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Kätzchen 10-29-2012 04:21 PM

*** Angels ***
Have you ever met an angel?

Do you believe that there are angels?

I happen to be very interested in anything Angels: Over the years and since childhood, my grandmother believed with all her heart that each and every person had a guardian angel and that legions of Angels resided in heaven and would come at once to those who needed help, right away.

Well, I never really had a personal experience with an Angel until one day, while riding a bus here in the metro area, I was terribly upset and wanted to get out of the house but didn't have a car of my own back then and of course, my boys were very young. As I recall, my sons were in school that day and I was home alone, overwhelmed with ... feelings. I was teary that day. I was probably about 37 years old back then. Anyway, because the bus ride took me out into the countryside, I fell asleep in my seat and when I woke up, I was nowhere remotely near home. I also had no way to call anyone. Fortunately, the bus was leaving to come back home and on the ride home, a passenger appeared in the seat in front of me. How they got there, I have no idea. We didn't make a stop to pick up a rider. Next thing I knew, this stranger, the passenger, began to make conversation with me as if they knew me personally. I couldn't help but be enchanted by them - they didn't look like a serial killer or some such thing. So I entertained the idea that it was okay to visit with them. He told me some rather remarkable things, that no one else could even possibly know about. Somewhere between the time our conversation ended and me looking out the window of the bus, this passenger disappeared... just like he appeared. It was surreal. But the whole experience left me peaceful. I do believe that I was visited by an angel.

Nothing like that has happened since, though.

But that day is as vivid in my memory as the day it happened.

I'll never forget what that 'angel' and I spoke about... Ever.


Bleu 10-29-2012 04:32 PM

Yes, with certainty.

Angeltoes 10-29-2012 04:40 PM

I used to. I no longer do, but I still have a fascination with angels and all forms of religious art especially that relating to Catholicism. Here is a (long) poem from a children's book about angels who rescue gargoyles. I've always loved this one:

God Bless the Gargoyles
by Dav Pilkey

In a long-ago time, when long ago peoples
were building cathedrals and raising up steeples, they crafted stone creatures and set them on perches to guard and protect and watch over the churches.
So gargoyles were born, and they stood night and day, keeping evil and terrible spirits away. And ne’er was a creature so true and so loyal as the watchful, courageous, and fearless gargoyle.
But the years came and went, and the people did, too.
And in time, they forgot what their ancestors knew.
And whenever they passed by the gargoyles’ lairs, they trembled in fear at the gargoyles’ stares.And as time went along, people’s fear turned to spite, and they sneered and they cursed at the guardians of night:
“Demons!” they grumbled–”Grotesque!” and “Horrid!”
“Those beasts don’t belong on the house of the Lord!”
When the gargoyles heard these words that were spoken, their stony old hearts became crumbled and broken.
Then storms rumbled in, and their eyes filled with rain, and in stillness they stayed, alone and in pain.But as it so happened, some angels were near, and heeding the grief of a gargoyle’s tear, they each fluttered down from the heavens on high to sit with the gargoyles beneath thundering skies.
Now, angels have ways of making things right, so they stayed with the gargoyles all through the night, patting their heads and wiping their tears and whispering life into gargoyle ears.
And soon all the gargoyles did magical things:
They gurgled and coughed and shook out their wings.
Then together the angels and gargoyles took flight, and they soared through the clouds on a blustery night.
And while over pastures and hills they were winging, the voices of angels were radiantly singing
music of healing and songs of rebirth to all of the creatures in all of the earth:

“God bless the rain, and the storm clouds that bring it.
God bless the music, and the voices that sing it.
God bless the ones who sing everything wrong.
God bless the creatures who do not belong.
God bless the hearts and the souls who are grieving for those who have left, and for those who are leaving.
God bless each perishing body and mind,
God bless all creatures remaining behind.
God bless the dreamers whose dreams have awoken.
God bless the lovers whose hearts have been broken.
God bless each soul that is tortured and taunted,
God bless all creatures alone and unwanted.”

And the gargoyles beheld wherever they roamed that the souls of the lost weren’t really alone.
Each one had an angel, each one was protected, and each one was cherished and loved and respected.

And so it is true with the gargoyles this day, for all of the angels who love them have stayed.
And together they wait until days become nights, to embark on their dark and most glorious flights.
So if you see shapes in the night sky, don’t fear–for it simply means angels and gargoyles are near, easing the earth with their gentle night call: “God bless the gargoyles. God bless us all.”

macele 10-29-2012 04:59 PM

are you going to tell us what you and the angel spoke about? lol got us all up in the curious now.

i believe this world is filled with more than i'll ever know, ... more than i can comprehend. i believe in everyday angels. i've meet them for sure. i've never met an angel, ... not like you speak of. my mother says that she has been touched by angel. now spirits, yes, i've felt those in different ways. i've never thought of as angels. but yes, i do believe in angels, ... and ghosts, spirits.

great discussion. thank you.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.166-7), Hamlet to Horatio

Bella~Vita 10-29-2012 05:09 PM

I certainly do believe I have a Guardian Angel , I can't begin to tell you the times when I was in in danger as a teenager while living in NYC ... if I didn't I wouldn't be here today. Cause I know how to mess up a soup sandwich.

Kätzchen 10-29-2012 05:19 PM

Well, no, I don't plan on sharing the private details of that specific event, macele... But, thank you for asking me. I think that's very interesting that your mother feels like she was touched by an angel. I wonder if what happened to me was similar to what your mother experienced. Maybe? I don't know...

I really liked the poem you left AngelToes.
Thanks for the poem about the gargoyles...
Such a beautiful, poetic, strand of thought.

Bleu, me too - I certainly have every reason to believe
there are angels. Thank you for your post!

JAGG 10-29-2012 05:20 PM

Without question !!!!!!!! I am surrounded by angels.

princessbelle 10-29-2012 05:36 PM

Oh i know for a FACT we have gaurdian angels. I've met mine. I think sharing my story is a good thing and helps me remember that very special time in my life and one i'll never forget. Even though i have shared this story before, i always hesitate sharing it because i'm afraid people will think i'm a freak. LOL oh well...

When i was 16 i was in a head on collision with a drunk driver. I went through the windshield (before seat belts were mandatory). When EMS got there i was laying on the hood in a pool of blood, not breathing.

There is a lot of things that happened next but, i'll make this as brief as i can...

*what i remember...

seeing headlights, hearing glass breaking, screams (the car i was in had 7 people in it, all teenagers, it was one of those old big cars, i was in the middle front seat)

the next thing i remember was hearing the sweetest voice i have ever heard. It was saying the Lord's Prayer. I opened my eyes and i was in a beautiful field and there was a "being" leaning over me and praying with their hands laying over me but not touching me. He/she (i couldn't really tell what sex) slowly raised their head and looked me straight in the eyes. He/she had the most beautiful crystal clear blue eyes i've ever seen. He/she smiled at me, so soft, so comforting, so loving.

All of that said, there was something more magical that happened. It was the feeling that i had. It was a peace like no other i've ever had. Nothing on this earth could compare.

I remember closing my eyes and just drowning in that peace. Wanting to swim in it, live there, enjoy every second of it.


I started hearing noise. Lots of noise and a loud frantic voice saying "I've got a pulse".

I had died. I had went to the next world. I came back. My heart had been shocked 3 times.

Honestly, i didn't want to come back. And a little of that peace followed me for days.

Sometimes i think that is why i can be a hospice nurse. I am not afraid of death. IMO it is just a bridge to the next world.

Hope that wasn't too long or too much blah blah. I just love sharing that story and even though it was almost 34 years ago, it feels like it just happened when i talk about it. I met my guardian angel. Can't wait to see them in person again and tell them thank you for being there with me that day and sending me back for more of this life.

Great thread.

LaneyDoll 10-29-2012 06:00 PM

I once had a very close friend who told me the most beautiful stories about angels. I am not going to share them b/c they were very personal and it almost feels that sharing them will somehow tarnish them.

But, it is because of her, and because of a few things that happened to me personally that I can truthfully say that I believe that angels are among us.


Ciaran 10-30-2012 01:36 AM

I believe unambiguously in angels. In fact, whilst I am not one for much prayer, I pray daily to Saint Michael, the Archangel.

That said, I believe the presence of angels is very different from the traditional imagery of winged creatures with halos and it can be hard to articulate their presence whilst still appearing sane. Sometimes, I wonder if some of those angels watching out for us are spirits who have passed before us - on occasions, I've believed my maternal grandfather to be keeping guard for me (I never met him as he died 13 years before I was born).

With that said, just as I firmly believe that angels exist, I also believe in the existence of demons. Demons are prevalent too in my opinion - which makes the presence of angels all the more important.

Darbonaire 10-30-2012 06:23 AM

Not even a doubt,
I believe wholeheartedly that angels do exist. I have "felt" the energy around me that comes from knowing "someone" is there...but, they aren't seen by human eyes. I know mine are working overtime right now...lol....Goddess bless them.....i also know that they will always be there......

Gemme 10-30-2012 06:29 AM

I want to believe, especially with all these lovely stories, but I have not had any personal experience....to my knowledge...so I can't be 100% sure.

Gráinne 10-30-2012 07:23 AM

I'll tell a story on myself.

Over twenty years ago, my boyfriend at the time and I were driving straight through from Denver to Cleveland (my hometown). The circumstances are a very long story, but we had little money, enough for one tank of gas. We made it as far as Rock Island, Illinois before nearly running out of gas and realizing we needed help.

We stopped at a church, where the pastor gave us $20 and told us to go to this certain gas station-he knew the owner. So we did that, and the station was just this little beat-up place, not the shiny convenience stores you see today. The owner came out, and he was an equally plain little man in dirty overalls. We told him where we'd come from, and he immediately told us to fill the car up on him, then told us to go around the corner to a restaurant he'd point out for lunch-he knew the owner. The gas station man introduced himself as Mr. Moses (not kidding), and fussed over the car, making sure the tires were OK and checking the oil. We were so grateful, as I recall we asked if we could bring him anything back from lunch later on, but he said he was fine.

My boyfriend was pumping the gas, and when the gas station man began walking away from the car, I stuck my head out the passenger side window and called, "Mr. Moses, thank you!" When he turned around, all I can describe is that he was a glowing "being", almost as Princessbelle described (that gave me chills, as it's what I saw and felt). "He" didn't have a gender, nor even very distinct features beyond the eyes, but it was the most profound peace I have ever felt. I had this feeling, as if "he" was speaking to me, that everything was going to be all right and that I was going in the right direction. All this probably took a split second, and my boyfriend later told me he saw Mr. Moses turn around and look at me for a second, but it seemed like eternity. I wanted it to be so.

We went around the corner to lunch in this stereotypical Irish pub-like place, but I still remember that sandwich today. When we were finishing, I told my boyfriend I wanted to go back and thank Mr. Moses. Really, I wanted to go see him again and make sure I wasn't over the bend. We should have been able to go back easily-the restaurant was only about four blocks from the station-but we drove back to where we knew we'd been, and the station wasn't there. Everything else looked exactly the same. We drove around the block another time or so, but never saw it.

I don't necessarily believe that angels live in Heaven with harps and wings, but that's because I don't exactly believe in the concept of heaven as a separate place. That would be a whole other post, but I absolutely believe that there's much that we don't see or understand.

theoddz 10-30-2012 08:05 AM

Yes, I believe in angels. :)

This is for all of us and the angels we believe in:

Wonderful thread, Katzchen!!!! :winky::thumbsup:

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Bleu 10-30-2012 09:46 AM

"Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."

This is one of my very favorite quotes, even though I am aware it is a misquote. The original quote is:

"Go at it boldly, and you'll find unexpected forces closing round you and coming to your aid." Basil King, 1921

Whenever I was frightened as a child...even now, I'd simply pray and ask for help. I sometimes specifically ask for an angel to accompany me. I have never yet asked for help and not received it. I have and will again feel the presence of loving energy around me and within me. In fact there is an amount of it with me all the time. It becomes greater when I ask for help, when I ask for more. I get through tough times with this help.

This asking for help, the help of positive energy-- angels, if you will, works for me even with something as common as dealing with a difficult person, or helping me keep calm in chaotic circumstances. I also ask for an angel to help me stay rational during time of decision making and also to help me fall asleep before a big trip, mind racing, when I can't seem to stop my brain long enough to rest. (I did this prior to the drive to the Reunion in Little Rock.) A warmth spread through my body that night. A solid and definite peace befell me. I was reset to center.

There have been times of greeter grief where I asked for longer assistance. I simply say a prayer in my mind, pointed and specific. I ask for exactly what I need. I get it every time.

I used to live in Brooklyn and work at the Chelsea Theater in Manhattan. Shows would regularly end very late and by 1 or 2 am I was on the sub headed back to my teeny apartment in Bay Ridge. One of these evenings I was on a car and everyone got off. I was completely alone in the car and once the train was moving again I got up to look to see if there was anyone in the car ahead of me. It was empty too. This was the only time I can recall this ever happening. "The city that never sleeps." is true. I only had two more stops before home. A flash of concern, not fear, hit me but I quelled it quickly by asking for an angel to escort me the rest of the way.

The next stop the doors opened. I hadn't noticed anyone on the platform as we pulled up but a man entered the space and, large as he was, filled the open double doors. He looked disgruntled and rough, a bit filthy. His hands clenched in fists. His jaw muscle bouncing under his unshaven jawline. Yet, I was unafraid. I felt warmth all around me and I, impulsively, instinctively, smiled at him and said, "Good evening."

His fiery eyes cooled. The deep wrinkles between his brow fell away. With a slight jerk his fingers popped from their balled forms. I looked in his eyes directly, unwavering, eyes open. He appeared taken aback for a moment. As the door chimed and closed behind him, he nodded at me and with two long strides took his seat at the opposite end of the car.

Fifteen minutes later, safely home, I said a prayer of thanks and slept soundly that night. This is only one of myriad instances where I have avoided danger by asking for assistance from the Universe and a little piece of that Universe came to my aid. I call those pieces angels.


Ebon 10-30-2012 10:05 AM

Absolutely. Arch angel Michael always comes through for me. Uriel makes me laugh when I need it. I've met angels in human form as well.

JAGG 10-30-2012 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Bleu (Post 687982)
"Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."

This is one of my very favorite quotes, even though I am aware it is a misquote. The original quote is:

"Go at it boldly, and you'll find unexpected forces closing round you and coming to your aid." Basil King, 1921

Whenever I was frightened as a child...even now, I'd simply pray and ask for help. I sometimes specifically ask for an angel to accompany me. I have never yet asked for help and not received it. I have and will again feel the presence of loving energy around me and within me. In fact there is an amount of it with me all the time. It becomes greater when I ask for help, when I ask for more. I get through tough times with this help.

This asking for help, the help of positive energy-- angels, if you will, works for me even with something as common as dealing with a difficult person, or helping me keep calm in chaotic circumstances. I also ask for an angel to help me stay rational during time of decision making and also to help me fall asleep before a big trip, mind racing, when I can't seem to stop my brain long enough to rest. (I did this prior to the drive to the Reunion in Little Rock.) A warmth spread through my body that night. A solid and definite peace befell me. I was reset to center.

There have been times of greeter grief where I asked for longer assistance. I simply say a prayer in my mind, pointed and specific. I ask for exactly what I need. I get it every time.

I used to live in Brooklyn and work at the Chelsea Theater in Manhattan. Shows would regularly end very late and by 1 or 2 am I was on the sub headed back to my teeny apartment in Bay Ridge. One of these evenings I was on a car and everyone got off. I was completely alone in the car and once the train was moving again I got up to look to see if there was anyone in the car ahead of me. It was empty too. This was the only time I can recall this ever happening. "The city that never sleeps." is true. I only had two more stops before home. A flash of concern, not fear, hit me but I quelled it quickly by asking for an angel to escort me the rest of the way.

The next stop the doors opened. I hadn't noticed anyone on the platform as we pulled up but a man entered the space and, large as he was, filled the open double doors. He looked disgruntled and rough, a bit filthy. His hands clenched in fists. His jaw muscle bouncing under his unshaven jawline. Yet, I was unafraid. I felt warmth all around me and I, impulsively, instinctively, smiled at him and said, "Good evening."

His fiery eyes cooled. The deep wrinkles between his brow fell away. With a slight jerk his fingers popped from their balled forms. I looked in his eyes directly, unwavering, eyes open. He appeared taken aback for a moment. As the door chimed and closed behind him, he nodded at me and with two long strides took his seat at the opposite end of the car.

Fifteen minutes later, safely home, I said a prayer of thanks and slept soundly that night. This is only one of myriad instances where I have avoided danger by asking for assistance from the Universe and a little piece of that Universe came to my aid. I call those pieces angels.


Marines always say " Be brave and great forces will come to your aid." And it is very true. I can tell you countless stories.

1QuirkyKiwi 10-30-2012 10:26 AM

As Artsy-fartsy as I am, I’m also philosophical and down to earth, and believe in Angels. A few incidences in my life have been enough confirmation that they exist and protect us.

My perception of them is mixed. By this I mean, I identify more with my Maori Atua (Gods/esses) and ancestors because they were the larger influence in my life, yet, I also embrace the Catholic and the Norse.

Rockinonahigh 10-30-2012 10:49 AM

When I was born very prematurely weighing less than 2 pounds,my gram said she was holding me praying for help of the lord and angles to save my life with me in good health if it was ment to be.She told me dureing this time she had a peaceful feeling of serinity,hope and love.Then she dreamed of the vergin Mary and Saint Michale she thin mromised to do a Saint Joseph alter yearly as long as she lived if they would grant her prayers.I'm still hear and yes,gram had the Joseph alters yearly till she passed.I am also named for the Vergin Mary and Saint Michael.Yes,I beleave in angles,they have guieded me(even if I havent always listned) they have saved me from fates I dont even want to know could have happened.I also beleave that I am where I am suposed to be at this time of my life and if its ment to change it will cause its suposed to change no mater how or why I want it NOW I need to just chill for the time being and injoy the ride.

Soft*Silver 10-30-2012 12:26 PM

back in the era of the vietnam war and daisy chains and hippie love, my sister found herself pregnant out of wedlock at Kent State University. She didnt want to tell my mom, didnt want to have an abortion, didnt want to drop out of college, didnt have money to raise the baby on her own and had no man to back the baby with a name. It was Easter time and she was wanting to go home but was paralyzed...not knowing what to do. Being pregnant out of wedlock back then was akin to wearing a red letter A on one's chest society-wise. So she went to visit a church. She has always been very spiritual and at one time, even wanted to be a nun.

As she was kneeling and praying, a priest walked up and sat down next to her. he spoke in broken english, and asked her what was wrong. She looked up and was stunned to see that the man looked so much like our dear departed grandmother, whom my sister was so very close to. My sister poured her story out to the priest, and he advised her to go home and tell our mother, to leave college to have the baby and God would help her to return to finish her degree. The priest told my sister he was a visiting priest, in for the holidays and hoped she would do well, as he didnt expect to see her again.

So my sister went home that weekend and told my mom. My mom was devastated but relieved that she wanted to have the baby. They made a plan and my sister went home to finish out the semester and then come home.
On her last week there, she went back to the church to find out if she could make contact with that priest. The church's priest looked strangely at her as she told her story, and informed her that there had been no visiting priest at the church for Easter. He had performed all the services himself.

My sister believed it was my grandmother herself, who has become our guardian angel. Or at least a spirit who watched over us.

My sister shared this story with me many times. Yet, when I brought it up to her recently, she has no memory of it. I traced it back in my journals that I have kept throughout the years. It was there several times. Why she does not remember now, when she and I spoke of it throughout our lives, I dont know.

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