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Old 06-12-2018, 07:45 AM   #7069
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Originally Posted by nanners View Post
I took a night to think about this after reading all of your responses about making an exception for Breathless. It is important to me that we are being fair, and not letting one person be late and still participate, yet waiting a few days and sending the project out late and banning that person for 6 months. (This happened to PurePisces last project when she was sick and was a couple days late, and she is on a 6 month time out).

Can we please have a discussion about this and find a way to make it fair for those who live outside the US? I do understand it is not Breathless's fault her project is not in my hands yet, but I would like something in black and white decided on and written out before the next project is completed.

I don't feel the wrangler should have the responsibility (burden) of making this kind of decision. If they ban someone for 6 months they look like an ass, if they go the other way and give special consideration to someone they are not following the rules. My mail concern is fairness, and having the rules followed so no one has to feel like they are favoring or not favoring someone.

With that said most are in favor of not penalizing Breathless, so this time hers will be sent out separate when I get them, and we will not have to wait to start another which she may participate.

I'll be sending the rest out tomorrow in a padded smaller gold envelope.

I'm OK with ideas for the next project, any ideas?

Very well spoken, nan, as always! I know I put it in your lap and that may have been a bit unfair as well but this is your wrangle and I didn't want to stomp all over it.

Honestly, I know I can be a bit harsh when it comes to rules. My first instinct was that it wasn't on time, end of story. We've laid out rules for this very thing and those rules were put in place for very good reasons.

That being said, to my knowledge, there was an effort to get them here in a reasonable amount of time. Pure got dealt a bad hand. She was doing the projects and came down sick. Not much one can do about that. I appreciate that she took some time to get better, for herself and for the recipients of her project. I think the difference is that Breathless' projects were completed well within the time frame. The problem was in the distribution method.

What I would suggest for Breathless that she use DHL every time she sends a package to us. She's used it before on my wrangles and that worked out well. I'm sure it's more costly but most guaranteed things are. For us in the US, I recommend ALWAYS sending something that can be tracked with priority or whatever.

The hard part is when the wrangler initially puts their idea out there, there's no way of knowing right away if there will be an international participant or not, so it's hard to come up with a set time frame that would be accommodating to the participants but still keep things moving so the next round isn't held up. Maybe change the time frame of when we post the dates and details? Give an outline about the project but hold off on dates until the final sign up is tallied?

Right now, we're basing the time allotted on the projects. Some projects are obviously easier to finish than others. That seems fair to me. I wouldn't want to wait 2 months for an ATC or Post Secret project to finish but I would expect it, or longer, for matchbox or other time intensive projects.

We've always been democratic here so what are the suggestions? For us to say, let her eat cake!, I think we should have something in play if this situation comes up again. Or, we leave things as they are and if it does come up again, there's a 6 month vacation, no discussion.

For the next project, I'm pretty open. I did one not too long ago, so I'll wait to see what's out there in our swirly brains.


I do have to say, I've loved watching CCB go through her 30 Days of Mermay (or whatever the official title is). I would love for us to do something simple like that, to have one topic plus a prompt, and to see what everyone comes up with. It wouldn't have to be mermaids (but, they are awesome!) but it should be something that could be interpreted in unlimited ways. So, when my turn comes around again, I would love to do something like that.

I'm misunderestimated.
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