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Old 04-26-2011, 08:25 AM   #109


Originally Posted by gaea View Post
I have been taking extra vit b for this and extra b12.

Last night i had my first upset and i ended up calling a friend who is a smoker and actually helped me through the upset. Seriously visualizing bubbles. im smiling still however for those involved in this thread.

How do you handle your upsets. your cranky moments etc. ?

I told my kid i was feeling cranky she kept poking no i didnt smoke, no i dont want to smoke.

What do you do when feeling a bit cranky?

Wooohoooo! Yesterday was my one year anniversary of giving up smoking tobacco. I'm seriously chuffed with myself.

I had a tough year last year gaea and when times were bad I just rode them out in my usual non-smoking grumpy fashion, having a rough time is merely an excuse to smoke not a reason. I probably drank more alcohol though which is not the answer. Grumpiness was dealt with mainly by learning to ride a unicycle. You just can't remain grumpy when you're having wheel fun.

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