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Medusa 04-25-2010 05:23 PM

Pet-Friendly World - People UNfriendly?
This might seem like an off-the-wall topic but I genuinely was wondering what other people's opinions were on this subject.

Jack and I have a big-n-pretty Golden Retriever. When she was a puppy, I took her to Petsmart and Petco several (hundred) times to socialize her. We also took her to the dog park, etc. We still take her public places even though she is now 80 pounds. :)

I know that pet stores tend to be friendly about bringing animals in the store and we also discovered a Barnes and Noble bookstore when we lived in California that was cool with bringing Gracie into the store (as long as she didn't go into the coffee shop area. Also in California, there were several cafes that had outdoor areas where Gracie could be.

Interestingly enough, Lowe's and Home Depot in the city where we are now also allow dogs in their stores as well as our local tractor supply place. I didn't know this about Lowe's and thought it was cool so I did a little checking around the net to see if it was a store-by-store policy or if it's systemwide. (It's store by store.)

During my search, I found a website where customers of various stores were complaining about people bringing dogs in with them. One particular person complained that she went to a Home Depot and that she became irritated seeing someone walk her Labrador around and that "dogs are nasty and belong at home".
There were other people who complained of being allergic to dogs and a Mother who was "horrified" that people put dogs in shopping carts because her kid had to sit in the shopping cart and "what about all the germs!"

Then there was a store clerk who said that she liked having dogs brought into the store because she had never had to clean up after a dog (unlike other people's children) and that she had never had a dog break merchandise (unlike other people's children).

My job is about to host a "bring your pet to work day" and someone has already started complaining that they are allergic to dogs.

Just wondering what are people's opinions on pets at work, pets at stores, etc.?

Corkey 04-25-2010 05:32 PM

My dog Corkey who passed several years ago use to go everywhere with me, I do mean everywhere. At the grocery store she would sit outside the doors, without a leash and wait for me to come out. I never had to leash her, (corgie and terrier mix). Hotels, not an issue, campgrounds no problem, boats, she loved the ride, surfing, she went along and hung 20, half were in me LOL. She even jumped into an outdoor hot springs, just to be with me. Couldn't take her to work, as there were forklifts and trucks, but she went everywhere else. People I can do without ( major exception of my Lady Love), her I miss.

Selenay 04-25-2010 05:35 PM

I have no real issue with it, provided that they are leashed and kept on the leash for the duration of the store visit.

However, I think that for a work environment, if someone truly is allergic, then precautions should be made for them (either keeping the pet in an area in which that person will not go, or by not bringing the pet at all). If someone has an illness, I think it's unfair to punish them so you can have your dog at work with you.

That being said, I don't want your dog, cat, chinchilla, potbelly pig or any other small critter in my restaurant or my supermarket--just a little too unsanitary for my personal comfort.

Linus 04-25-2010 05:35 PM

The allergy thing I can understand since some people may suffer from extreme reactions (asthma) so that I can understand and would respect. But the idea of germs and such... Quite honestly, I feel like society has gone overboard on the germ thing. We've gotten to the point where our bodies don't know how to react when faced with new germs and such.

If I find places that are extremely against pets in the store, I won't frequent them at all and will find those that do (even being puppy-less at this point). Compassion towards those who cannot speak directly to us means compassion for all of us.

Daddislilgirl 04-25-2010 05:39 PM

I work at Home Depot, and I absolutely LOVE when customers bring their dogs in. I could be having a shitty day, and just petting one of them calms me down. The kids on the other hand, belong shrink wrapped on a pallet and stuck in the overhead....they can scream there all they want.:eyebat:

Just my :2cents:

bigbutchmistie 04-25-2010 05:40 PM

Good topic :)

For me, I like taking my son, Simon everywhere I can. Ive taken him to the Dog Park, Taken him to the Pet Stores, and Sonic, and just about everywhere I can get by with it. I would even bring him to work if I could.

People are gonna complain no matter what...

If an animal has had proper training WHO CARES. People let their bad ass kids with NO training run rampant. Now, I do understand about not wanting them around resturaunts, or coffee shops. Because of all the "cleanliness" rules.

And I do respect people who have allergies...

And I agree with Linus about folks going overboard about germs.

Medusa 04-25-2010 05:45 PM

Just curious:

Do folks who feel like bringing pets to public places is a hardship on folks with allergies also feel that perfume and cologne-wearers should leave their scents at home?

The reason I ask is because the lady at my job who complained about "bring a dog to work day" also has asked that everyone in my unit stop wearing perfume and cologne and also asked the campus building supervisor change out the "smelly" soap and air fresheners in all the bathrooms.

Andrew, Jr. 04-25-2010 05:47 PM

I take Dino with me everywhere (same as Corkey). Dino goes with me every where from the grocery store, Home Depot, and all. The only places that refuses to allow Dino is my doctors office building and restaurants.

I can understand the allergy situation because I have allergies to both dogs and cats. And guess what? I have 1 dog and 3 cats! I wash them with Allerpet - C (for cats) and Allerpet D (for dogs). I am good for a month. The shampoo does something to the dander that the furkids have.

Some people are very rude towards me and Dino. Then a majority are just drawn to us. They see Dino in an outfit or a cute collar, and the next thing I know is that both men and women want to talk about him. Taking him thru a McDonald's drivethru for a plain hamburger is a treat for him and the staff there. They just love Dino. Heck, they have his photo on the wall. Talk about love. Once they heard about his start in life that was it.

I think in life, esp. now, we are seeing people ignore those who are injured, or disabled, and now pets. It is just society. That is what I chalk it up too. People always disappoint me. Always. Also, depending on where you live, some counties are scent free and smoke free. Why? Allergies. UGH!

bigbutchmistie 04-25-2010 05:53 PM

[QUOTE=June;92075]I work in a Design and Marketing Studio and we have two office dogs that belong to one of the designers, they are big lab mixes and everyone loves them. They are even featured prominently on our website! I have taken Jack (the one eyed dog) in before, and he's good, but we have a big garage door we open during the nice weather and I don't trust him not to wander away. The office dogs are so well behaved, they actually take themselves outside to visit the trees and then come back in. Dogs just make life better (unless you're allergic)

One ofd the things I love about traveling in Europe is seeing all the dogs walking off-leash with their people, even in major downtown areas I have yet to see a badly behaved one and I don't care if they are in restaurants and food shops, I mean, our dogs go in our kitchen!

Cats are another thing though, I don't want anything that can and will get up and walk on my counters and tables. Ick. Sorry, I know we have a lot of cat lovers, but it squicks me out to have them on the counters, especially.[/QUOTE]

AMEN sister :) I totally agree...

Linus 04-25-2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 92070)
Just curious:

Do folks who feel like bringing pets to public places is a hardship on folks with allergies also feel that perfume and cologne-wearers should leave their scents at home?

The reason I ask is because the lady at my job who complained about "bring a dog to work day" also has asked that everyone in my unit stop wearing perfume and cologne and also asked the campus building supervisor change out the "smelly" soap and air fresheners in all the bathrooms.

Sounds like she has quite a few environmental "sensitivities" (allergies and hypersensitivity).

I guess I would view it as a hardship. I tend to be oversensitive about my cigar/pipe smoking and will ask first -- even K who loves it -- before lighting up. Even in a smoking area. It's easier for me to not doing it than for them to suffer, potentially severely, an immediate health risk. This is based on my own experience with a sudden, environmental asthma attack when one work place cleaned out their air units and it triggered a trip to the hospital for me (I couldn't breath and let me tell you, nothing is more scarier, IMO, than that)

Linus 04-25-2010 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by June (Post 92075)
Cats are another thing though, I don't want anything that can and will get up and walk on my counters and tables. Ick. Sorry, I know we have a lot of cat lovers, but it squicks me out to have them on the counters, especially.

I never let my cat(s) on the counter simply because our counters are often too small and I really dislike the smell of burnt whiskers (too much curiosity by some of these guys)

Corkey 04-25-2010 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 92070)
Just curious:

Do folks who feel like bringing pets to public places is a hardship on folks with allergies also feel that perfume and cologne-wearers should leave their scents at home?

The reason I ask is because the lady at my job who complained about "bring a dog to work day" also has asked that everyone in my unit stop wearing perfume and cologne and also asked the campus building supervisor change out the "smelly" soap and air fresheners in all the bathrooms.

Some scents are just horrid, plane and simple, if someone is allergic to it I can see asking folks to tone it down, some soaps are just stinky, I don't want that stench on my hands, and will wash them with something else asap. If someone comes to our home we tend to vacuum first, but that wont get rid of the allergens, so forewarned, we have cat. She stays.

Rockinonahigh 04-25-2010 06:02 PM

I dont have a prob bringing a dog to work and did for a long time,old Dory was way better manerd than any person or kid around,corse I ran a horse traing barn so she was top dog on the place.I agree we should be mindful of ppl with allergis an asthma(wich I have but dogs dont bother me).The new fur kids I have now are well behaved and lots better than most kids I see,who imho should be left at home or taught some manners before being in public.My pet peve is going into a resturaunt and haveing kids who are disruptive to the other ppl there with mom and dad leting the little monsters run the show.As for ppl who were sents..omg...the saying a little dab will do ya is right,yesterday I was at a local casino and someone sat next to me that stank so bad with layers of some skinky stuff that I nearly gaged..how bout takeing a bath for goodness sake..use some deoderant too as well as brushing there teeth..sick stuff if they dont.

Jett 04-25-2010 06:04 PM

I love seeing peoples pups in the stores. My gf a manager at a pet friendly store and she often comes home talking about the little fur balls that brightened her day.

People worried about actual germs should take a look around at the people not the pets... hocker uncovered coughs, talking spitballs into my sub sandwich, sneezing into their hand and then handing out change... I won't go on to worse things but to say I'd rather kiss a pug on the lips then shake most peoples hands... lol.

Honestly the allergy thing, there's plenty of stores to frequent that are pet free...

Corkey 04-25-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 92081)
I never let my cat(s) on the counter simply because our counters are often too small and I really dislike the smell of burnt whiskers (too much curiosity by some of these guys)

Ours is too fat to jump on the counters, 17 lbs, but she is on a diet.

Random 04-25-2010 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa (Post 92070)
Just curious:

Do folks who feel like bringing pets to public places is a hardship on folks with allergies also feel that perfume and cologne-wearers should leave their scents at home?

The reason I ask is because the lady at my job who complained about "bring a dog to work day" also has asked that everyone in my unit stop wearing perfume and cologne and also asked the campus building supervisor change out the "smelly" soap and air fresheners in all the bathrooms.

As someone who is very scent sensitive, I'm going to feild this one..

I have worked with two people who's over use of cologne/perfume caused my air way to completey close... Triggered migrains than had me seeing technocolor,leaving me unable to speak, or understand what was being said to me.. When I went to HR about these events, I was made to feel like I was being whiney and I just needed to suck it up... I was called on to the carpet about making a supervior feel akward because I couldn't be next to her without having an allergic reaction... I ended up leaving both of the jobs...

If someone has sever allergies.. Life is not fun... I had to leave my chosen career because I became allergic to air born flour.. (Can't be a bread maker if you can't make bread) Someone impusivly putting on that extra spritz of perfume in the morning, and I have to stand in line behind them in the grocery store, means that I have to leave the area... Possibly the store depending on how strong of a reaction I have to the chemicals. (Patchouli is going to take me down for two days with a migrain)

Going down the detergent isle in the grocery store is test on how long I can hold my breath... (Don't get me started on trying to walk PAST the Yankee Candle Store)

Trying to do the work that you are paid for while your eyes are streaming, your head is pounding and you are fighting to breath is not a pleasant thing.. You are suffering because someone wants to SMELL pretty.. you are paying for other peoples vanity with your very breath...

I might feel a bit strongly about this.. It just seems so silly... You can't breath so someone can smell good..

If I had my way, all work places would be scent free...

JustJo 04-25-2010 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Corkey (Post 92082)
If someone comes to our home we tend to vacuum first, but that wont get rid of the allergens, so forewarned, we have cat. She stays.

We have 2 dogs and 4 cats, and my son's best friend is allergic to both. We've found that Febreeze allergen reducer sprayed on everything fabric, followed by a good vacuuming, seems to do the trick when he's coming to visit. It's not perfect, but it helps alot.

And cats on the counter...they're not allowed, but they're cats...so I don't trust them to follow the rules when I'm not watching. I never prep food directly on the counter as a result...I just use a cutting board and pop it in the dishwasher. Then I never have to worry about kitty feet...even if I don't see any evidence of them.

Random 04-25-2010 06:37 PM

I don't believe that peoples pets need to allowed in public buildings... Pet stores, yes... It's a store for pets.. But stores that have nothing to do with animals... Why do they need to be there? They are not children, they can stay at home... Not everyone has perfect control over their animals.. If I'm running into Home depot for paint, I'm not signing up to possibly slip on pee or poop (Not everyone cleans up after their animal) to possibly be biten or jumped on by an animal that has slipped a leash... I'm there for paint...

I love animals.. I love taking walks and meeting all the local dogs... When I worked at Petsmart, I loved when people brought their animals in...

But for me... Animals are not human... They don't need to go every where their humans go... (I'm of the same opionion about small children.. lol.. they don't need to go every place that adults go)

I worked in an office where everyone brought their dogs to work.. but no one really wanted to take them out or clean up the mess from not taking them outside... So I got volunteered a lot.. To clean up and do the walking... So, I don't have the happy expericence that other people seem to have with animals in the work place...

Random 04-25-2010 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by JustJo (Post 92095)
We have 2 dogs and 4 cats, and my son's best friend is allergic to both. We've found that Febreeze allergen reducer sprayed on everything fabric, followed by a good vacuuming, seems to do the trick when he's coming to visit. It's not perfect, but it helps alot.

And cats on the counter...they're not allowed, but they're cats...so I don't trust them to follow the rules when I'm not watching. I never prep food directly on the counter as a result...I just use a cutting board and pop it in the dishwasher. Then I never have to worry about kitty feet...even if I don't see any evidence of them.

Fabreeze allergen reducer is the bomb... Love it, love it.. love it..

Random, who is allergic to cats and has five of those babies..

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