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-   -   What are YOU looking forward to??? (http://www.butchfemmeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2384)

Medusa 05-04-2017 10:00 AM

I'm looking forward to feeling human again! Day 4 of mutant crud is NO FUN!

girl_dee 05-04-2017 11:50 AM

new brakes on my little car. You can only use your horn for so long....

Gayandgray 05-04-2017 11:02 PM

June when my family comes down for the weekend.

Blade 05-05-2017 08:38 PM

Getting my boat back in the water

JDeere 05-05-2017 09:37 PM

Birthday celebration weekend!

Gayandgray 05-05-2017 11:09 PM

My day off Monday!!!

girl_dee 05-06-2017 02:16 AM

Pedicure today! :blueheels:

AmazonDC 05-06-2017 03:35 AM

Getting off work and going out to dinner at My favorite place to eat dumplings

Chad 05-06-2017 08:05 AM

Looking forward
I am looking forward to the Kentucky Derby today.


JDeere 05-06-2017 09:46 AM

Birthday cake!!!!

cinnamongrrl 05-06-2017 07:46 PM

End of June into July.....

I'm going on a "working vacation" to Seattle!

I've never been on the west coast before. I'm beyond excited for this opportunity. Two weeks to see to as much as humanly possible. I can hardly wait!!


Chad 05-06-2017 07:57 PM

Looking forward

Originally Posted by JDeere (Post 1142202)
Birthday cake!!!!

Hey buddy, it is your birthday?

Happy birthday! !

Have a blast.

MsTinkerbelly 05-06-2017 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by cinnamongrrl (Post 1142265)
End of June into July.....

I'm going on a "working vacation" to Seattle!

I've never been on the west coast before. I'm beyond excited for this opportunity. Two weeks to see to as much as humanly possible. I can hardly wait!!


You won't ever want to leave......

firegal 05-06-2017 09:53 PM

I pray I can make the plans to see one.... a wonderfull lady and her best bud..first week of June in a resort town.

my dad on hospice is such a estimate. For many months.

I am very worn out as the last nine yrs since.... my mom passed....we took care of her for 4 yrs as she passed dementia... littlte sis with 20 months later cancer 5 yr battle...

now my 90 yr old dad is plain wearing out......CHF, dementia.... He thinks I am still working...retired from fire dept 2 yrs ago after a 36 yr career, asks about my lil sis who passed 2 yrs ago ....cancer...

she was my besty friend!

for the first time in 9 yrs my life will be mine and no shadows!


I pray we can keep him at home!

RockOn 05-06-2017 10:25 PM

I am looking forward to breakfast.

I could not seem to get enough to eat today. I never became satisfactorily full.

In the morning I am having 5 waffles, 5 hot dogs and 2 large milks. Will nuke the hot dogs, then squeeze all the oil from them with paper towels.

I am salivating just typing it into this reply box. ;)

Gemme 05-07-2017 08:05 AM

Talking to Him again. It always makes me smile so big.

clay 05-07-2017 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by firegal (Post 1142285)
I pray I can make the plans to see one.... a wonderfull lady and her best bud..first week of June in a resort town.

my dad on hospice is such a estimate. For many months.

I am very worn out as the last nine yrs since.... my mom passed....we took care of her for 4 yrs as she passed dementia... littlte sis with 20 months later cancer 5 yr battle...

now my 90 yr old dad is plain wearing out......CHF, dementia.... He thinks I am still working...retired from fire dept 2 yrs ago after a 36 yr career, asks about my lil sis who passed 2 yrs ago ....cancer...

she was my besty friend!

for the first time in 9 yrs my life will be mine and no shadows!


I pray we can keep him at home!

Buddy...I am so glad you will get to visit that special lady & that amazing best bud as well!! I KNOW you 3 will have an incredibly great visit. I am STILL waiting to have mine out there with you!...jus sayin

WE NEED to chat soon! Lots to tell you!

It HAS been such a long, hard, & difficult time for you. I would def help you out if I were closer!

Be gentle with yourself & make the most of the visits next month! I heart you my dear friend....clay

QueenofSmirks 05-07-2017 09:07 AM

Team Poker tournament!

girl_dee 05-08-2017 03:43 AM

my new tattoo tomorrow, i've been waiting 10 years to be brave enough!

Gemme 05-08-2017 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by girl_dee (Post 1142616)
my new tattoo tomorrow, i've been waiting 10 years to be brave enough!

It's tomorrow?!?!?!?!

Congrats and you'll do great; I just know it! Can't wait to see it!

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