in some form or another at various times of our lives

Lady Jewel 02-07-2010 02:45 PM

In order to save MYSELF, I HAD to forgive the man who raped and beat me within an inch of my life. It was a cancer that grew and ate at me, until it almost destroyed me. So I forgave him in my heart. But forget? NEVER. EVER. I feel compassion towards him that in his fucked up mind he felt by raping me, it would prove his love for me. And that by beating me up, he would scare me into submisson. I forgive that. But forget? NEVER. My forgiveness of him was ALL for me. THAT he couldnt beat or rape out of me,

In unity,

The_Lady_Snow 02-07-2010 03:03 PM

I can forgive...

I will not forget though...

Andrew, Jr. 02-07-2010 04:35 PM

I will have to come back and post on this.

Andrew, Jr. 02-07-2010 05:44 PM

Forgiveness = Unconditional Love
For me, and me alone, I believe in forgiveness. It is apart of unconditional love. I also believe it is an attitude. You have to make the decision yourself, by yourself, to forgive someone. I trust God to judge other's and their behavior.

For example, my bio-father was abusive. Nothing can change his behavior. I have to accept him, but forgive his behavior and move on. I cannot change the past. It haunts me to this very day. I cannot understand it. It makes no sense to me. It is the same as a parent who discovers their child who took nude pictures of themselves and posted them on the internet for all to see. You love your child, but hate the behavior.

Some people believe in Karma. I do as well. However, Karma isn't just about the bad things in life. It is also about the good things too. What comes around goes around. Both good and bad.


Andrew, Jr. 02-08-2010 02:25 PM


christie 02-08-2010 03:37 PM

Mostly, I find forgiving myself the most difficult.

femmy1 02-08-2010 03:41 PM

tough one !
There are several people/situations that I am having trouble finding forviness for. I wish it was easier but I am stuck... I am working on it, that's all I can say.

Seems like the more you need to give it, the harder it is sometimes to give.


Blade 02-08-2010 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by christie0918 (Post 46655)
Mostly, I find forgiving myself the most difficult.

Sometimes this is also difficult for me. I realize I am fallible, I make mistakes and sometimes make choices that I live to regret. Usually with the latter it is a choice from the heart instead of from my head. I'm probably having a little trouble forgiving myself for some of those choices at this time.


Originally Posted by femmy1 (Post 46658)
There are several people/situations that I am having trouble finding forviness for. I wish it was easier but I am stuck... I am working on it, that's all I can say.

Seems like the more you need to give it, the harder it is sometimes to give.


I agree with this too femmy. I need to give it up real bad, but it just isn't happening. Not right now it isn't. But I keep praying for the release and the ability to forgive. I hope it is soon

Andrew, Jr. 02-08-2010 04:12 PM

Forgiveness is not easy. Not by a long shot. For example, I was falsely accused of raping a woman at work. No lie. She went to management and claimed I put my hands all over her, and I raped her. Well, they took her statement. Next they called me in, and took my statement. It was short and sweet. It read "I was working on the dock. The videotape of me is in security. It verifies my location. In addition, at that particular time frame, I was signing in from Fed. Express the Viagra cartons. The carbon copies are in xyz's in-box." So, it was a bogus claim against me. Do I forgive the woman who did this to me? Yep. I forgive her. But I do not forgive what she said to management and all the other people (gossip). That is going to take a while. I just have prayers to say for her, and leave it at that. She ruined my character and reputation. Why? Who knows why anyone does anything anymore these days.


Lady Jewel 02-08-2010 04:21 PM

Like I once said to someone who was being particularly hard on me (I felt), We humans are imperfect. We are flawed. We make mistakes. Its how we handle those mistakes in the future that is more telling.
I also believe that "mistakes" are really learning opportunities. Learn from them, hopefully dont make them again, and move on.

Jewel (Who believes it is wayyy easier to forgive others than herself)


Originally Posted by Blade (Post 46667)
Sometimes this is also difficult for me. I realize I am fallible, I make mistakes and sometimes make choices that I live to regret. Usually with the latter it is a choice from the heart instead of from my head. I'm probably having a little trouble forgiving myself for some of those choices at this time.

I agree with this too femmy. I need to give it up real bad, but it just isn't happening. Not right now it isn't. But I keep praying for the release and the ability to forgive. I hope it is soon

hpychick 02-08-2010 04:25 PM


Oh how very much I love you and even the fact that we share a common thread. I appreciate that the Universe brought us together, otherwise, it's likely that I wouldn't have met you - nor had my life so beautifully colored by you and your outlook on this existence.

I am still angry too. I can't imagine not being angry about those 3-1/2 years. I'm angry because of what I allowed, because I allowed it to continue, because I was blind and let the lies become my truths.

But more importantly, I can't imagine what my healing or my life would be like without your gentle spirit and the sweet love that you share with so many.

I am working on that healing just as you are. Process, as you know, isn't always easy - but it is alive and working. The day will come, and we will rejoice and be ecstatic!!! Party with FOOD!!!

You are in my heart and in my thoughts sweet femmy1!


Originally Posted by femmy1 (Post 46658)
There are several people/situations that I am having trouble finding forviness for. I wish it was easier but I am stuck... I am working on it, that's all I can say.

Seems like the more you need to give it, the harder it is sometimes to give.


sylvie 02-08-2010 04:40 PM

for me:

forgiveness is extremely hard in some circumstances.
only recently, i've been able to find some forgiveness for people in my past, the hardest to find forgiveness for was my mother, but it's a work in progress, and it's baby steps..

i think like Jewel mentioned in a previous post, i find forgiveness for others much easier than i find forgiveness for myself. that's the journey i'm on, right now... distancing them, helps me with forgiving - i can forgive but i cant forget..it takes a lot to get myself in a place where i can forgive.. i do the forgiving of others for peace in my own heart & mind, helps pave my way to move forward some more... slow journey, but one well worthwhile..♥

i will say tho, although it's hard in some situations to forgive, i tend to forgive very easily in day to day situations, i get walked over very easily.. i'm not much a stand up for myself kinda girl (tho i wish i was) my esteem is low, i know this.. and it's something else i shall work on more. sometimes, i think my lack of esteem allows me to forgive easily for the sake of keeping friendships, or keeping the peace..

now i think i'm all over the place with explaining myself that i don't even make sense anymore, lol!
*shutting up now*
absolutely loved that bit on what forgiveness is, Blade, ty for posting that!

hpychick 02-08-2010 04:40 PM

Easier said....
How can it be that we find it most difficult to forgive ourselves? Is it because we know what goes on in our minds after we thought we forgave someone or a situation, or yes, even ourselves?

I speak solely for myself. I am still hurting by my own doings. I am more angry with myself for allowing someone else to abuse me in their way. Yes, oh yes, I am angry with them! But I believe I am more angry at myself for not holding to my internal belief system.

I'm fine for a while and then a situation arises or a phone call comes in or a letter in the mail - and all of it comes bubbling back to the surface. Sometimes slowly - at 211 (right before the boiling point) - and sometimes ferociously, like an irate volcano.

There are nights I cry myself to sleep because I can't believe I'm still holding on. I cry because I am not free. I cry because I know, deep inside, there's a reason that I don't forgive.

There is the constant shadow following me, that walks in line with mine. One day I will turn around and it will be gone.

Andrew, Jr. 02-08-2010 04:43 PM

When it comes to my abusive childhood...I have problems with forgiving my bio-father. Anger seems to the main emotion I associate with him. There are times when I pity him, and there are times when I can forgive the abuses, and still love my father. It is just very mixed emotions when it comes to him. Obviously he is not my most favorite person in the universe. I just pray to God to help me with him. The years of abuse I endured. I really don't know how I would have turned out if I never was abused.

Jess 02-08-2010 04:43 PM

I tend to put my areas of forgiveness in two different areas. Minor and major. The lesser transgressions are easier for me to forgive others or myself for. It sometimes takes a little time and deep breathing techniques, but usually I am able to move on.. make amends to self and others where I can and resume life as usual.

The major ones may take longer and some I admittedly have still not "let go " of yet. Usually these involve breech of trust. Trust is my most difficult thing to deal with. When it has been broken or damaged it is incredibly hard for me to move beyond that into forgiveness. Even when I am able to finally say "ok, I forgive", like Lady Snow said, I still don't forget and still have issue trusting again.

I know that holding on to resentments and ill feelings only serves to make me ill in both spirit and body. I am still working on it.

SuperFemme 02-08-2010 05:18 PM

Without forgiveness we find ourselves inextricably linked to a negative energy. I love love love what the OP said about what forgiveness is and isn't.

Because to me, forgiveness is the key that opens the doorway to healing.

Lady Jewel 02-08-2010 05:39 PM

!00% right Adele.:rrose:


Originally Posted by SuperFemme (Post 46722)

Because to me, forgiveness is the key that opens the doorway to healing.

Blade 02-08-2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by hpychick (Post 46694)
How can it be that we find it most difficult to forgive ourselves? Is it because we know what goes on in our minds after we thought we forgave someone or a situation, or yes, even ourselves?

I'm fine for a while and then a situation arises or a phone call comes in or a letter in the mail - and all of it comes bubbling back to the surface. Sometimes slowly - at 211 (right before the boiling point) - and sometimes ferociously, like an irate volcano.

There are nights I cry myself to sleep because I can't believe I'm still holding on. I cry because I am not free. I cry because I know, deep inside, there's a reason that I don't forgive.

There is the constant shadow following me, that walks in line with mine. One day I will turn around and it will be gone.

I'm walking that line with you here on the last 2 paragraphs hpychick. Great post!


Originally Posted by Jess (Post 46696)
I tend to put my areas of forgiveness in two different areas. Minor and major. The lesser transgressions are easier for me to forgive others or myself for. It sometimes takes a little time and deep breathing techniques, but usually I am able to move on.. make amends to self and others where I can and resume life as usual.Me too Jess, most things that happen are easy for me to forgive. I believe in "this too shall pass" especially on the small stuff

The major ones may take longer and some I admittedly have still not "let go " of yet. Usually these involve breech of trust. Trust is my most difficult thing to deal with. When it has been broken or damaged it is incredibly hard for me to move beyond that into forgiveness. Even when I am able to finally say "ok, I forgive", like Lady Snow said, I still don't forget and still have issue trusting again.
I feel this too Jess, I'm all about some trust and have issues with folks who breach that trust. Forgiveness of this type takes me a while
I know that holding on to resentments and ill feelings only serves to make me ill in both spirit and body. I am still working on it.

I'm working hard in this area, I know what anger and resentment does to me personally in spirit and body. Working on it and making progress feels so good and then there is the day that like hpychick said just something happens out of the blue that kicks you back a few rungs and you almost feel like you are starting all over

Andrew, Jr. 02-08-2010 08:24 PM

Let me explain myself a bit more. It may make better sense.

I believe in forgiveness. That is a gift that I give to myself. I am not so much bitter as I am angry (do I have the definitions of the words wrong?). I do have a very strong desire to heal my heart and soul. Forgiveness is not a stumbling block for me. Forgiveness is a means of letting go. It isn't a one time deal. It is a process that I have done with therapy and on my own. And the one thing everyone seems to forget is that it takes time and patience to deal with the past. But the now and future is brighter and wonderful. Life is good!

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