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key 02-13-2010 03:55 PM

Fix and then Pass the Healthcare Bill
I have my personal opinion about how "great" this healthcare bill is (for the insurance industry, that is), but the truth is, this the best thing we got going in the direction of changing anything. Lets not let our best shot in 100 years pass by without giving an honest effort.

Me, I call my congress critters probably once a week during heated policy processes. they are on my contacts list in my cell phone. But if you need to find out who yours is, just go to this website below, or whitehouse.gov (I believe)


Calling is better than signing a petition. Writing a letter is best, but will take too long right now. A receptionist will answer the phone and/or you can leave a message. Please be polite to the receptionist, they are not your congress critter, they are working a job.

But there is a push for "Pro health Care Reform" people to make 1 Million calls by next Friday. We have heard (and seen - thanks 'liberal media') from the Tea Baggers, we need to seriously get our message through.

Here is the million phone call website


And here is from that website:

A million calls on February 24th and 25th!

We're organizing a call-in effort to Congress on the 24th and the 25th to make a HUGE push to fix the Senate bill via reconciliation and to pass it! We need to finish the job on health care reform, and it's time to give Dems a spine on this one.

When you join our 1,000,000 million call effort, please invite your friends to join as well!

What Are We Aiming For In Fixing The Bill And Passing It?

What are we aiming for in the reconciliation fix package to the Senate bill? We are aiming for these items below:

* Inclusion of the public option
* The Medicare buy-in
* Fixing the excise tax
* Getting rid of the Nebraska Cornhusker Kickback deal
* National exchange
* Drug re-importation
* Drug price negotiation in Medicare Part D
* Increasing subsidies.


violaine 02-25-2010 02:38 PM

today -

thank you, key.

a moment of time is all it takes.




[supporting/opposing health bill]


Apocalipstic 02-25-2010 03:28 PM

Thank you!

While I admit to being deeply dissapointed in what the legislation is turning out to be, I do understamd that something is better than nothing and will continue to make calls.

theoddz 02-28-2010 09:43 AM

I watched this comment from Keith Olberman with tears in my eyes. How many times have I heard from scared Americans "We don't want socialized medicine because Obama wants to create death panels that will kill us"?? How many MORE times have I witnessed and been a part of the exact SAME sad scenario that Keith describes happened to his father. I'll tell you.....too many damned times. Here's the comment. Make up your own mind.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWtwvFc842A&feature=sub"]YouTube- Keith Olbermann Special Comment on His Father and Death Panels[/ame]

Reform health care NOW!!! :|

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Linus 03-05-2010 10:43 PM

It's an awesome piece by Keith. I like his "life panels" description and it seems more apt.

I'm watching Rachel Maddows right now and she showed a political ad by Anne Louden (sp?) is claiming that the Health Bill is wrong because it's government health care and she believes it will weaken programs like Medicare and "government health care is wrong". :|

Uh.. whut?!

Kenna 03-05-2010 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by theoddz (Post 58643)
I watched this comment from Keith Olberman with tears in my eyes. How many times have I heard from scared Americans "We don't want socialized medicine because Obama wants to create death panels that will kill us"?? How many MORE times have I witnessed and been a part of the exact SAME sad scenario that Keith describes happened to his father. I'll tell you.....too many damned times. Here's the comment. Make up your own mind.

YouTube- Keith Olbermann Special Comment on His Father and Death Panels

Reform health care NOW!!! :|

~Theo~ :bouquet:

How incredibly POWERFUL and MOVING!!! Thank you Theo.
I wasn't "allowed" to have a Life Discussion with my mother's doctors... but thankfully, she is better now than a year ago.

AtLast 03-06-2010 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by theoddz (Post 58643)
I watched this comment from Keith Olberman with tears in my eyes. How many times have I heard from scared Americans "We don't want socialized medicine because Obama wants to create death panels that will kill us"?? How many MORE times have I witnessed and been a part of the exact SAME sad scenario that Keith describes happened to his father. I'll tell you.....too many damned times. Here's the comment. Make up your own mind.

YouTube- Keith Olbermann Special Comment on His Father and Death Panels

Reform health care NOW!!! :|

~Theo~ :bouquet:

Yes, I had tears in my eyes watching this too.

I am so frustrated with this whole process. I honestly don't believe that our congressional system will be effective until we have publically funded elections! Every move made, and word said in congress hasn't a thing to do with legislating. It is all about re-elections and which party will be in control. I'm sick of all of them. And now we will be dealing with election contributions from corporations as people!

I'm disgusted with the health care fiasco. Yes, pass it, but it isn't really much of what is really needed. But, I guess a start. But, the insurance corporations will be throwing mega-bucks after it to render any beginning null & void in the mid-terms and in 2012.

I don't think I have ever been this disillusioned about our system ever before..... I thought Obama could make some changes. I am not seeing him as being effective as a leader. I still support him, but the on-the-job training and his delutions of non-partisanism is not cutting it.

We need a public health care system and the health-care carriers must be subject to anti-trust rules!!!

Linus 03-07-2010 09:06 AM

Lots of political fluff going on about "Reconciliation" being used to pass it. What's interesting is depending on who's doing it, the net result was most a plus for government as it meant costs went down (I doubt it will for this one). Interesting chart from the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/20...t_graphic.html

Miss Scarlett 03-07-2010 09:40 AM

If I get one more email forward from my Dad or stepmother about the evils of healthcare reform and how we're going to end up with a horrible system like Canada or Great Britain I swear I am going to go over there and take a hammer to their computers!

I have reminded my Dad over and over that I was treated under the British healthcare system and everything was just fine. Then he goes off on government health insurance and its evils and I have to remind him about the many times he commented during Mom's illness and after her death about how not having Medicare would have bankrupted them...

I've also reminded him that unlike him, I have been without health insurance including the 10+ years I worked for my own Mother! I had to go without treatment for things because I could not afford to pay for it myself. I've taken jobs with lousy employers just to have insurance.


key 03-07-2010 10:25 AM

I'm in the same boat Ms Scarlett

Originally Posted by Miss Scarlett (Post 62276)
If I get one more email forward from my Dad or stepmother about the evils of healthcare reform and how we're going to end up with a horrible system like Canada or Great Britain I swear I am going to go over there and take a hammer to their computers!

I have reminded my Dad over and over that I was treated under the British healthcare system and everything was just fine. Then he goes off on government health insurance and its evils and I have to remind him about the many times he commented during Mom's illness and after her death about how not having Medicare would have bankrupted them...

I've also reminded him that unlike him, I have been without health insurance including the 10+ years I worked for my own Mother! I had to go without treatment for things because I could not afford to pay for it myself. I've taken jobs with lousy employers just to have insurance.


I am from a fundamental Xtian (notice I do not use "Christ") family who are merely pawns in corporate America's death panel, kill granny, gov't hands off my medicare (sic) BS. I have given up trying to convince them with logic and facts and, frankly, have also given up trying to appeal to their sense of morality (Jesusy stuff like heal the sick, help the poor). And I have not seen a doctor (except one emergency room visit after enduring weeks of excruciating pain from kidney stones) in probably 15 years, since I started working for myself. Thankfully I am healthy, well, healthy enough to not be rushed to the hospital against my will, but I swear sometimes I think about getting a tattoo on my forehead saying "Do Not Resuscitate, Do Not Call an Ambulance." I would just rather die than go bankrupt.

But, we have the best Health Care in the world the tv tells us!

So I focus my efforts to educate towards people who may get it but just don't feel empowered to do anything about it. Seriously, if everyone we knew just called their congress critters once a week, we would make a huge impact. They really do take their constituents voices into consideration. And now more than ever we have to be a heavier counterweight to the lobbyists that are surrounding them everyday. Just a 30 second phone call to each rep and senator's office makes an impact.

theoddz 03-07-2010 11:03 AM

Fear is the biggest, most effective weapon in the GOP's arsenal, and yes, the Republican party is the pawn and legislative arm of Corporate America. Actually, both the Democratic and Republican parties are really all about the same thing, so we really cannot fault one without faulting the other, to be fair. The reality of the situation is that we don't have Democracy in this country, we have CORPORATISM.

Michael Moore brought this out in his latest movie, "Capitalism: A Love Story".....People who are sick, fearful, hopeless and demoralized DON'T VOTE. They do what they're told and "hope for the best". The VOTE is the one thing that "We the people" still have that is the greatest counterweight to this political culture of "I got mine, so screw you." If I've said this before, I'll say it one thousand times......it all depends on whose ox is getting gored.

Make it theirs.

VOTE. ;)

~Theo~ :bouquet:

AtLast 03-07-2010 12:17 PM

Isn't it ironic that those that espouse that the US has the best healthcare in the world... are members of congress! Hell yes, they have fantastic healthcare and it is publically funded!!!

Gryph 03-07-2010 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Linus (Post 62267)
Lots of political fluff going on about "Reconciliation" being used to pass it. What's interesting is depending on who's doing it, the net result was most a plus for government as it meant costs went down (I doubt it will for this one). Interesting chart from the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/20...t_graphic.html

I'm still not a big fan of "Reconciliation", but I know if they don't do something soon, then we, the citizens all loose.

Andrew, Jr. 03-07-2010 07:22 PM

It is really ashame that a world leading country can't move past this bill. Ugh! I also don't see Obama as being an effective leader. He is just a figure head.

Soon 03-08-2010 08:51 PM

Palin Crossed Border For Canadian Health Care

key 03-12-2010 08:58 AM

It's not too late to fix this bill, please call
40 Senators have signed a letter saying they will support the public option if it is introduced through reconciliation. But I read yesterday that Sen Durbin is urging Senators to not support ANY amendments to the bill. (Durbin BTW, signed that letter of support)

Believe it or not, Senators and Representatives do feel the pressure from their constituents. If enough of us call and simply tell the receptionist (or leave a message) that you want your Senator to support the public option through the reconciliation process. The call can (and should be) short and sweet, taking just 30 seconds to a minute of your time. Give them your name (or make one up) and your zip code or city/state.

Please take a moment today to call your congress critters. We are down to the wire here and need to keep the pressure up on them.

If you need to know your congress critters number go to http://www.contactingthecongress.org/ or call the Whitehouse switchboard and they will put you through. 202 225-3121.

Kenna 03-13-2010 07:47 PM

I am very bitter and angry right now...

Originally Posted by AtLastHome (Post 62332)
Isn't it ironic that those that espouse that the US has the best healthcare in the world... are members of congress! Hell yes, they have fantastic healthcare and it is publically funded!!!

Thank you AtLast. Sorry I may not be as eloquent in what I have to express... All of a sudden, this issue has really hit home for me.

After getting a call in the middle of the night from Gramma; having to listen to her heart shatter and her sobs as she told me that my dad had just died... I am very bitter and angry at "The System" now.

Very bitter indeed.

And very angry with many Government Officials - those same Gov Officials that have their healthcare, and that of all their dependents, FULLY PAID FOR and who have AMAZING "Access to Care".

Angry and Bitter because these Gov Officials have the POWER to change things for the better benefit of THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE... but they choose to...CHOOSE TO, mind you, coddle and cozy up to the "big businesses" (Such as Highmark Blue Shield in Pennsylvania and any other Insurance Company looking to make a buck instead of serve the people), their lobbyists, the pharmaceutical companies and any other "Agency" that seems to have the Government Officials' full attention because of their "pull" in Congress and their "BIG money"...instead of DOING WHAT IS RIGHT and what they have the POWER to do!!

I wonder what these same Government Officials, or their "buddies" in the big businesses which they seem to be in bed with, would do if their father (or other loved ones) died a needless, helpless death because they HAD NO INSURANCE and very very poor Access To Care?? I wonder what they would feel when they had to listen to their 80 year old Gramma sobbing as she said she didn't know how she could afford the hospital bills or a funeral? I wonder how helpless and heartbroken they would feel when the doctor told them that this "death could have been PREVENTED if the illness had been treated earlier." I wonder how hard they would push for changes in "the system" if their partner of 20 years lie dieing of bone cancer in the hospital but they were DENIED to be by her side in her last moments because they were "not related or married" and they were a gay couple?? (like my Aunt's partner of 20 years had to endure.) I wonder HOW FAST THEY WOULD CHANGE "THE SYSTEM" after being faced with the needless loss of a loved one because of LACK OF INSURANCE AND POOR ACCESS TO CARE. My father worked, yet had no health coverage and no death benefits. He should have received Disability for his bad heart and lungs, but had been denied time and time again.

My youngest son passed away 16 years ago... I had NO INSURANCE and EXTREMELY SUBSTANDARD ACCESS TO CARE... I had tried to work, but my kidneys were in bad shape, yet I was denied Medicaid over and over for various reasons (reasons I didn't know, until I became a caseworker, were BOGUS B.S. because someone at the Assistance Office didn't do their job.) I will never know the color of my son's eyes because he died a needless, preventable, helpless death at 9 months term, with no insurance. I gave birth to him at 4 in the morning, held him in my arms and kissed him goodbye, then the hospital discharged me at NOON that day because "ma'am, you don't have any insurance to pay for an extended stay". Right before they discharged me, I had to endure a nurse's question "Are you ready to nurse your baby?" because she didn't know he had passed away. I had to tell her "no thank you, I already said goodbye."

I did not get to say goodbye to my daddy... he died in the Emergency Room of pneumonia which made his heart and lungs fail. Had he had ACCESS TO CARE - the same kind of Access to Care that these Government Officials have - and ACCESS TO HEALTH COVERAGE, I am very certain that he would have sought treatment for his "chest cold" before it cost him is life.

How many more needless, painful, preventable deaths must loved ones face for the Government to make changes for the better benefit of THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE??!!

This is a plea, dedicated to my father Jerry and my son Dustin, to FIX AND PASS Health Care Reform that will serve the NEEDS OF THE PEOPLE. (Not those damn big businesses that keep their pockets padded and their private jet planes well fueled while people suffer.)

Please forgive my rant and my anger. I am very bitter and in much grief. Especially for my dear Gramma, who was faced with loosing yet another child, in addition to her Great Grandson 16 years ago. (I have every intention of sending this same letter to every Government Official I can possibly think of. MAYBE my voice will be heard this time, over top of the lobbyists?)

Kenna 03-13-2010 08:46 PM

I'd like to add, if I may...

Within 7 years in my career in Health Care and Human Services Management, I WORKED for Highmark Blue Shield, Medicare and then the Office of Medical Assistance Programs (Medicaid)...as well as working as a Department of Public Welfare Caseworker.
I tried sooooo hard at my personal level to make positive changes in "The System". Especially in the childrens' preventive health program that I managed for two years. "E.P.S.D.T" = Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program. A Preventive Health Program for ALL CHILDREN who are eligible for Medical Assistance in every State in the Nation. (Each State may call it something different...) I must be honest, I got very burned out... not because of the patients or clients I was there to serve... but because of Congress, our State Government and anyone else involved in Health Care Policy and Laws... I got sick of beating my head against a very solid brick wall, when all I was trying to do was "FIX THE SYSTEM" that was intended to SERVE THE PEOPLE.

I was a "High Level" Manager who wrote the health care policies AFTER the laws where passed. I drafted and submitted Legislative House and Senate Bill Analyses on health care related Bills and draft legislation/regulations... but I know that time and time again, the Government Officials chose the side of the Big Business instead of the People and they didn't give a Rat's A** what my Analysis stated...they were going to do what best served them, not the People. Things have got to change. I wish I had the courage and strength to take them on in person in a Legislative Hearing and testify on how "The Broken System" has affected my family.

I wish I had the strength and voice like Diane McGowan, who regrettably lost her 15 year old son to a PREVENTABLE, TREATABLE disease....Influenza!! She created the M.A.R.T.I.N. Foundation and testified to get the immunization requirements changed for ALL children in the United States...http://www.martinflufoundation.org/martin/about.cfm

AtLast 03-13-2010 10:16 PM

What is very clear to me is that this bill is critical to me (and so many others, not just a few of which, are members right here!). However, I honestly don't think it amounts to much without a public option and disalowing insurance companies their exemptions from anti-trust provisions.

Toughy 03-13-2010 11:47 PM

Without campaign finance reform......our choices are as follows (pick all that apply):

  • do nothing
  • allow health care financing to continue as a for-profit entity that is subsidized by tax dollars
  • change health insurance financing to be a not-for-profit entity (it was that way when I was a kid)
  • medicare for all at 55 yrs (and eventually for all despite age) and if under the current system, pay bunches more of tax dollars to big pharma and big health insurance
  • overhaul how we finance healthcare and institute a single payer system along the lines of the VA system.

If you think big pharma and big health insurance will loose this battle......I would suggest you look at how we finance elections......money talks....

The first change to be made is how election campaigns are financed. All political campaigns should receive the exact same amount of exposure, head to head.

Unless we change election financing we are pissing in the wind.....

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