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princessbelle 10-08-2012 04:41 PM

Are you a donor???????????
Organ donation.

Us gay/queer peeps are notorious for being known as giving people to the community, animals, the environment, each other.

I was just thinking today, how many of us are Organ Donors?

When i worked in the hospital, one of the hardest things to deal with after a death in the family, was asking the family members if they would consider donating body or tissues. I heard a lot of the time something like this..."It was never discussed" "I don't know what to do" "I wish we had talked about it".

It is important to TALK about with your loved ones, because even if your license says you are, it is your family who will ultimately be asked and who will make that decision.

I am a full body donation and have this conveyed on my license and on my car with a Donor Life sticker. More importantly, Bully, my mom and my kids are fully aware of my wishes.

These are sometimes difficult things to discuss and you have to do what is right for "you". What is your take on it?

Each day, about 79 people receive organ transplants. However, 18 people die each day waiting for transplants that can't take place because of the shortage of donated organs.


aishah 10-08-2012 04:50 PM

i am! i wish i could be a living donor but i can't because of my health problems. but i'm definitely an organ donor and everyone knows.

when my mom died, she was in really bad shape, and i remember them asking us if we wanted to donate her organs and we were like "she'd think it was HILARIOUS that anyone could use any of her organs" and we did :) it made the memorial service a bit of an adventure, though, because we had an open casket and they took the long bones in her arms (i didn't even know they could use those) and they needed us to put something on her arms because of the incisions. well, my mom never wore anything with long sleeves in her life, i don't care how cold it was outside. so we put a shawl on her but it was a bit weird because everyone knew it was WAY out of character for her, LOL.

anyway, my musculoskeletal system and my brain both suck but my other organs are in good shape. so hopefully i'll be able to help someone someday :)

DamonK 10-08-2012 04:56 PM

My wishes are known. Donate me to medical science. Donate what you can of my remains. Just don't bury me

Heavenleahangel 10-08-2012 04:59 PM

I am not only a donor, but as a diabetic with complications, I have donated any of my organs that can be used towards diabetes research or research in general. I won't be using my body when I am gone and if my gift can possibly help find a cure for this dreadful disease, then I will leave a legacy to countless people forever. That would be so cool!

Corkey 10-08-2012 05:00 PM

Yep a donor, they can take anything that is viable. The rest gets cremated.

DamonK 10-08-2012 05:14 PM

Most don't quite understand, unless they've seen us together....

Hypothetically, I'm in a coma. Decisions have to be made. MBE is to call Bear. He decides. She gets a vote of course. And I have faith they will do right by me and agree what to do.

My reasons are simple. My parents love me. My dad would hesitate to pull the cord. My mom probably wouldn't. I won't put that burden on her.

Furthermore, I worry if they're in charge, Bear and MBE won't get to have an opinion. Bear knows exactly what to do. So does MBE. I will protect her until the end and after. Bear will fight for their rights so maybe MBE will at least have one thing to not grieve over.

easygoingfemme 10-08-2012 05:16 PM

Yes, registered donor here.

girl_dee 10-08-2012 05:17 PM

Sometimes there isn't a cord to pull. Most of the head injury people i worked with were on feeding tubes, not life machines. Their brains and bodies were functioning but they were physically unable to swallow or feed themselves.

The feeding tube has to be pulled out, or someone has to stop feeding you so you can starve to death.

That's where it gets tricky.

Corkey 10-08-2012 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by DamonK (Post 671608)
Most don't quite understand, unless they've seen us together....

Hypothetically, I'm in a coma. Decisions have to be made. MBE is to call Bear. He decides. She gets a vote of course. And I have faith they will do right by me and agree what to do.

My reasons are simple. My parents love me. My dad would hesitate to pull the cord. My mom probably wouldn't. I won't put that burden on her.

Furthermore, I worry if they're in charge, Bear and MBE won't get to have an opinion. Bear knows exactly what to do. So does MBE. I will protect her until the end and after. Bear will fight for their rights so maybe MBE will at least have one thing to not grieve over.

it is in writing and Ami has the originals. No one else gets a say.

DamonK 10-08-2012 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Cajun_dee (Post 671612)
Sometimes there isn't a cord. Most of the head injury people i worked with were on feeding tubes, not life machines. Their brains and bodies were functioning but they were physically unable to swallow or feed themselves.

The feeding tube has to be pulled out, or someone has to stop feeding you so you can starve to death.

That's where it gets tricky.

Yes. It does. I've had to watch those decisions be made as well.

The cord I mean is anything that connects me to life if I have no quality of life left.

LaneyDoll 10-08-2012 05:29 PM

Donor here. Take what can be used and cremate the rest. I do not want to be buried-for a variety of reasons.


DMW 10-08-2012 05:33 PM

Affirmative...for years...and then... i actually am a recipient...who knew.
Thank you donor

girl_dee 10-08-2012 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by DamonK (Post 671619)
Yes. It does. I've had to watch those decisions be made as well.

The cord I mean is anything that connects me to life if I have no quality of life left.

Exactly so be very specific in your wishes (to all) because pulling a feeding tube and pulling a plug are two totally different things in the eyes of the law.

Pulling the plug- the person usually drifts off like in the movies

pulling the feeding tube - the person starves to death after a week or so which is murder in the eyes of some law makers and not allowed.

So be very specific in your wishes because the pull the plug DNR wishes do not apply when someone is on a a feeding tube.

Bit 10-08-2012 05:37 PM

Yes, here. My family has known for a long time, but people do forget so this is a timely reminder to have that talk with them again. Thanks!

aishah 10-08-2012 05:43 PM

by the way - most states now i think allow advanced medical directives so you can make legally binding decisions about end-of-life (as well as psychiatric crises) instead of having to depend on others to make those decisions when the time comes. not that you can't trust people, but...in situations like that, i've seen people do complete 180s. so it's something i'd recommend looking into.

princessbelle 10-08-2012 06:15 PM

Good points. Get your wishes in paper out there. Copies to your doc, family etc.

Here's the thing to remember...

Say you are in a car wreck and it is decided that you are legally dead, breathing or not. In the hospital, it is Law in the state of Tennessee and i'm assuming it is close to the same all over the country, for the RN or Doc to notify the Donor Registry and tell them of the death or impending death. It is then by phone that the Donor Registry will contact the family and ask over the phone what they want to do. They don't know histories or who is suppose to be the one making the decision. All of that should be done way ahead of the need so everyone knows who to go to for the answer. Again, this is initiated over the phone. Make sure EVERYONE knows your wishes that may even be somewhat involved.

So, unless it is a long drawn out death, so to speak, where there is plenty of time to contact this one and that one and fight who has the legal rights, get all the paper work in order, etc, all of the decision comes down to who is next of kin to make the sometimes very fast decision.

Make sure everyone will know who is in charge in that situation because it is rare there is time to get through the legal mumbo jumbo.

Ginger 10-08-2012 06:17 PM

Yep, my NY driver's license identifies me as an organ donor.

Great thread, Belle! Something that's easy not to think about, till someone brings it to our attention.

skeeter_01 10-08-2012 06:19 PM

organ donor and bone marrow donor here!!


DapperButch 10-08-2012 06:21 PM

Yes, but until I am 5 years cancer free they can only use my corneas!

Gráinne 10-08-2012 07:02 PM

Yes, it's on my license, and in my will papers. My executor knows where they are. Use what they can, the rest I'm thinking can get donated to the Body Farm in Princessbelle's back yard ;).

BTW, this is also a plug for drawing up a will. You do NOT want to pass on intestate.

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