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Daktari 11-23-2013 02:02 PM

Who's watching now? It's broadcast simultaneously globally.

pajama 11-23-2013 02:28 PM

The Boy is at work so I am recording it for us to watch when he gets home. I AM DYING TO WATCH!!!!!!!!!

Daktari 11-23-2013 02:30 PM


imperfect_cupcake 11-23-2013 03:31 PM

Is this where Peter Capaldi comes in??? I grew up with Tom Baker, and was mad for David Tennant but not a fan of Matt Smith. I stopped watching it cause I can't deal with him.
But I love how dark, dry, witty and dashing Peter Capaldi is.

Oh I just looked... it is!

Will be downloading and watching at my leisure tonight after study!

ETA: and the next doctor better be Sue Perkins so I can dribble on someone.

Daktari 11-23-2013 04:02 PM

I don't think they'll ever let ole Suey do it. Dr.Who Bake Off? Noooo! :|

Not been a fan of Mr.Smith either so not watched much Who in recent times.

Just been looking up the dates and I remember when Patrick Troughton regenerated as Jon Pertwee in 1970 when I was 7. And then Pertwee to Tom Baker in '74-81. So those two are 'my' Drs. I lost interest as I got older and missed the Davidson, Colin Baker, McCoy years.

It's a shame Christopher Eccleston didn't stay longer.

Tennant was fabulous though; even with the look of perpetual astonishment. ;)

I'm really looking forward to what Peter Capaldi can do.

No spoilers here but you're gonna love tonight's episode.

pajama 11-23-2013 04:47 PM

Oh. My. God.

That's all I'll say for now.....

imperfect_cupcake 11-23-2013 05:18 PM

Do i need to watch the night of the doctor first?

Daktari 11-23-2013 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by honeybarbara (Post 864563)
Do i need to watch the night of the doctor first?

I didn't but maybe you should. I'm going to watch it later.

I'm watching An Adventure in Space and Time. A drama about Dr.Who bring brought to the screen. Apparently there's a 5min William Hartnell documentary after it.

imperfect_cupcake 11-23-2013 05:50 PM

Since I haven't watched series 7 due to my sulking about losing Tennant, I caught up here

A Primer for Dr Who's "Day of the Doctor" 50th Anniversary Special

AND omg John Hurt! <3
and Tom Baker!
and David Tennant!
And Rose!


The download is taking ages though as tons of people are downloading and few people are seeding. wankers.

Girl_On_Fire 11-23-2013 07:19 PM

Just finished watching it about an hour ago. Oh. My. God. I'm excited for the upcoming season! I loved it. :D

Daktari 11-24-2013 08:11 AM

I thought John Hurt was ace. Good plot device.

Thanks for the link HB.

Stud_puppy1991 04-28-2014 11:30 PM

OH MY. So awesome to be around fellow Whovians. I am a major Doctor Who fan. And i mean that in the sense that I have seen Classic and New. I haven't watched all the Classic yet, but I've got most of it, and all of the new series is on my laptop as we speak. I also keep watching the 50th on repeat, as i do with nearly every episode. Oh, and of course, I like having my TARDIS hat and my 10 and 11 sonic screwdrivers, as well as my character encyclopedia. And as far as Doctors go, I really love 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. I am excited to see 12. And now I think I'll watch an episode.

Mel C. 04-28-2014 11:41 PM

i couldn't get into the old '70's' doctors but have enjoyed all of the new. Took a couple seasons for me to warm up to Smith, but I enjoy all of the companions.

Corkey 04-29-2014 12:58 PM

We are Whovians. When we pay for t.v. episodes then you know we have the itch.

silkepus 04-29-2014 02:23 PM

YAY whovians:D

Im absolutely bananas for it, and I have managed to spread the fandom to several of my friends. Whenever thers a new epsiode out we get together and who out. I think its a bit funny but there are lots of whovians in Norway and yet it has never actually been shown on norwegian television:p

And I didnt like Matt Smith either and I really didnt like Amy Pond, I was so happy when she was finally done. To be honest I havent really liked a companion since Donna. And I'm on a mission to see the old ones as well. I just borrowed the five doctors from a friend and I cant wait to see it:D

I love this:


Words 04-29-2014 03:42 PM

Tom Baker lives just up the road and we frequently see him around town (saw him just last week in fact and remarked to Blue how much older he seems, especially now that he's using a cane - he's a big man, and obviously has problems walking). He's nice enough but definitely likes to be left alone.


Mel C. 04-29-2014 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by silkepus (Post 906650)
?.... To be honest I havent really liked a companion since Donna....

Donna was sassy so I really liked her. I was disappointed by her short tenure. I really like Clara....also sassy.

Girl_On_Fire 04-29-2014 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by silkepus (Post 906650)
YAY whovians:D

And I didnt like Matt Smith either and I really didnt like Amy Pond, I was so happy when she was finally done.

Oh, I loved Amy Pond! I got so into Karen Gillan, I'm now following her other projects. I just saw "Oculus", her American horror movie, a few weekends back.

Now, the new girl, Clara, I can't get into. I did love Donna though. (Her storyline slayed me).

Stud_puppy1991 04-29-2014 10:13 PM

I like most of the companions, except I was not a fan of Martha or Mickey, but that's just me. I did like Rose, and I loved Donna. Had a great love for Amy and Rory, and also River. And I am really loving Clara. And then as far as classic companions, I still love Sarah Jane, K-9, and The Brigadier

mythy 04-30-2014 08:41 AM

doctor who
I think David Tennant and Catherine Tate were brilliant, the best pairing in the entire history of the show.

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