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Soft*Silver 05-27-2010 10:20 AM

Farm Abuse
[B][COLOR="DarkRed"]I am so upset I am in tears....this just broke in Ohio. I am a farm girl. I am INSANE over the way these cows were treated. This is where our milk comes from! I hope people find these bastards and give them a taste of what they gave the cows....one of them is in jail but there were several workers who did this


Soft*Silver 05-27-2010 10:26 AM


Duchess 05-27-2010 10:33 AM

Thank you for the info Softness..I grew up with many types of animals and completely understand how you feel. This is so disgusting. Maybe this will move more people to take action.

Rook 05-27-2010 10:48 AM

During recent 'Elections' there was an Amendment for Farming practices in Ohio.One of the stipulations is that if passed it would make Mandatory for Farmers to give "walking room" to caged animals, and prohibit the practice of hanging Ailing pigs, leaving them to die a long and torturous Death...
I had bad timing telling my relatives this during an evening dinner...
They both pushed away their plates...
I did try telling them not all farmers do this..but..eh..

NJFemmie 05-27-2010 10:48 AM

I watched the first three seconds and couldn't take anymore.
This just breaks my heart.

I am not a farm girl, but I don't think you have to be to appreciate and respect mother nature's creatures. Mare (who is a farm girl) would be appalled.

I just never get this kind of behavior. I hope they get what's coming to them and then some.

Soft*Silver 05-27-2010 10:52 AM


Soft*Silver 05-27-2010 10:58 AM

you are right, Rook, not all farmers do this...but THESE farmers did and I hope to god they get whats coming to them...

my daddy use to name his steers. And he would brush them, and pet them, and even have them chase him around in a game of tag...lol. I could not understand how he could take them to slaughter after making them into "pets" until one day, I caught him scratching the forehead of one of the steers while it was loaded in his truck to go. He was taking the time to soothe it and I heard him thank the steer for feeding his family.

We are meat eaters as a species. But we have lost our connection to the animal world and place ourselves above it. In doing so, we have individuals who are spiritually depleted and take no remorse for abusing animals, humans and others. This farm and these farmers are symptoms of this alienation and the consequences that are paid, sadly, to the very animals we domesticated to serve us. Instead of honoring that animal like my father did, they tortured them.

I will get past my anger...but it will take some doing. i will get to compassion...and then I will take action. I will be going to this trial...

Sachita 05-27-2010 11:05 AM

Thank you honey! I can't watch them. I have watched plenty.

If this upsets you and you want to HELP instead of support the abuse do the following;

stop eating at fast food places & restaurants UNLESS they are serving grass fed, free range, ethical practices, etc. Some places are advertising this way.

stop buying commercial meats- chicken, beef and pork. Look for free range, grass fed, humane products. Reduce or eliminate your animal consumption. Same with cheese, milk and eggs.

Spend more time learning where your food really comes from and what it takes for it to get to your plate.

Write congress and demand that it stop.

we all turn a blind eye because we don't see what it takes for that burger to arrive in our hands. Do yourself (health risk) and the poor animal justice.

MrSunshine 05-27-2010 11:07 AM

Gives a whole new meaning to beating your meat.

I honestly cannot for the life of me believe (although I saw the clips) that people would wanna play whack a cow. Cows are so passive. WTF is wrong with people anymore?

NJFemmie 05-27-2010 11:18 AM

Stop Animal Abuse at Conklin Dairy Farms Ohio

Sachita 05-27-2010 11:20 AM

Hopefully they will fine the shit out of them, put the guy in jail for a long time to set an example and everyone should boycott who they sell to. Then maybe these places will put in cams and manage them better.

theoddz 05-27-2010 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by MrSunshine (Post 115412)
Gives a whole new meaning to beating your meat.

I honestly cannot for the life of me believe (although I saw the clips) that people would wanna play whack a cow. Cows are so passive. WTF is wrong with people anymore?

Loss of compassion and respect for other creatures...and also other people.

It's also interesting to note that one of the early signs of a budding sociopathic serial murderer is a history of abusing/mistreating animals.

I couldn't watch past the first 3 seconds, either. Something in my soul just sunk when I saw that.

G-d help us.

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Ms. Tabitha 05-27-2010 11:51 AM

I don't understand how someone could be so mean to these animals. I spent my summers at my Aunt and Uncle's Dairy Farm. His animals were loved and treated as family pets.

There is a place down the road from the house called RC Farms. The stench and filth these animals have to live in is inhumane.
The Pig Farm is just horrible, especially when the wind changes direction. There is also a lot that has a large number of cattle pinned up not far from the Pig Farm.
The cattle do not have shelter from the sun and as you know it gets hot in Las Vegas in the summer.
These cattle walk around in their own feces. Its sickening.

On a lighter note.
This photo is of TxCharmr, who was out at our friends ranch. the owner of the ranch "babied" the bull and treated it like it was one of her dogs.
The bull loves to "cuddle" and drops his head for you to rub and scratch his head and neck.
Actually all her animals love to rub on you and have you pet them.


MrSunshine 05-27-2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by theoddz (Post 115426)
Loss of compassion and respect for other creatures...and also other people.

It's also interesting to note that one of the early signs of a budding sociopathic serial murderer is a history of abusing/mistreating animals.

I couldn't watch past the first 3 seconds, either. Something in my soul just sunk when I saw that.

G-d help us.

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Good points but seriously do you have any idea how hard a cow's head is? These people are moronic! That would be like punching a brick wall.
By no means am I saying it's ok just because cow's are solid animals either.
I could just about scratch my own head bald when I hear stuff like this though, ya know.

Soft*Silver 05-27-2010 12:09 PM

they showed parts of the video on the news and I burst into tears...it was horrific....I saw more than I could stand and yet, in the full video there is still so much more torture..

Sachita...I am glad you posted your ideas on how to help stop abuse.

I am consumed by this today...this hits so close to home, spiritually. those poor animals. I watched babies being beaten and cows struggling to get away but couldnt get out of their reach.

I hope the prisoners who are housed with them are animal lovers...

TenderKnight 05-27-2010 03:57 PM

crying now.. My God..

MissItalianDiva 05-27-2010 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Sachita (Post 115422)
Hopefully they will fine the shit out of them, put the guy in jail for a long time to set an example and everyone should boycott who they sell to. Then maybe these places will put in cams and manage them better.

Fuck a fine! These sick pricks need to be taken out of society. If you are demented enough to hurt animals you are a threat to society. It is only a matter of time before they snap. Aww poor cows.This is why I refuse to eat beef. Absolutely sickening

foxyshaman 05-27-2010 05:32 PM

Well there goes my vegan supper!! Thank you for the link to the story. I watched the video, it is sad and disgusting to watch. I grew up on a dairy farm and can honestly say I hate cows. Hate them. But I would never harm them. One time, well there were lots of times, I was kicked by a cow & her hoof caught the underside of my knee cap and separated it from the rest of my leg. oh yeah it hurt. like instantly.

I have been in farming country all my life and there are strange people who farm. We had a case here recently where pigs were hung and tortured and.... the farmer was in court and got off... with no fines no nothing. Wrong Wrong Wrong.

Stop eating meat. If you can't do that... educate yourself. If you won't educate yourself and change your buying practices... then write letters. Lots of letters. Even letters to the farmers on the film and maybe someone is a good skip tracer and can find their family not on the farm... then write them too. Shame is a powerful tool. I hope the farm is made an example of, but if we as consumers don't change... then we are basically giving them our stamp of approval.

TenderKnight 05-27-2010 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by NJFemmie (Post 115419)

Signed. Thank you for posting this link.


Rockinonahigh 05-27-2010 06:21 PM

I may turn into a veggitarian after watching very little of this,sick just plane sick.I hd been in the livestock biusness for years,this shi* had best not happen anywhere around me,u bet some folks have gotten the hard side of me over things like this.

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